
Saturday, December 27, 2014

In My Mailbox #165

Happy Holidays everyone. <3 This week have been better. I have blogged a whole lot. Okay, I have only read one book, but I'm planning on reading more. I must read The Rule of Three book one and two before early January, as I'm on the blog tour. <3 Excited about that. This week I read I'll Meet You There, which was disappointing. Then I was a part of the This Shattered World quote stop tour. <3 So exciting. I posted another Cress Tuesday; small Kai teaser :) Then there was the Until Midnight launch post with International giveaway :D This week I'm waiting on A Book of Spirits and Thieves. <3 Aaand I shared my Best Books of 2014 post. <3 Which include 15 books this year. I also shared the cover for Island of Graves. <3 Which looks stunning. I had an amazing Christmas. Okay, I'm sick which is the worst, but good food and good family time. I should say that I'm feeling better this week, but I'm not, as I'm tired all the time. And I've been sleeping and napping a lot, which isn't even helping. Hmph. I didn't get any books as presents, but that's okay. <3 As I did get some of my pre-orders this week, and some other amazing things. <3 So I am happy with everything. Despite being sick. What did you get this week? Also. I might have spent a lot of time yesterday updating my About Me page, this time with less details. I also updated my Favorites page too. <3 And changed my header a little. So sad to see Shadow and Bone gone from it :( but loved Winterspell so much. It must be there, hih. What do you think of my new header? (I might be in love with it.) Okay, not the biggest change, but still :) The font is more clear now, anyway.

This Shattered World. I loved this book so much. And this hardcover is all kinds of gorgeous. I love it.
Her Dark Curiosity. I'm not sure I should have bought this. But I wanted to own all the editions.. ack.
Into the Still Blue. Sigh. I adore this US paperback. <3 As this book is perfection. Paperback is stunning.
Seraphina. Ack. This new US paperback is all kinds of gorgeous. <3 And this book is so damn good.
Breaking the Rules. I regret buying this. Regret it so much. Have heard it's only drama. So sad about it.
Nausicaa. Sigh. Favorite Ghibli movie. <3 It is the best. This edition of it looks stunning. I love it a lot.
Christmas Card. Thank you so so much Mel. <3 You are the best. This card is gorgeous. So much love :D
The Blacklist. Yay! I adore this show. <3 And I need to re-watch, didn't pay attention in the beginning ;p
Justin Bieber. Okay, only got this cause it was cheap. And I'm curious. I might like some songs. Maybe?
Red Queen. Meep! Gorgeous ARC that I got from Megan at HarperCollins International. <3 Thank you so much. I'm a part of the blog tour in February :) Excited about reading this one. Hoping I will love it.

The Cure for Dreaming poster. The gooorgeous poster that I won from Cat. <3 Thank you so so much. I got the bookmarks last week :) And this is so stunning. And it is signed. The cat loves it too, lol :D

Christmas Presents. All the gorgeous things I got for Christmas this year. <3 Book pillow thingy, that should make it easier for me to read. I really hope it works. Seems awesome, either way :) Bunny speaker for my phone. So cute. Owl for my table. <3 Love it. And plushies! Adore them both so much, hih. I can never have enough of cute plush animals :) Pink bathrobe. <3 I use these things almost every day, when I sit in my chair, as I get cold often. It's so soft. CDON giftcard. <3 Grocery store gift card from mom, lol, about $145. I love.. bubble bath :D So many. These smell delicious and are awesome. Bath bombs. These are the best. Redken. <3 Not sure it smelled that good. Hmph. Two small The Hobbit figures. Which are pretty cute. Two EOS for my lips; love these. The Body Shop! Love these items the most. The new holiday smell, Glazed Apple, is so perfect. So much love. Anyway. This is what I got :)

The Cage. Got this downloaded from HarperTeen via Edelweiss, hih. <3 I love more than anything that I am auto-approved. Sigh. So much love. Anyway. I'm really excited about The Cage. It looks and sounds awesome. But damn. I might have peeked at the ending. And I'm not sure yet how I feel about it. Sigh. But I will read this book. One day next year :) Are you going to read it?

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Love your book haul. The shattered world sound like an interesting book. Love the cover.

  2. Red Queen is amazing. I loved it. It was amazing. This Shattered World has a beautiful cover indeed.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. YAY for great gifts Carina! *hugs* Merry Xmas!!

    This Shattered World and Seraphina look so lovely! And YAY for Red Queen, I cannot wait to hear what you think!

    Hope you will continue to feel a lil better everyday! Happy reading sweetie!

  4. I loved This Shattered World, Into the Still Blue... enjoyed Her Dark Curiosity. I also have Red Queen. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Red Queen! I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on that book. Awesome haul, hun!

  6. Ooh you had a very nice haul!! Red Queen is AMAZING, I hope you enjoy it :) I downloaded The Cage too, I can't wait to read it!! Enjoy your books and happy holidays!!

  7. Oh my gosh the US cover is so so pretty! I hope that you get the chance to read some more Carina, as you have some awesome books to look forward to! :)

  8. Awesome haul Carina! Red Queen is an amazing read - I can't wait to see what you think. I'm just starting Breaking the Rules so I'm hoping it's good. And yay for The Body Shop products. I love that place! Happy New Year!

  9. I'm happy you liked the card :D I was very excited to get Red Queen in the mail, so pretty and it felt like an extra Christmas present. You got some nice Christmas presents there :D Happy reading!

  10. Awesome IMM! Love seeing all your Christmas goodies. Happy New Year!

  11. I'm DYING waiting for my hardcover of This Shattered World, but the pre-order was a Christmas present and it'll be signed with the poster, so I suppose it's worth the wait. :) Ooh, is Nausica good?? That's one Ghibli movie I haven't seen, but I want to really badly!!

    I hope you're having a great week Carina!

  12. I picked up This Shattered World, too - such a gorgeous cover! Lilac and Tarver are still my top OTP of that series, but I love Jubliee and Flynn. <3
    Into the Still Blue! Perfect series with NO triangle!
    I don't think you'll like Breaking the Rules. :( Thank goodness I bought it for my Kindle and not a physical copy.

    Happy reading! And thank you for always sharing these awesome photos. :)


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