
Monday, January 19, 2015

Book Recommendation: This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers

It's been way too long since I first read this book. Almost three years now. It is still the only book I have read by Courtney, so far, yet I adore her to pieces. She's all kinds of amazing. I love following her on twitter; she's so kind and sweet. <3 Anyway. This book. I cannot with this book. I had forgotten how amazing it was. I had forgotten how happy and how sad it made me. Because damn. This book is perfection. And I'm so glad I decided to finally re-read it. I loved it even more this time, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how to begin talking about my love for this book. Because it is huge. I adored re-reading this book. It was the best. This is Not a Test gave me all the feelings and I'm so happy about it. Sigh. The writing is stunning. I loved every part of the writing in this book. And the characters. They are all kinds of amazing. There aren't that many of them, yet more than enough. And I enjoyed reading about them all, so much. Then there is the plot. The plot is all kinds of exciting. Just, so much for me to love.

This is Not a Test is told from the point of view of Sloane. Whom I adored. She is all kinds of amazing. Though she is also broken. And she wants to die. And she has some issues. Yet I loved her even more because of that. I feel like she grows a bit in this book. She gets better. And I feel like Rhys helped her do that. And Grace too. And all of them. But then. Sloane is still broken. And it hurts my heart. Yet she is amazing to read about. And I adored her to pieces. I loved getting to know her. She's just awesome.

We learn a lot about Sloane's life in this book. You know, prior to the zombies arriving. How her father abuses her. How her sister, Lily, left her. I cannot even begin to talk about Lily. Ugh. I hated her for leaving Sloane behind. I hated her so much for it. Because it left Sloane broken. Yet she still loves Lily so much. But yeah. It bothered me. It made me so angry. I did not like hearing about her sister. Hmph. And I really hope Sloane will be able to get past something that happened. Sigh. Crossing my fingers for that.

You'd die without me. She said it all the time. She said it because it was true. 
It wasn't a secret. I'd die without her and she left anyway.

This plot in this amazing book. It is about the end of the world. Sort of. The zombies have arrived. There is no back story for it; no explanation. But I'm okay with that. This is the story of Sloane. And how she is surviving with the dead and the living. And I loved it. I loved it so much. She ends up with five other teens, and they end up staying in the high school all by themselves. There is so much death in this book. Most of it takes place inside, yet it was never boring. Not even for a moment. Loved it so much.

I adored reading about Sloane. Then there was the boy, Rhys. And oh, I adored him too. Loved getting to know him. There is a romance between them. It is small, but I loved it. Okay, it might be there because of need, maybe, but I loved it to pieces. And I feel like what they have is real. Oh, I hope. Then the other teens. The twins, Grace and Trace. I liked reading about them. Grace was so kind and sweet. But Trace was not. I did not like him at all. Hmph. And Harrison only cried. I didn't really like him either.

Then there was also Cary, whom I'm not sure how I felt about. I really liked reading about him. There is no romance between Sloane and anyone other than Rhys, thank god. But yeah. Cary is still an amazing person to read about. And I liked getting to know him, though he did do some fucked up things. Ack. Yet I sort of understood it too. Most of this book is about the teens trying to survive. And I enjoyed it so damn much. There are so many feelings. And heartbreak. There are some really adorable moments.

I don't want to share too much more about this book. Just that I loved it to pieces. Not that much of it focus on the zombies, but I'm okay with that. I loved reading about Sloane and Rhys. Everything about this book was just all kinds of amazing. Sigh. Well, except for that ending when everything went to hell. Ack. So much sadness. Yet it was so great to read about. I loved every moment. Just wishing this book had been so much longer. I cannot wait to read more awesome books by Courtney. <3 She's just amazing.

I'm not sure I'm ready for the sequel tomorrow. I think Please Remain Calm will be all kinds of perfect, because it is Rhys point of view, but I also worry like crazy. That summary hurts my heart. Sniffs. I worry because I am dying to know what happens next, but at the same time, I worry about how it can end happily. But I hope. I hope it will end with Rhys and Sloane together. <3 I'm crossing all my fingers. Either way, I cannot wait to read it tomorrow morning. I'm sure it will be the best. <3 Yet I am still so nervous.

If you still haven't read This is Not a Test then I do not know what you are waiting for. This book is so exciting. It is so good. It is so heartbreaking. It is so sweet. It is one of those books you just have to read. And you must. You really must read this book. Because I love it to pieces. And I need everyone else to love it too. Plus I'm curious to hear more thoughts about it. So go read it and let me know. This book broke my heart a little, but I'm so happy about it. Sloane is the bestest. And the story is so interesting.


  1. OMG YESSSSSS. I can't wait for Please Remain Calm!!! Arrrrgggghhhh.

  2. This sounds so good - I've heard amazing things about Courtney Summers' books! (And she's so awesome on Twitter!)

  3. Okay, so I have no idea why I keep putting this book off - I loved Summers' other books, so I definitely need to start this soon! Glad that you loved this book :)

    Fabulous post!

  4. I still haven't read this one yet and I'm really intrigued and excited about it, and I hope I can get to read it soon!
    Very happy to hear you loved it even more the second time around sweetie!

  5. This is a book I haven't read, so I definitely need to check it out! I didn't realize you loved it so much. I've heard about it, but I didn't think it was a "Danielle" book. Guess I need to re-think that! Thanks for sharing, girl. I love this feature. :)

  6. This is a great book!

    Sadly my library hasn't ordered "Please Remain Calm" yet, so i have to wait.

    Great Recommendation. :]

  7. I'm not a huge reader of zombie books, and this author is a little darker than I usually read. BUT I'm going to make this series happen. Also, thanks for saying this: :There is no romance between Sloane and anyone other than Rhys, thank god." xo


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