
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mini Review: Seraphina: The Audition by Rachel Hartman

Finally had the chance to read this short story. And it was perfect. But way too short. Hmph. I just need to read more about Seraphina. <3 As she is awesome. And I adore her so much. Anyway. I read The Audition in my new hardcover of Seraphina. <3 And it was stunning. So glad I finally read it.

It is short, though. So so short. But we get to see how Seraphina ended up working for Viridius and giving away music lessons to Princess Glisselda. And I'm so glad for it. Because this short story gives me more of Seraphina's back story. We also see a bit of Orma, whom I adore. He's the best uncle.

I also loved getting to see more of Glisselda. As I adore her too. Though, you know, I am not pleased that she is engaged. Sniffs. But I can get over that, as I'm hoping it will be ended in Shadow Scale. Anyway. The Audition is a cute short story. It is fun and awesome. And I'm so glad that I read it. Oh. And I totally forgot to mention it in my book recommendation of Seraphina yesterday, but yeah. I love that music is such a big part in this book. I love how amazing Seraphina is at it. And I love how it is just a big part of these books. Cannot wait to read more about it in Shadow Scale. I think you should all need to read this short story if you have read Seraphina. <3 And if not, then go read both. Because they are both so perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea behind these books but haven't read the first yet


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