
Saturday, October 4, 2014

In My Mailbox #153

I didn't get that many books this week. Yet still many, hih :D I just love getting mail. But omg. I only have room for about 150 more books. And then I cannot buy more. Oh. I mustn't think of it. Too heartbreaking. Sniffs. Anyway. I'm unsure about this week. I got medicine on Monday, but I'm yet to feel any better. Hoping it happens soon. Sigh. I have read a little bit, but not that much. Though I am currently reading Thornhill, which I hope to finish today, and then I will read Willowgrove :) Which I'm excited about. This week's posts: Cress Tuesday with Dr. Erland. <3 I'm waiting on The Box and the Dragonfly. I finally posted my two star review for Lark Rising. And I read The Witch of Salt & Storm, which I enjoyed. Then I read Stray, which I also loved. <3 And then I re-read Hemlock, which is still an awesome book. And I shared the cover for The Vanishing Throne. <3 What did you get this week? :)

Don't forget to enter my US/Canada giveaway of a hardcover of Firebug. <3 Awesome book. Enter here.

Unmade. I. Uhm. Bought to own. Yet to start series. Don't want to. Not pleased with my peeking. Sigh.
Balance Keepers. This middle grade looks cute. Hoping it will be. Reading it someday. Most likely :D
Journal. I needed to pre-order this. As it looks gorgeous. And it is HTTYD. So yeah. It looks stunning :)
Divergent. Well. Just a re-print of the paperback. Hmph. But it was a pre-order, so I pre-ordered it. Hih.
Winterspell. My gorgeous. My love. Very soon I will re-read this perfect book. So excited. It's amazing.
The Infinite Sea. Now I own all the editions :D Same as with the first book. <3 Might read it. One day.
Mockingjay. I just had to own the movie-tie-in versions. There was the UK and the US one. So pretty.
The League of Seven. Got this for review from Tor Teen. <3 First time hearing of it; looks awesome :D
Polaris. Gooorgeous Polaris bookmark that I got from Mindee. <3 Thank you so so much. I adore it.
Ruin and Rising. You know, I must own them all. So I had to order this CD version of this perfect book :D

The Dream Thieves. THEY ARRIVED DAMAGED. Soooobs. I am not pleased. Still. Best book. <3
And a bunch of other awesome stuff, hiih. I just had to buy some things while shopping after hospital visit :) The plush is my favorite. So cute. And many of the other things were on sale, which I love.

The Thickety: The Whispering Trees. So excited about this gorgeous book! Was hoping to get a print arc, but doubt that will happen. Sigh. But I will have to re-read book one before I read this one, hih :)
Willowgrove. I downloaded this to peek, hih, but then I got excited. So I'm reading this one soon :D
A Cold Legacy. I admit. I downloaded this only to peek. I'm evil. But yeah. I don't think I will read it. Sniffs. As I am still so damn pissed about book two. Which I have not fully read, but still. I am curious.

My Collection of Books by Claire Legrand. <3 Oh, how I adore Claire. She is the best. And her books are peeeeerfection. And they are all gorgeous too. Sigh. I love my collection a whole lot, hih :) So gorgeous.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I'm planing on start Willowgrove either tomorrow or Monday. I don't usually peak at endings, but I just had to with Willowgrove! Had to know she ended up with the guy I'm rooting for. xD

    I'm curious what's making you not want to pick up the Infinite Sea, ASAP?

    Lovely haul as always, Carina! x

  2. Great books this week! I've yet to read Winterspell. I'm so sorry your medicine hasn't helped much :-( I hope you start feeling better soon. I am scared about Unmade! I've enjoyed the series so plan on getting this one but nervous.

  3. Amazing haul! I am super excited for Winterspell and I love that Olaf figure!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. I'm so sorry to hear the medicine this week hasn't helped much sweetie... I do hope you'll start feeling much better soon! *hugs*

    I'm awaiting my finished copy of Winterspell too, they are so so lovely looking!!

    Enjoy all your new books Carina! Happy reading!

  5. WOW. Lots of books this week. I hope you love all your new books this week. Winterspell has such a pretty cover. Sorry to hear about your book coming in damaged. That sucks. Great stack.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. So many great books! LOVED The Dream Thieves (sorry they arrived damaged! I hate it when that happens).

    I didn't realize A Cold Legacy was on Edelweiss! Thanks for letting me know :)

    Hope you enjoy everything :D

  7. OMG i had no idea there were more titles on EW, I definitely gotta go check them out! I've been waiting for Willowgrove to come on EW and now I think it's time to start this series! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Gotta go to the library!

    I just went on EW now and.. you should have seen me. It's been so long since I've actually scrolled through EW that I didn't even know HC had new titles on there. I think I am going to have a wonderous time now :P

    Also Winterspell looks gorgeous in person, Carina! I really should snag myself a copy soon so I can read it! :)

    Happy reading, Carina and have a great weekend! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  8. Look at all those lovely books! I consider that a ton of books. :)

    Hope the meds help and you feel better.

  9. I hope you get better soon! Sometimes, doctors don't know everything... and girl, buy as many books as you want! There's ALWAYS room ;D Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Unmade looks good, hope you enjoy and have a good upcoming week.

  11. WINTERSPELL. I need to get a copy from that one as soon as possible :D I'm so excited for The whispering trees & I also can't wait to finish the series by reading A cold legacy. Happy reading!

  12. I was gonna say - I'm surprised you got UNMADE, because that is all sorts of slippery on the romance front. I think someone mentioned a love square at some point lol. No thanks! The writing does sound really funny though - such a shame the romance couldn't just stick to two people.
    I haven't read The 5th Wave yet either - I heard the second book is kind of disappointing and there's very little romance, so I'm not going to read it any time soon. :P
    Happy reading, love! <3

  13. Winterspell is just so pretty! I need to get my own copy this week, so I can read it! I did look at the paperback copy of The Dream Thieves today--so pretty! Hahaha. I can't wait to read A Cold Legacy, actually. At least everything will be resolved! :D


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