
Saturday, October 18, 2014

In My Mailbox #155

I did not blog all that much this week. Ack. Because I did not feel like reading much at all :p But I did manage to read two books. So yeah. Hoping to re-read another one today; we'll see :) I also got some pretty awesome books in the mail. <3 Still waiting on a bunch of things I have won, sniffs, but hoping they will arrive pretty soon. But sigh. The Body Electric. This made my week, as they are stuuunning. <3 And I love the swag so so much. This week I posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on Talon. Then I read The Young Elites. <3 Which I loved. I also read the sampler for The Fire Sermon, which I need more of. I shared the gorgeous cover for Crimson Bound. <3 Then yesterday I read The Body Electric :D Sigh. So much love. I also picked a winner for my Firebug giveaway, whom has responded. I also just wanted to say that you guys are all kinds of awesome. Thank you all so much for always commenting. <3 Overall, I'm pleased with this week. Got awesome books. What did you get this week?
Waaaait. I forgot to mention! I reached 300,000 page views this week :D Eeek! Thank you so much. <3

Don't forget do enter my International Swag Giveaway. <3 It is awesome. Enter to win here.

The Body Electric. MY LOVES. I pre-ordered these two limited edition from Malaprops, just for me. <3 And they are stunning. And the SWAG. All the swag. Dies. Since I pre-orderd two, I got two packs, so now I can have both sides on my wall, hih. Which I'm so so excited about. Sigh. I just read this book yesterday as well. SO GOOD. You all need to buy it. Though this special limited edition is no more; was only 300 copies of it. <3 And I got two for me. Dies. Also, see the very awesome signatures below. :)

The Blood of Olympus. Finally is this book out. <3 Might read it next week. Once I dare to try, lol. Sad about no Percy/Annabeth chapters :( Anyway. I will read the US copy, but both are just so stunning. <3
Winterspell. I got a new copy as one that arrived last week was damaged. Sniffs. This one looks perfect.
The Cure for Dreaming. I LOVE this book. So much. Cat is amazing. And my hardcovers are stunning.
The Dream Thieves. This I also got another copy of, because of damage. <3 Such a good book. Sigh.

Frozen. Two more gorgeous books, hiih. Just so much love. And Olaf has arms. Hah. He is just so cute.
The Hobbit. This wasn't too expensive, so I just had to buy it. Only one Legolas picture inside, though :\
The Accidental Highwayman. I didn't love this. But it was a bit fun. So I wanted my own hardcover of it. And this is just all kinds of stunning. <3 Though, I thought it was red. Hmm. But. This one is better :D
Mortal Gods. Yess. I loved this book SO MUCH. And the finished hardcover is so damn gorgeous. <3
Snow Like Ashes. Finally got this book today :D Not sure when I'll start it.. but it looks so so pretty.
Shimmer. This took over 2 weeks to arrive. Hmph. But finally here :D Soon I will start this series. <3
Things. My only Halloween ornament. <3 And he is gorgeous, lol. The rest of my things I bought on sale, cause I wanted them, and they were cheap and pretty, hiih. I used to love Pokemon so much years ago :D

My signed copies of The Body Electric. <3 SO MUCH LOVE.

Signed Crown of Midnight print :D This is my favorite prize that I won via the Heir of Fire blog tour. <3 SO EXCITED. Just, omg. This is stunning. And I cannot wait to put it on my wall. Love it so so much.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I didn't know Body Electric came out on Oct 6th. Makes me want to order a copy for myself now, too. Oh I love all these swags! Jealous. Jealous. Especially anything that's signed!

    Have a lovely week, C. :)

  2. Wow the cover to The Body Electric is really pretty!! And hooray that you've finally got a copy of Shimmer, I can't wait for you to start this series. Happy reading! :)

  3. I loved Snow Like Ashes! And you got some awesome swag. Dude, I'm so close to 300,000 pageviews - I think I have a few more thousand to go. It's such a cool milestone! Anyway. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Egad, I am jealous of your floor for all the awesome it had on it!! So much prettiness...

  5. Your cat is beautiful. So many awesome books. I didn't know that Beth Revis had a new book. Mortal Gods looks really good.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. Oh I love the Heir of Midnight and Body Electric artwork!! So fun! I need to try Kendare Blake's new series---I adored Anna Dressed in Blood. Still need to read Winterspell!!! Next, I think. I will read it next. Can't wait anymore!!

  7. Shimmer looks good, hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful week

  8. The Cure for Dreaming hardcover is seriously the most beautiful thing. Did you see the spine? That was what sealed the deal for me when I was looking at it in the store, of all things! I seriously want to read it NOW. Same with Winterspell! I have a signed US cover print of Crown of Midnight that's needed a frame for over a year now. Those are just so cool! :D

    I hope you're having a great week Carina!

  9. You always have the best book hauls! I wish I had your mailbox haha. I still need to read The Raven Boys but I love staring at those covers - they are so pretty! Also Shimmer - can't wait to read that series too.
    Thanks for sharing those pics, C!

  10. SO MANY AWESOME BOOKS!! And aaaaah the Body Electric swag is so amaziiiing!! I also just opened my parcel today!! So gorgeous everything!!

    And yes the hardcover of The Cure For Dreaming is sooooo gorgeous!!


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