
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Best Books of 2014

I have read a whole bunch of amazing books this year. And a whole lot of awful books. But those I will not share about. I shared my top 24 books last year, though this year will be a bit different. Will be sharing 15, as I didn't feel like all the five star books I have read this year was all that amazing. I mean, I loved most of them to pieces. But.. I didn't love them like crazy. Which is bothering me at the moment. Hmph. Last year I also shared about all the books I read that year. I will not do so now, because I haven't made a list like I did then. And I really don't feel like starting one right now. But yeah. I read 121 books, many were re-reads, and I read one book twice this year, so I actually read 122. You can see them all on my goodreads, if you want. <3 I'm not sure why I don't feel like I loved that many books this year. I blame it on how bad I'm feeling this month, lol. But I did enjoy so many books. <3 And I'm adding fifteen of them below. With links to my reviews. Also, I don't think my favorite books read this year are in order. Just loved them all so much. <3 Have you read any of them? :D Also. I have an important question. Should I do another post like this, with the worst books I read this year? I really want to, but I worry it might be a bit mean.. any thoughts on it? I do want to, but still a little bit unsure if I should :)

Ohh. I do have some other stats to share about all the books I read this year. I have read a few more books than last year, which makes me happy. I have read tons of review copies, a total of 60. <3 I'm hoping to read tons of amazing books next year as well :) I feel like I didn't read that many books this year. But at the same time, over one hundred books a year is a lot of different stories to have in my head. And I'm pleased with reading this number. As I had some bad months where I couldn't read much at all, but then other months where I read tons. <3 It just depends on how I'm feeling. Hoping next year will be lots better, so that I will be able to read a lot of new and awesome books. Crossing my fingers. <3

1. Blue Lily, Lily Blue. This third book was perfection. Nothing more to say than this: GANSEY.
2. Winterspell. This book was all kinds of gorgeous. The story is awesome. The romance is the best.
3. Endsinger. Damn this book. So heartbreaking. But so exciting and epic. I just loved it so very much.

4. The House of Hades. I loved this one so much. Need to be brave enough to read the final book too.
5. This Shattered World. I couldn't believe how much I adored this book. It is stunning. One of the best.
6. City of Heavenly Fire. The end of an amazing series. I cannot wait for all the upcoming books as well.

7. Ruin and Rising. It was everything I was hoping it would be. So pleased with how this series ended.
8. The Falconer. Damn this book. The ending is evil. But the rest is so stunning and amazing. Loved it.
9. The Map to Everywhere. Sigh. Perfect middle grade book. So sad yet so hopeful too. It was amazing.

10. Mortal Gods. This sequel was so evil. Yet the plot is exciting and I adore the characters so much.
11. The Perilous Sea. This was better than book one. The romance is even more perfect. Lots of love.
12. Trial by Fire. I was pretty heartbroken over this book. Yet it is so exciting and stunning. I loved it.

13. The Walls Around Us. This book was so different. So heartbreaking yet hopeful too. I really loved it.
14. The Body Electric. Oh, this was stunning. The romance is heartbreaking and perfect. So good.
15. The Cure for Dreaming. Book is different and all kinds of amazing. The romance is pretty sweet.



  1. Merry Christmas, Carina! Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Love, love, love.

  2. Merry Xmas Carina!!
    I still need to read some of the books in your list but of the ones I've read I agree that they're all wonderful books!!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed all of these!! Lots of them are on my lists to read (Perilous Sea, BLLB, Winterspell, Trial by Fire, and The Falconer). I loved City of Heavenly Fire too!! It was an amazing end of the series and I can't wait for TLH and TDA :D Happy Holidays!!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  4. Good list! "The Cure For Dreaming" seems like an intriguing read. Maybe worth checking out. My list of best books should be up on either Monday or Tuesday, probably Tuesday if I plan to do something else on Monday.

    As for a list of worst books, I have flirted with that idea, but decided against it time after time. It may work for you, because I am a blogger who also wants to get into the market of writing fiction.

  5. I LOVED The Perilous Sea, This Shattered World, Trial By Fire, The Falconer! I thought Ruin and Rising was okay. The two that were the polar opposite of your opinion (i.e. I disliked very much) were The Body Electric and Winterspell. Didn't like them at all! At least there were only two though, form your list.

    Glad 2014 was a wonderful year, in terms of books, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. 1. BLLB was amazing. I think I liked The dream thieves a little more, but Blue/Gansey are precious.
    2. Winterspell; I ordered this one today. I can't wait to get my copy <3
    3. This is a series I'm planning to start in 2015.
    7. Hehe. Different thoughts on this one :p
    8. AGREED. Such an evil ending, but so good at the same time.
    11. I love the ship in this series.
    13. I was blown away by the openings scene.
    15. I'm in love with her writing and how she uses pictures to capture the essence of her story.

  7. wow! so many different reads! YES to BLLB <3 <3 I also enjoyed Ruin & Rising. I need to check out The Wall Around Us. I wasn't a big fan of the burning sky so i didn't pick up the perilous sea. I need to read these broken stars and this shattered world!!! Great list Carina <3 May 2015 bring you more favorites!


  8. OOH! If I read it, I loved it! I neeeeed to read Winterspell, like, now! It's been sitting pretty on my shelf since its release week! :D We need the last Raven Cycle book as soon as possible, right? If Gansey dies, I'm going to die, oh my gosh.

  9. That's a ton of books, C! Thank you for sharing this list. I am so happy I finally decided to read The Raven Cycle! You and everyone else are totally right - it's SO GOOD. Love seeing This Shattered World and The Perilous Sea on there! I'm hoping to read The Falconer this year and maybe Trial By Fire (fingers crossed no triangles!)

    Great list, lady!


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