
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cover Reveal: Ungodly by Kendare Blake

I'm so excited to share this cover today. Because I loved Antigoddess and Mortal Gods so so so much. <3 And waiting for Ungodly is kind of torture :) I need to know what happens next, especially after such an evil ending. Ack. And there is a summary below too. And it is gorgeous. And I am so nervous for this book. And so excited. I just cannot wait for September 22nd. <3 Anyway. The cover. I think it looks gorgeous :D It isn't my favorite of the three, but it is also stunning. And I love the colors. And I love that this cover has Athena and Cassandra on it :D They are both awesome. I'm not fully sure that this cover is the final version, but it might be, so I'm sharing it now :D And will be sharing it again / updating this post if the publisher ends up changing it. <3 Either way, I just cannot wait to read this book. I'm sure it will be all kinds of awesome :D Huge thank you to Kendare for sharing a bigger size of the cover with me. <3 You are the bestest. Yeah. Kendare is all kinds of amazing :D And I adore her books so much. <3 Also. Ungodly is going to be all kinds of epic. I'm sure of it :D What do you think of this cover? <3

As ancient immortals are left reeling, a modern Athena and Hermes search the world for answers in the final Goddess War novel by the acclaimed author of Anna Dressed in Blood

For the Goddess of Wisdom, what Athena didn’t know could fill a book. That’s what Ares said.

So she was wrong about some things. So the assault on Olympus left them beaten and scattered and possibly dead. So they have to fight the Fates themselves, who, it turns out, are the source of the gods’ illness. And sure, Athena is stuck in the underworld, holding the body of the only hero she has ever loved.

But Hermes is still topside, trying to power up Andie and Henry before he runs out of time and dies, or the Fates arrive to eat their faces.

And Cassandra is up there somewhere too. On a quest for death. With the god of death.

Just because things haven’t gone exactly according to plan, it doesn't mean they’ve lost. They’ve only mostly lost. And there’s a big difference.


  1. I still haven't started this series.. Should I?

  2. You know, I loved the original cover for Antigoddess but I love these books so much I don't care what cover they have! I can't wait for Ungodly. And, these covers do look lovely together and are growing on me.

  3. They look really stiff. :/
    It's a pretty cover, though!

  4. I agree with Kristen! I like this covers well enough but even if the covers were awful I'd love the books because they're amazing!! Cannot wait for Ungodly!!
    Thank you for sharing sweetie!!

  5. Oh what a pretty cover Carina, again I love how their is a similar theme being followed in the series covers! Thanks for sharing Carina, I will be looking forward to updated news about the cover :)

  6. I have to be honest... I liked the original cover better .-. They changed the covers after the first book but yeah. I wonder how the covers for the rest of the books would have looked like if they had kept up with those covers! :D

    Anyway, I am glad you loved the covers! I hope Ungodly will be just as awesome as it's covers! :D

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  7. Those covers are gorgeous! I really need to start this series :)

  8. I'm so glad you're enjoying the series, Carina! I have book one, but I probably won't be reading it, at least not until the series concludes. I hope you love this one when you read it!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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