
Saturday, January 24, 2015

In My Mailbox #169

I'm happy about this week. My health still sucks, but my abscess is getting better. Probably. And oh, I read so many amazing books this week. I'm so happy about that. I also got some great mail. <3 Though still waiting on a lot, hah. Next week will be even more awesome, I think :) But oh. Next week. Going to the hospital on Thursday, and back midnight Friday. It will be a kind of torture. Sob. I don't want to, but thing with having Morbus Crohn is that I have to once a year. Sigh. Just hoping it won't be too painful. Fingers crossed. Plus side, bringing my laptop so that I get to see the new The 100 episode on Thursday there :) Which I loved this week. Though it broke my heart. Damn Clarke. Sigh. But so excited for the next episode. <3 Blog posts for this week. I re-read the amazing This is Not a Test. <3 So damn good. Then I read Please Remain Calm :D Which I loved. I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on The Stars Never Rise. Then I read the amazing All the Rage. <3 Damn. It was good. I shared the cover for The Last Ever After. <3 Which is gorgeous. And then I read The Fire Sermon. Which I had a lot of issues with. Sigh. I just want to thank you all for always commenting on my blog posts. <3 You guys are the sweetest. And I try my best to comment on a lot of blogs, which I do every day, but I'm still behind on some of you that comment on my blog. And I'm so sorry. I just haven't had the energy to catch up yet :\ But hoping I will be able to soon. Fingers crossed. I do adore you all :) What did you get this week? 

Don't forget my US only giveaway of one hardcover of The Winner's Crime. <3 Enter here.
Don't forget my US only giveaway of one finished copy of Odditorium. <3 Enter that one here.

Polaris. I really enjoyed this book. <3 Which I'm so happy about. So I had to own this. So pretty too.
Avalon. I had some issues with this book, but really wanted to own the paperback as well. Gorgeous.
The 100. I haven't decided if I will read the book, but I wanted to own them all. Isn't it just stunning?
Soulprint. Ack. I really loved this book. And this UK paperback is gorgeous :D I love it. Arrived EARLY.
How To Train Your Dragon. You know, I just have to own all the books. <3 This one is so pretty. Love.
Captain America. I haven't watched movie one yet, but I am going to watch them all very soon. I think.
The Scorpio Races. My precious. Love love love my signed edition of this book. <3 More details below.
Vitro. Yay for gorgeous new US paperback look. <3 It is all kinds of stunning. I adored this book so much.

The Scorpio Races. Yesss. <3 Finally got my final book from the big order I placed with Fountain Bookstore back in August :) So much love. This book is the bestest. And this US paperback is stunning. <3 So glad to have it signed and personalized :) I own just about all her books, hiih. Missing a few :)

All the Rage. Please Remain Calm. Yesss. Huge thank you to St. Martin's Press for accepting my Netgalley request for All the Rage. <3 I read it right away, and I loved it so damn much. Sigh. My love. And Please Remain Calm, which I read the day before :D It was all kinds of perfect. Courtney Summers is just all kinds of amazing. So much love.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I love that cover of Soulprint! I wish I liked the U.S. One more. I hope you love the books :-) I hope your health improves more next week.

  2. I hope you feel better this coming week, Carina! I loved Avalon and Polaris - I want a paperback copy of Avalon, may buy one in addition to the ARC/hardcover...

    Anyway. Take it easy, Carina! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Check out my STS post!

  3. That cover of Soulprint is so pretty!
    Yay for preorders and signed books finally arriving, and in good shape!

    I do hope everything will go as well as possible at the hospital! Sending all the positive thoughts your way! *hugs*

  4. Ooh, The Winter Soldier! It's so good! Even if you're not too keen on the first movie, watch that one--it's way better (though I also loved the first. :D) Ah, The Scorpio Races is gorgeous. I'm so glad it made its way there finally!

    I hope your time at the hospital isn't too bad, Carina, and I hope you'll continue to feel better!

  5. I love signed books! Especially from an admired author. :) Happy reading, hun!

  6. You have intriguing selections as always. You have quite a taste for books with colorful designs! All the best to you with the upcoming procedures. Prayers will be sent your way!

  7. Aww, sucks that you're health it still down :(...happy to hear that your abscess is getting better, though. Best of luck with the hospital, hope it won't be painful. <3

    Great haul as always, Carina!

  8. The Scorpio Races. <3 So much love for that book!
    Loving the cover of Soulprint. I'm surprised by how much I liked that one. Glad we both did. :)
    Hope you start feeling better, girl. My thoughts are with you. <3

  9. Soul Print sounds like it will be a great read. Hope that you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  10. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so bad, sweetie. Hope you're hospital stay is not to terrible and helps you to feel better. *hugs*
    I looooved the Winter Soldier! :) Favorite character is The Falcon. And I agree with Rachel---this movie was better than the first one!
    Oh, I have Soulprint--I wasn't sure I was going to read it or not, but now that I hear you loved it, I think I will definitely make time for it!

  11. Aw, Carina :( That sucks that you're having to go through all that. Sending positive thoughts your way! I hope you are able to distract yourself with some good reading and tv. Courtney Summers - you know, I have never read her books before despite all the amazing things that I always hear! I'm clearly missing out! Glad to hear you loved her latest :)

  12. I hope everything gets better for you! I loveeee so many books that you got this week especially VITRO and Scorpio Races. Enjoy!
    -Jon from Bookish Antics!

  13. I hope you feel better soon Carina! Captain America Winter Soldier is an amazing film, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than the first Captain America film. I hope you enjoy all of your reads too! :)


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