
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Preview Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

This is just a small post to let you know that I just finished reading Red Queen. <3 And that my full review will be posted on February 9th, when I'm a part of the International Blog Tour hosted by HarperCollins International. <3 Which I'm all kinds of excited about :) I'm not going to say much about it right now.

But I do want to mention that I really liked Red Queen, despite giving it a three star rating. The first half of the book was four stars for me, but then I had some issues, so I'm settling with three stars. But yess. I did like this book a whole lot. And I think you would all enjoy Red Queen. So go pre-order it. <3

I don't want to say too much about this book at this moment, just wanted to let you know that I liked it. The writing is pretty amazing. The characters are interesting. The plot is exciting. And there in no love triangle. Just thought I should say that, hih. And that I'm glad I read this book. I'm excited for my gorgeous pre-order of the hardcover to arrive in February.


  1. I'm glad you liked it, Carina! And soooo glad that you saw that there is no love triangle. I'm curious as to where your issues were, but I will look for your full review when you post it.

    Fabulous mini review, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. That cover is STUNNING!

  3. Glad you basically liked it. And awesome you're part of the blog tour. I'll be hosting Victoria with a giveaway on 3/2.

  4. Ohh good to hear there is no love triangle! I was worried about that. :)

  5. Everyone is so excited for this one, myself included! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, but very curious about what issues you had with it!

  6. Glad to hear that despite some of your issues the book still managed to be a 3 stars, which is not bad! Cannot wait to read the proper review sweetie!

  7. I am glad you liked it for the most part - I am excited to read this one!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  8. I look forward to reading the full review because I'd like to know more about what happened in the second part of the book for you to reduce the rating..

  9. I am GLAD to hear that there is no love triangle! I know one of my friends said that too and I completely believe her but the more people that say it, the more helpful and encouraging it is! :)

    I am sorry the second half of the book wasn't as great for you though :( It sucks when you adore the first half but then something just happens in the second half to change your mind.

    But still, I am glad you liked it, Carina! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  10. There have been so many mixed messages about the romance in this! Some say love triangle, some say no love triangle, some say love SQUARE. I'm so confused haha. I've also heard there's very little actual romance, so....

    I'm not sure if this one is for me yet. :P Will have to think about it.

  11. Have heard good things, but sorry it wasnt quite what you expected especially last part

  12. Ooh, I can't wait for your review in a couple of days! I'm reading this right now and liking it well enough, but I'm not totally blown away like I was hoping I'd be. We'll see! :)


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