
Saturday, October 25, 2014

In My Mailbox #156

This IMM post is going to be a bit different. As it is only the mail I got from Monday to Thursday. Because this post got written on Thursday. As I left Friday morning. <3 and will return late Monday. Going on a very long road trip, which I hope it all kinds of awesome :D It will be more than 30 hours by car :p So we are sleeping three night at hotels. Which I love, hih. I will be on twitter, though. But yeah. I haven't posted anything since Wednesday. And no new posts until Tuesday. But that's okay. Anyway. I got some pretty awesome things in the beginning of this week :D Which I'm all kinds of happy for. <3 the mail I'm getting on Friday and Saturday will be included in my next week IMM post. :) Though I only posted until Wednesday, I do have some posts this week. I shared the cover for Illusionarium. Which I love. And then I shared the cover for The Golden Specific. <3 Which I also adore. And another Cress Tuesday teaser. <3 Week 52! Eeek. And then I re-read The Thickety: A Path Begins. <3 Which I still love. And then I read the sequel, The Thickety: The Whispering Trees :D So much love. This week I'm waiting on An Ember in the Ashes. <3 I'm excited to get back from my roadtrip. What did you get this week?

Don't forget do enter my International Swag Giveaway. <3 It is awesome. Enter to win here.

Harry Potter. Big box set of Harry Potter books :D Yess. They are stunning. <3 But oh. Some of them are damaged inside o.O Which is breaking my heart, as nothing can be done about it. Hmph. Still. Perfect.
Divergent. Special collector's edition. <3 Since, you know, I own all the copies, I needed these too, hih :D
Blue Lily, Lily Blue. I got these on Tuesday. <3 GORGEOUS. I have yet to re-read book one and two, though. Hmph. I am scared. But I will. Hopefully next week. <3 And I cannot wait to read this book.
Trial by Fire. Gooorgeous bookmarks that I got from Josie. <3 Thank you so so much. Sniffs. Stunning.

All Our Yesterdays. ACK! So much gorgeous. Dies. <3 I am a part of The Insiders, which is just killing me, so so awesome. So I got all this special swag from Cristin. <3 I will be holding giveaways. Starting next week sometime. <3 Also, this book is all kinds of awesome. Read it. But you have read it, right?

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Oooo, road trip! Hope it is a fun road trip! Take lots of pictures!

    I love the swag you received! This "Insiders", sounds very secretive... I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Check out my STS post!

  2. I love seeing your cat photos. The cat is very beautiful indeed. You got some awesome lovelies. Love that the box set forms into a dragon. Very cool indeed.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. The Harry Potter box set, so pretty! <3 I can't wait to read Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Have fun on your road trip!

  4. Road trip! So awesome. I hope you'll have a great time!

  5. Your kitty is so fluffy and cute, Carina! I have an e-Copy of Blue Lily, Lily Blue but I'm sure I'll want a hardcopy once I've finished. Enjoy your books, Carina! :)

  6. The Harry Potter box set is so pretty!!! I think I may need to splurge on a copy soon! Also I#, loving the swag for All Our Yesterday's, I absolutely loved that book! I hope you're having a wonderful break! :)

  7. I hope you're having fun on your trip!! :D

    HP books damaged? That's so sad! I guess theoretically you could get a new copy of whatever is damaged and put it in there? Still really stinks, though. BLLB is soooo pretty! I need to read it nooooow.

  8. Harry potter box looks great, hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  9. YESSS!! Insiders swag!! I also had the envelope waiting for me when I arrived today!! =D Isn't Cristin just the best?!

    And that HP box looks amazing!! =D I hope you had a brilliant time on your roadtrip!

  10. Love the HP box set :) So beautiful and amazing. Lucky you!


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