
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mini Review: Proxy by Mindee Arnett

I wasn't sure I was going to read this short story, despite wanting to for over a year. But then I finished Polaris today. And I had to read it. I had to know more about Jeth. And the new character, Aileen. I'm glad I read this. Proxy takes place before Avalon starts, and I enjoyed reading it so much. It's exciting.

I don't want to share too much about this short story, as it isn't very long, but I really liked it. Had a few smallish issues, which is why this is a four star, but mostly I loved all of it. I loved getting to read more about Jeth, whom I've grown to love. Sigh. And his little sister Lizzie. She's all kinds of amazing. Adore her.

While this is pretty short, we still get to know a lot of things. I loved getting to read more about Jeth and his crew. And I might like them all a little bit more. Maybe. We also get to meet Aileen, and I do wish there will be something more about her after Polaris. Such an interesting character. Crossing my fingers. <3 The story in this short is pretty exciting. It's fast and fun to read. There is a party and awesome clothes. There are betrayals. And more space. And just yeah. I enjoyed getting to read more from Jeth. I'm so glad I decided to read this short story. If you've read Avalon and haven't read Proxy yet, I really think you should do so. As this one was pretty amazing :) I enjoyed the writing and the characters a whole lot.


  1. I loved reading Proxy between Avalon and Polaris and I cannot wait for her to get her own book!

  2. I haven't read this series yet. I'm glad you loved it. :) It's probably not a "joy" book. Lol.

  3. Woot! So glad to hear that you liked this novella! YAY for Aileen :D I hope she gets her own full-length novel, honestly...

    Fabulous review, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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