
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Book Recommendation: The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

I am so glad that I finally re-read this stunning book. Though my heart is also all kinds of broken. But mostly I feel happy. Because I have so much love for these books. For Gansey. For Blue. For Ronan. For Noah. And just everyone in this amazing book. I'm not sure why it has taken me forever to re-read these books. As I loved them to pieces. Especially this when I read it a year ago. I guess I was scared, since there will be four books, and I don't know how it ends. But now I have re-read them both. So much love.

And I could not be happier about it. Now I shall start reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Finally. <3 And I simply cannot wait. I'm sure it will be all kinds of awesome. I hope. And all kinds of heartbreaking too. Then I will wait another year for the final book. Hmph. Waiting is torture. But Gansey is worth it, I'm sure. Anyway. I shall try to explain my love of this book with you guys. But yeah. I love all of it. It is just everything. Mostly I love the relationship between Blue and the boys. It is real and stunning and honest.

In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. 
Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.

But then there is the thing I love the most about these books. Gansey. And my love for him only grew in The Dream Thieves. He is still the cutest. Still the smartest. And just so full of joy and light. Okay. When he smiles and is happy. Which isn't all that often. Sobs. Gansey is kind of broken. And it breaks my heart. I just want and need someone to love him. Pretty please? Anyway. Gansey is all kinds of awesome in this book. And I couldn't have loved him more. I just love every single part of him. <3

I do not only love Gansey, though. I do love Blue as well. She is so amazing to read about. And I love getting to know her more. And seeing her friendship with Noah is the best. Sniffs. And so sad too. And her and the whole Adam thing. Sigh. So glad that seems to be over. I hope. Adam is just not right for Blue. Not at all. Blue and Gansey really need to get together soon. <3 Well. Blue need to be honest and tell him about the first time she met him. I need her to share that part with someone. Shortly, please.

I also really adored Ronan in The Dream Thieves. He has a bigger part. And I loved getting to know him. And his family. His older brother Declan, whom I really, really hated, and his younger brother Matthew, whom I adored. And more about his dead father and his mother. And learning more about his dreams. And sigh. There is just so much to love about Ronan. He is a snake, as they say, but he is also so sweet too. He is just broken. And I cannot blame him for that. So yeah. I really loved reading about Ronan.

There are also many new characters in this book. Like the Gray Man. Whom I also ended up really liking. Loved reading about him and Maura. And ohh. All the people living in Blue's home. Seemed like so many o.O Yet I loved reading about them all. We also get to know the boy, Kavinsky, more. And ugh. I hated most of the things he said. So badly. But he helped Ronan. A little bit. But.. I didn't like this boy. Maybe a little bit. If he hadn't been broken beyond repair. I was really curious about him, though. Probably :D

A very small, very selfish voice inside Gansey whispered, What if you left him here, what if
you made him find his own way back; what if he had to call you and apologize for once?

See that quote above? It breaks my heart into a million pieces. And it was my biggest issue with this book. Okay, my only issue, to be honest. Adam. And how awful he treats Gansey. And how Gansey is doing nothing about it. I don't get it. Adam is being such a dickhead. And I hate him for it. He has no reason. I don't feel sorry for him at all, when he acts like that. Not once have he apologized to Gansey. I don't like Adam at all. And I don't get why they are friends with him. Hoping he might change, though.

There is so much about The Dream Thieves. There is so much about it that I love. And so much about it broke my heart. There isn't much romance. But there are feelings. And they are hurtful and honest and just all kinds of perfect. I just loved this book to pieces. And I need you all to read it. Because it is all kinds of awesome. The characters are amazing. The plot is stunning. The magic is perfect. I just loved everything about The Dream Thieves. About Gansey. I cannot wait to get started on book three next. <3


  1. I really will be re-reading these books next year before the last one comes out!
    I wasn't too keen on Ronan after Raven Boys, but after reading this one? I love him as much as I do love the rest of them all!
    Maggie is simply a master! I'm reading Blue Lily Lily Blue now and loving it to pieces!

  2. You should be happy to know that I'm finally reading this series! Not liking Adam, but I'm already half in love with Gansey. :D

  3. I started to read this one and realised that I don't remember much from the first one, so I started reading it first. I can't wait to get to "TDT" and "BL,LB". I am so excited!

  4. I can't get enough of this series. I own it on Audiobook and hardcover!
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