
Saturday, September 27, 2014

In My Mailbox #152

I feel like time is moving so fast. And I'm so behind on everything. Yet I feel like I'm always catching up on things. But I'm still so so far behind on comments. Hmph. But soon. I just need to feel better, which has not happened yet. More medicine on Monday, so hoping it will get better. <3 Anyway. I was going to read a lot this week, but that did not happen. Hah. But I did read two books :) And I'm going to start The Witch of Salt & Storm today. <3 Hoping I will love it. This week I read The Iron Trial. <3 which I loved. I also read The Accidental Highwayman, which I did not fully like. Then I shared another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on Atlantia. I'm also a part of the Firebug blog tour this week :D Where I have a guest post with Lish. <3 and an US/Canada giveaway. Go enter. And I'm sharing the cover for Rebellion. <3 And also the stunning cover for The Winner's Crime :D What did you get this week? <3

Shadows + Haze. YAY! I won these two gorgeous books from Tundra Books via the blog tour :D Thank you so so much. <3 I have yet to read these. But I will. Have also ordered myself the paperback of Shimmer, so I will read them soonish. Also. Shadows is signed. <3 SO pretty. Hoping that I will love the books.
Stormdancer. Foreign edition :D I had to buy this via bookdepo. Love the book. This one is stunning.
Godzilla. Had to buy this, as it was a bit cheaper. <3 3D version. I did really enjoy this move as well :)
Firebug. This book is amazing. <3 Love it so much. And oh, this hardcover is just so stunning. Love it.
The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place. I loved this book. So much. Finished copy is perfect.
Lark Rising. I didn't fully love this, but I wanted the finished copy. And isn't it just so pretty? Sigh.
The Infinite Sea. I'm unsure if I will ever read this. One day. But I wanted the paperbacks as well, hih :)
Salt & Storm. I wanted this cover as well, as the hardcover looks stunning. So pretty in person as well.
The Witch of Salt & Storm. Review copy gotten from UK publisher. <3 Will start this today. Excited.
Mockingjay. Been so long since I read this book. Sigh. But I needed this movie-tie in. <3 So so pretty.
Philip Pullman. Two gorgeous paperback books. <3 Didn't have these editions, so I had to buy them :D

If You Find Me. Huge thank you to Emily Murdoch for sending me these gorgeous signed books. <3 And that card is the best. Sniffs. So so happy. <3 Emily is amazing and so kind. There are STARS! Inside the books too. So cute :D Also got the signed winner books, so those have been shipped now as well :)

Plush. I adore My Blue Nose Friends. And I need to own all of them, hih. <3 These are just so gorgeous.

Angry Birds. This GORGEOUS Stella snoods I won from Angry Birds over at twitter. <3 Thank you so so much. It looks gorgeous. And I love the box it arrived in. And that card! Hah. I love it so so much. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awww, your kitty is so so so adorableeee!!
    I do hope Monday & med will make you feel better finally sweetie! *hugs*

    I cannot wait for you to read Shadows, Haze & Shimmer and I hope you will love them! *crosses fingers*
    Happy reading sweetie!!

  2. Wow, what a haul... I love all your books, happy reading. And your cat is super cute :)

  3. This is a great haul of books. I love your Cat. Your Cat is so beautiful. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. Your kitty is so cute. And awesome how many good books you got. Every week you get super awesome ones. Enjoy.

  5. SHADOWS AND HAZE! OMGGGGGGGGG. I love these two books. You got so many amazing books!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Aw, I hope you feel better soon, sweetie! A lot of those books should at least cheer you up. :)
    I got Shadows and Haze recently too and I can't wait to read them! Have heard so many great things.
    All those book covers - gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. I hope you love Shadows, Haze and Shimmer! I can't wait until you read them :-) Great haul this week. I'm with you, I feel behind ALL THE TIME. I can't keep up with comments. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well *big hug*

  8. The plush toys are so cute! And OMG I loved Lark Rising (as you know) - so sorry you didn't enjoy it more! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. So many fun pretty things, Carina!! Sad to hear you didn't love Lark Rising. It's looked really good. I really need to get myself a copy of Scandalhouse Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place!! I've heard nothing but amazing things about it.

  10. So much awesome! Congrats again for The Rephaim series. :)

  11. I'm thrilled to see Shadows and Haze in your haul Carina, as you know I've absolutely loved this series, so I really hope that you do too! You have so many awesome books to look forward to. Happy reading! :)

  12. Firebug looks good, hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  13. The foreign edition from Stormdancer is gorgeous :D The scandalous sisterhood has such a fantastic title and I also like the cover. The if you find me signed editions <3


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