
Saturday, November 8, 2014

In My Mailbox #158

I'm unsure about this week. I got some of the most awesome books. <3 And I read three amazing books. But I've also been feeling pretty crappy. Sigh. My fingers are killing me. Hoping it will get better after new hospital/medicine trip on Monday. :) But anyway. I did get a whole bunch of books this week. Many pre-orders. ARCs. And lots of  damaged pre-orders. Sigh. It bothers me so so much. I don't want any of my books to be damaged :( But I don't have any other way to buy books; only  The Book Depository. Which sometimes sucks. But sigh. I did have a good week. Probably. Anyway. I have chosen a giveaway winner for my swag giveaway, here. Thank you all so much for entering :D There were 1993 entries, which is also the year I was born ;p This week I re-read The Raven Boys. <3 And The Dream Thieves. And then I read Blue Lily, Lily Blue :D Dies. GANSEY. So much love. <3 will soon read more. Hopefully. These books have ruined my heart a little. Anyway. I also posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on Joyride :D I also shared the cover for The Uninvited by Cat Winters. <3 Which I am dying to read. So excited. Overall this was an awesome week for me. Mostly :) What did you get this week?

All Our Yesterdays Swag Giveaway. <3 International. So pretty. Enter to win here.

Fierce Reads. SEVEN gorgeous ARCs that I won from Fierce Reads on twitter :D DIES. Thank you so so much. <3 Macmillan is the best, fyi. So excited about all of these books. <3 Mostly excited about Shutter, I think. Hoping to get started on reading them all very soon :D Have you read any of them?
Macmillan Kids. Two gorgeous ARCs that I got via Ksenia at Macmillan Kids. <3 Thank you so so much. I cannot wait to read both books :D I adored The Lost Planet, so really excited about this sequel. I have yet to read The Rule of 3, but, now I own both ARCs and I will read both of them soon :) So perfect.

Everblaze. So excited. <3 Such a huge book. And I love this series. And FITZ. Fitz on the cover! Love.
Mortal Heart. Love this book. <3 But also damaged. Heartbreak. Still. It is such a stunning book. <3
Empire of Shadows. I have yet to read book one, but now I own them both :D Covers are so stunning.
Earth & Sky. I'm going to cross my fingers that this book is awesome. It looks very pretty, anyway. <3
The Amber Spyglass + Northern Lights. Perfection. But. Damaged. Heartbreak. I am so upset about it.
The Young Elites. Gorgeous paperback edition of this very amazing book. <3 I adore it. So so much.
HTTYD. Another of these gorgeous little comic books. <3 It looks stunning. And I just had to own it.
Movies. These were on sale. <3 And I did not yet own them in blu-ray. So I had to buy them. I had to :D

Everblaze. My second copy. <3 This middle grade series is all kinds of beautiful. Fitz and Sophie. <3
Forbidden. I do own a print ARC of this book too. I just need to be brave enough to read it :D Soon.
The Walled City. I am excited about this book. Just hoping it will be all kinds of awesome. I think so.
The Map to Everywhere. This middle grade book looks adorable. <3 Fingers crossed that I will love it.
The Retribution of Mara Dyer. So so so excited about this book. <3 Soonish I will re-read the first two.
A Thousand Pieces of You. I am excited yet nervous about this book. Sigh. It looks gorgeous, though :)
The Fall bookmarks. HUGE thank you to Bethany for these gooorgeous bookmarks. <3 So much love.
His Dark Materials. Yeah. My christmas present for myself. SO EXPENSIVE. But worth it. Probably. Either way, they are all kinds of gorgeous. And I love them. <3 And different picture below. Yeah. Will and Lyra are my favorite. <3 So much love. Box set cost me 1600,- NOK. Heh. Most expensive books I own :)
1989. My gorgeous deluxe cd. <3 So much love! Love all the songs. And I adore Taylor. She is the best. And I love the 13 photographs inside. <3 They are number 1-13. Does anyone else have any different numbers on their cards? But oh. I really want the special Target edition of this cd too. One day. :)

My loves. <3 Not the best quality, cause iPhone picture, but will take better pictures another day. <3 Most likely. If I dare to touch them, lol, with how much money I spent buying them all. :) Just, perfect.

My signed first editions of The Retribution of Mara Dyer. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome stack of books and a lot of different types of books this week. I hope you love all your new books this week. Enjoy them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I'm so sad that your pre-orders were damaged. That's just not right :-( Forbidden looks beautiful. And isn't Shutter's cover so creepy? I've heard good things about it so yay! Enjoy your books Carina...I hope your new hospital and meds help you to feel better.

  3. Awesome book haul! His Dark Materials looks amazing and I'm super excited to start The Walled City and A Thousand Pieces of You.
    I'm so sorry that your books came damaged, have you tried ordering from, they also have free worldwide shipping?

  4. It's so upsetting when books arrive damaged!! *hugs* But you got such gorgeous and undamaged books too!
    Big congrats on winning all those amazing ARCs too!!

    I hope you will feeling much better soon sweetie! *big hugs*

  5. Hope you feel better, Carina! So many awesome books to "comfort" you :D I loved Forbidden, The Young Elites, Mortal Heart, and The Walled City, and omg I can't wait to get my copy of The Retribution! Next week, I'll go get one, perhaps. I didn't love A Thousand Pieces of You, but I didn't hate it either. I have Dream A Little Dream as well - love Kerstin Gier! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend, Carina :)

    Check out my STS post!

  6. Whoa what an amazing haul!! You have such good luck with the twitter giveaways! Wow, that collector's item of Dark Materials is just gorgeous. Enjoy all your new goodies, dear!

  7. I'm hoping to reading Mortal Heart soon! Currently re-reading the first two book. :D I really hope it a good conclusion to the trilogy!

    Sorry to hear your in pain. :( Hope you feel better! <3

  8. Shutter has such a creepy cover. Congrats on winning those ARC's. MORTAL HEART. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive <3 Empire of the shadows was great (just like City of a thousand dolls) Pretty covers. Happy reading and feel better soon!

  9. Wow. You get the best books! I hope you'll enjoy these, C. I'm especially excited about I'll Meet You There. I haven't read too many reviews on that one.

    I hope your fingers will feel better soon!

  10. Congratulations on the big win Carina, that is one amazing haul that I can't wait to get my hands on! I've heard great things about The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things and I'll Meet You There, so I really hope you enjoy them. I also hope that you feel better soon! :)

  11. What an awesome haul! You always get the best books. :P
    I'll Meet You There is amazing, I hope you'll give it a try! I also really liked Queen of Bright and Shiny Things.
    Oh and Retribution - can't wait to see what you think of that!
    Shutter sounds amazing although horror isn't usually my thing.
    Happy reading, love!

    Danielle @ Love at First Page


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