
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #164

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

When Zach and I were born our parents must have counted and recounted: limbs, fingers, toes. We were perfect. They would have been disbelieving: nobody dodged the split between Alpha and Omega.


They were born together and they will die together.

One strong Alpha twin and one mutated Omega; the only thing they share is the moment of their death.

The Omegas live in segregation, cast out by their families as soon as their mutation becomes clear. Forced to live apart, they are ruthlessly oppressed by their Alpha counterparts.

The Alphas are the elite. Once their weaker twin has been cast aside, they're free to live in privilege and safety, their Omega twin far from their thoughts.

Cass and Zach are both perfect on the outside: no missing limbs, no visible Omega mutation. But Cass has a secret: one that Zach will stop at nothing to expose.

The power to change the world lies in both their hands. One will have to defeat the other to see their vision of the future come to pass, but if they're not careful both will die in the struggle for power.

Hardcover, 423 pages
Expected publication: February 26th 2015 by HarperVoyager
Pre-Order here.

I am very excited about The Fire Sermon. <3 I have the gorgeous UK print ARC of it, so I will be reading it very soon, I hope. Hopefully this month :D I'm just a little bit nervous, as I peeked, and I'm unsure about the romance :p Sigh. But the plot. Ack. The plot sounds all kinds of awesome :D And the cover is pretty much stunning. I cannot wait to read this book. Have anyone read it yet, or are you planning to?
What are you waiting for on this fiery Wednesday?


  1. I have an arc too, what are you, Omega or Alpha? (I got the Omega one) such a good idea they done with them though, haha. Sounds amazing, so reading it soon too. :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  2. New to me but sounds good, and hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  3. OMG. this sounds sooo good! Great pick, C. ;)

  4. This seems like a really good premise! Love the cover too.
    Great pick Carina!

    My WoW

  5. It looks interesting. I hope you get your hands on it soon.
    here' s mine

    I also have a $30 amazon giftcard giveaway going on, so check it out.

  6. OMG. This book sounds very good and I really want to want it right now e_e.
    But I didn't understand too much. If one is mutation of the other, is like a clonation? Or twins? What kind of romance can be there? I'm a little confused.

  7. The cover does looks good! I hope the story will be awesome! :)

  8. Great pick and thanks for sharing! This one sounds reeeeally interesting. I'll be on the look out for your review. You always get the best books. :D

  9. Ooooh, what an awesome premise!! I need to add this one to the GR list for sure!
    Great pick sweetie, thank you for sharing it!!

  10. Um, how have I missed reading this synopsis before now? THIS SOUNDS AMAZING. Must have noooooooooow. Great pick, Carina!!


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