
Saturday, September 13, 2014

In My Mailbox #150

I think this might have been the best mail week. As I got the most gorgeous ARC in the mail yesterday. It kills me how awesome it is. <3 My review of Endsinger will post shortly, after I finish it. Sigh. I also got a bunch of other amazing mail as well. <3 In love with all of it. Things are still missing, sigh, but yeah. That is just normal these days, I suppose. Anyway. I am still behind on comments. And I'm still feeling like crap most of the time. Just tired of being sick all the time. But yeah. Posts this week. Another Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on A Darker Shade of Magic. I also read some books. I read The Last Stormdancer. <3 Then I re-read Stormdancer. And re-read Kinslayer. And I am currently reading Endsinger. <3 Sniffs. They take forever to read, but so worth it. Giveaway winners have been chosen and emailed and announced. All three have responded. Which makes me happy. This week I also re-watched Maleficent. Sniffs. What a perfect movie. Love it so much. What did you get this week?

Endsinger. Just look at this beauty. Look at it. Sigh. <3 Thank you so much to Mary at Thomas Dunne Books / St. Martin's Press. This means the world to me. And this ARC is STUNNING. Almost done reading it. So perfect. And it will always be special to me. <3 Ack. So so much love for this :) Adore this series.

Heir of Fire. Hmph. One day I will read book one, lol. But had to get these. They are so pretty, right?
Trial by Fire. I loved this book. So much. And this hardcover of it is gorgeous. <3 I love it so much.
Rose Under Fire. I needed this new paperback edition. Because book is awesome and this is so pretty.
The Iron Trial. So excited about this book! Hopefully reading it soon. <3 And oh, it is very gorgeous.
Rae Carson. Got replacement of The Bitter Kingdom. <3 And this other goorgeous book. So excited!
Shades of Earth + Across the Universe. I had to buy these signed books. I did. Love them so much. <3
Champion. You know, I must own ALL the copies, hah. This is the new US paperback. <3 Very pretty.
Friday Never Leaving. I'm crossing my fingers that this book will be good. Because I wanted it, hih.

Mary Tudor. I have no idea why I got this book from The Book Depository. I didn't want it, lol. It arrived with packaging slip of Friday Never Leaving. Without that book. Hmph. Still. Free book for me, hih :)
His Dark Materials. When I re-read this series, I knew I needed all editions. This big book is gorgeous.
Movies. These three movies cost me $5! Ack. So cheap. Only ones they had, hih. They look awesome :)
The Unwanteds: Island of Legends. This is stunning. And I adore this middle grade series. And omg. This package is peeerfect. <3 Bought it from Changing Hands. Signed book too. So amazing. Love! <3

How To Train Your Dragon 2. These calendars are the most pretty. Gosh. Just look at them. So gorgeous.
Frozen. This calendar is gorgeous too :D I love it very much. Sigh. Frozen is all kinds of awesome.
Frozen books. And a bunch of Frozen books too :D New ones. <3 And they are all so so amazing.

My signed books. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. You have some amazing books in your haul. There is a theme - lots of fire :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. WOW! What a fantastic haul you got this week, Carina!!
    Signed books are always fantastic!! Aaaaah, Endsinger!! Such a gorgeous ARC!!
    I cannot wait to read your review for it!
    Happy reading sweetie! I hope you will be feeling much better soon!

  3. Ooh, awesome haul! I'm reading/listening to Heir Of Fire now and really enjoying it! I really need to start The Lotus War series, I've heard amazing things about it. I hope you enjoy all your new goodies!

    Check out my STS:

  4. Great haul Carina!! I've not read The Lotus War series! I've seen great stuff but haven't ever gotten to them. Enjoy them all!

  5. Awesome haul Carina. Heir of Fire was awesome. I really like the cover for the last book in the Lotus War series.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. Happy reading , Carina . awesome haul

  7. I always love seeing your weekly haul of goodies!

  8. This haul is stunning. I'm currently reading The Iron Trial and it's so so so great. And I'd like to read the Lotus War series, it sounds really good. Happy reading! :)

  9. Ah! This is definitely a great week! I just finished Trial By Fire last night and really liked it! I bet the hardcover is so preeeetty, too. I can't believe it JUST came out and we have to wait for the second book. And I LOVE that edition of His Dark Materials!! Oh my gosh. I need to get some pretty copies of that for myself, since all I have are my beat-up copies from elementary school. :) I hope you have a wonderful week Carina!

  10. So many lovelies! I love Trial by Fire, the Across the Universe series, The Fire & Thorns series! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  11. So many fabulous books! Rose Under Fire is in paperback? Awesome! I'll have to get that one.

    Hope you enjoy everything :D

  12. NOT READ THRONE OF GLASS? How Carina, how? :p I can't wait for my copy to arrive, they are gorgeous. I'm also waiting for The bitter kingdom & Girl of fire and thorns stories. I love the Frozen and HTTYD calenders <3

  13. You're kitty is sooo cute, Carina! I know Throne of Glass is a favorite of many so enjoy! :)


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