
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Book Recommendation: The Thickety: A Path Begins by J. A. White

I just read this book in May. But I seem to have forgotten a bunch of it. So I had to re-read it. <3 Okay, I didn't have to, but I really, really wanted to. And I'm so glad that I did. Because this book is all kinds of awesome. But so damn sad. And heartbreaking. Yet it is full of magic and adventure and it is so much fun and it has so many feelings. Kara is the best main character. And I loved re-reading her story. I cannot wait to get started on my eARC of book two in a moment. <3 I'm just so excited to read more.

I will try not to write another long review of this book. Because I have just done so, it feels, yet I cannot help but talk about some things. And I just need you all to read The Thickety: A Path Begins. Because it is so exciting. And different. Though I have read a few books since May that reminded me so much of this. Yet they are not the same, though all were awesome. This book is different, though. It is so much fun to read. But in a dark way. Life for Kara is the worst and my heart is still breaking over it. So sad.

There is so much I love about this book. I love that there is magic. That there is a small village living in a cursed island. And they are all acting kind of crazy. Yet I loved reading about the way they live. So interesting and different. I enjoyed that they all hated witches. Though I do not approve. Because the book begins with Kara at five years old. Having to watch her mom get murdered for being a witch. It was the worst. Not full on details, but still so awful. The people are a bit crazy. But yes. So interesting.

The book is told from the point of view of twelve year old Kara. Whom is all kinds of adorable. I just love her to pieces. And her little brother, Taff, who is seven. I just loved reading about their life. How sick Taff is. How they miss their mother. How they aren't sure if they should love her or not. How their father is there, but not really there. How the people of the village treat them. How they are almost starving. It all made my heart ache. And it is so good. And I wanted to read more and more about it.

Not all of the people are mean, though. Kara has one friend, Lucas. Whom I really wish there were more about, hih. Because he is the bestest friend. And there could be so much more between them. And there is a beginning of a romance. But nothing yet. Hmph. Then there is that ending. And I fear there won't be a romance. But I wish it. Because I adored Lucas and I would love to read more about him and Kara together. As he was a true friend to her. And I loved that. I just loved that so much. It's the very best.

I won't say all the things about this book. Probably not. There is just so much. Yet the book is read really, really fast, so I don't think it's that long. Which is okay. Because there are sequels. But yeah. I do not have enough of this story. I loved the adventure and mystery about this book. I loved reading about the magic, and how it must be used. And the characters. Sigh. Grace. Just, oh god. She is an awful little girl. And I didn't like her at all. And Simon. I felt so sorry for him, but I still hated him. Hmph. Not nice.

I think what I liked the most about this book was The Thickety. The mysterious forest. And I cannot wait to get to read more about it in the sequel. As that ending? So evil. Yet so awesome too. I cannot wait to read more about Kara and Taff. And just everything. Anyway. I just wanted to share my love for this book, again, hih. Because I do love it. I love it so much. I even read it twice. This year. And I will probably read it lots more in the future. As I don't think I will ever stop loving this book. I hope not :)

If you have not read The Thickety: A Path Begins yet, I suggest that you do so. Because it is stunning. It is heartbreaking. And it is full of magic. This is one of the best books I have read. And it will stay in my heart for a long time. The story of Kara and Taff is beautiful. And I cannot wait to get to know them even more. So yeah. I'm really, really glad that I decided to re-read this beautiful book. And ack. Yess. Look at that cover. Isn't it just all kinds of stunning? There is some gorgeous artwork inside too. <3

I'm a witch. Just like my mother.

Cover Reveal for The Thickey: The Whispering Trees.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. This sounds interesting! I've been seeing it around lately but never got around to actually try and read it. Great review!

  2. Ooooh, it sounds fantastic and really a book I need to get it for Rhea, she loves fantasy books!
    Thank you for putting this book in my radar Carina!!


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