
Saturday, January 3, 2015

In My Mailbox #166

This week has been better. Well, my health is worse, but I'm feeling a bit better and I've been better at catching up this week :) I'm still behind on my own blog comments :( but hoping to catch up very, very soon. <3 Just know that I read and love all my comments. You guys are the best. Anyway. This week I did not get a lot of things. Mail is so slow because of Christmas. Hmph. But next week.. hah. I'm waiting on a lot of pre-orders :) But I'm still all kinds of happy with what I did get this week. <3 Also. I read four books this past six days. Which makes me happy. Though two of those books were one stars. Hmph. But they were all review copies, and I'm glad I read all the books :) In fact, the last 6 books I read were all Macmillan ARCs. <3 So I have been very awesome at reading review copies lately, lol :) Blog posts of the week. I read The Rule of Three. Then I read the sequel, Fight for Power. Well. Not books for me. Posted another gorgeous Kai Cress Tuesday. <3 This week I'm waiting on A Court of Thorns and Roses. So excited about this book. And I posted a Happy New Year post :) Then I read The Stolen Moon. <3 Which I adored. And today I finished The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things. Adding link to my review once I post it in a few hours. <3 Overall, this week has been pretty great. I'm still hoping for my health to improve, hopefully soonish. I didn't get much, but it still looks pretty awesome ;p What did you get this week? :)

Alanna. Gorgeous box set. <3 I haven't read these books, but curious. A bit sad from peeking. Hmph.
Willowgrove. I had some issues with this book, but I had to own it :D And it looks pretty gorgeous. <3
Elizabeth Fama Christmas Card. Thank you so much Beth. <3 This card is all kinds of adorable :)
Winterspell Swag. Thank you Claire :D You are the best. <3 Got for pre-ordering :) So much love.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Your Cat seems to be curious about the thing in the picture. I still have to read Thornhill. I hope you enjoy everything. I do hope your health gets better indeed.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I've yet to read the Willowgrove series. I'm seeing everyone have the books and now I'm curious. I haven't gotten much mail lately either...I miss it, haha. I'm so sorry your health has been worse :-(

  3. *hugs* I hope your health will improve once and for all this year finally!!
    And yeah, the mail sucks with the damned Xmas time! I'm still waiting for one of my Reyes gift, hoping it'll arrive on Monday!

  4. The Alanna box set is so pretty. I love box sets and I've heard a lot of good things about this series. Happy reading :)

  5. So I was at the bookstore today and picked up Thornhill, thinking it was the 3rd book to the Hemlock series. Boy, was I wrong. I now own 3 copies of this wretched book. Ugh.

    Enjoy your books, hun!

  6. Warm cozy Kitty!! :D She looks like me at work---we have a space heater just like that and I'm always huddled around it. It is so cold in my library! I got Willowgrove this week, too, and my daughter was so excited, she loves the series. I will have to read it soon. Love all the pretty swag!

  7. the Christmas card is soooo cute!! willowgrove is on my to read list!

  8. Willowgrove sounds good, hope you enjoy. Happy 2015!

  9. Glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better! Hopefully a lot better soon! :) I loved Willowgrove - I need to get a finished copy! I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Haha, your cat looks so adorable <3 Thanks so much for your comment. It's been a while since I've commented and am finally trying to get back to it. So many exciting books to read in 2015. Hope you have a great reading year :)

  11. Your cat is just too cute/pretty! I'm allergic to them, unfortunately. :P
    I don't think I'll be reading the Hemlock series. It gets too close to a love triangle, I think. :/
    Happy reading, hon!

  12. Aw, I'm glad your week was a bit better! :)

    I got the swag from Claire Legrand too! Gosh, it's gorgeous. Now I just need to read Winterspell, huh? :)


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