
Saturday, November 22, 2014

In My Mailbox #160

This week have been better. Well, my body is dead at all times, but I know it will always be so. Hmph. But I have read a little bit. And I'm feeling better, sort of. This week I actually didn't get much at all. I got a whole bunch of movies, which I'm sharing, but not many books at all. Might be because I have so little space left, and I only pre-order books :p Sigh. One day I will win the lottery. I hope :D Anyway. I am happy with what I got this week. <3 And what I read this week. Though I wish I would blog more. I want to do a new weekly blog thing. But I'm not sure what. Any suggestions? This week I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on Fairest. So excited. I read Shutter, which I didn't like much. Sigh. Then I read the short story This Night So Dark, which I enjoyed a lot. And then I read This Shattered World, which I loved. <3 Ohh. Also. I didn't get any pre-orders this week. Sigh. But maybe next week. <3 Also. It is now winter here with me, which means dark almost all the time, so my pictures will not be light anymore. Hmph. But they don't look too awful. I hope :) Ohh! I also saw Interstellar this week. Which I really enjoyed. Though it broke my heart a little. And the wave planet! So awesome. But all those years. Sad face. But so good. Also got The Hobbit tickets for December 10th. <3 What did you get this week? <3

The Map to Everywhere. Eeeek! Huge thank you to Hermione & Nina at Orion publishing in the UK for this gorgeous hardcover for review. <3 I think I'm reading this one next. I can't wait. Sounds awesome :)
Ribbon. Gorgeous Pushing the Limits ribbon and bookmark that I got from Katie. <3 Thank you so much.

Movies. Most of these were on sale. <3 And I have to have all the Disney classics on blu-ray. I just have to, hih. Love so many of these. <3 Haven't seen all of them yet. :) I won Solan og Ludvig + Børning + The Fault in Our Stars from Platekompaniet here in Norway :D I won 8 movies, some aren't out yet, coming soon. So so excited, hih. I think I need to re-watch Noah very soon. I loved that one.

Illusionarium. Crimson Bound. These covers are so stunning that I needed to have the image be big, hih. I downloaded these two from Edelweiss, as I am still auto-approved for HarperTeen there, dies. <3 SO excited about Illusionarium. It sounds amazing. And I adore the author. I'm also so excited about Crimson Bound. But.. I peeked at the ending last night. And I saw something that made me so angry and upset and ugh. I am not reading this for a long time, I think. Sigh. If you want to know, you could ask me on twitter about it, hiih. It just made me so upset. Sniffs. But anyway. So excited about these :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I'm glad that to hear that you are doing a lil better at least!
    Crimson Bound and Illusionarium!! I requested them in EW, and I'm hoping to get approved, crossing my fingers!
    Happy reading sweetie!

  2. Illusionarium sounds and looks so good!! I love all those Disney movies, they're classics :) Enjoy your books and movies :)

  3. Illusionarium has a great cover. Your books look really good. The Cat looks upset. Great haul.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. You're so right, Illusionarium and Crimson Bound to have fantastic covers! I understand why you made them large! I love The Aristocats movie - it's a favorite at our house. (:

  5. I LOVE Disney movies!! I still watch them even when my kids aren't!! They're classics, and a big part of my childhood!! Awesome haul too!! CRIMSON BOUND looks really good!! I hope you enjoy all your new goodies.

    Check out my STS:

  6. I also got Crimson Bound and Illusionarium - as you know. So glad that you loved This Night So Dark and This Shattered World as well! :D I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. Great haul! Illusionarium is on my wishlist too :)

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  8. Hmmm, something you could post weekly about. Perhaps personal stuff? The map to everywhere sounds great and I loved Carrie Ryan's zombie series. All your blu-ray DVD's *drool* I got the same books from Edelweiss, I'm so excited :D Happy reading and I hope you feel a little better soon.

  9. I didn't get any books at all this week. I should've taken a page from your blog and posted movies that I bought this week (The Host, If I Stay, The Fault...).

    Have a great week, hun. I hope you'll feel better soon.

  10. I reeeally hope I am approved for Illusionarium! Fingers crossed! Crimson Bound sounds really awesome too. I hope you love them.
    If you win the lottery you have to promise to share some of your winnings with me. :D

  11. Illusionarium and Crimson Bound are gorgeous covers! Hope Crimson Bound turn out to be a great read in spite your worries. Happy reading, Carina! :)

  12. I hope you feel better soon Carina, I wish I could go on a spending spree, all those movies look amazing, I really need to get a copy of The Book Thief soon. Also I need to go watch Interstellar, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Happy reading Carina! :)

  13. I might need to find out what bothered you about the end. SO CURIOUS. I've yet to DL Crimson yet because I wanted to hear other's thoughts beforehand since I was iffy on the last book. I'm reading Illusionarium as you know and we've talked a bit about it. We'll see how it goes. I want both books to be amazing! I'm glad you've done a bit better this week and I hope next week improves even more. Yay movies!

  14. seen a lot of crimson bound and sounds like it will be a good read. Hope you enjoy and have a good week and happy thanksgiving.

  15. The Map to Everywhere really sounds amazing, I love middle grade books! :)
    And enjoy all the lovely movies. :))


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