
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Book Recommendation: Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff

This is my second time reading Kinslayer. First read it a year ago. And oh. My heart is just as much broken this time as it was then. This book is amazing, of course, but it also shattered my heart. I have so many feelings about this series. And I am dying to read Endsinger. Simply dying. But also beyond nervous, because I cannot help but think it will end badly. Ack. But I have hope too. A small one. <3 But yeah. My heart is shattered after reading this book a second time. It is so cruel. Yet so good as well.

I could talk forever about Kinslayer. Because oh. There are so many things happening at all times. So much in my head. Yet I loved every moment. But oh, how I worried. There are a lot of new characters in this book. And more point of views. But I found it easy to understand them all. And I loved reading about all of them. Some more than others, but every one awesome. Because the writing is still stunning and this book was easy to read, yet took forever to finish. And at the same time I didn't want it to end.

I felt like Kinslayer wasn't that much about Yukiko. I felt like she wasn't the main part of the book, because we don't read all that much about her. Yet she is still my favorite character. <3 And we still get to know a bunch about her. Awful things are happening to her. Sniffs. And Buruu as well. There is so much. And it is all amazing and shocking and just so much fun to read about. I loved it all. Mostly I loved Yukiko and Kin in the beginning. But so short. And oh. I'm so heartbroken. I ship them so much. <3

I'm not sure how to talk about this book. I don't want to spoil things. I don't want to open up my heart again. Because this book broke it. Yet I love this book so much. It is awesome in the breaking. But yeah. There is a lot of death. And they were all awful and hurt me so deeply and I didn't understand why they had to die. Whyyy. Sobs. Jay Kristoff is the devil. Yet I can't help but love him. Hmph. I just. I didn't want those people to die. I didn't want those to get tortured. And hurt. And betrayed. So much pain.

Some of my favorite characters in this book were Kin and Hana and Yoshi and Michi. First, Kin. He will always be my favorite. Because he is kind. He is loving. And he is so damn brave and loyal to those he like. But then Yukiko left the Kage. Sobs. And things went bad. And Kin did some bad things. Yet I don't think they were bad. I adored him. He did the right thing. And I just. I wanted all of the Kage to die. I still want many of them to do so. Will never forgive how they treated Kin. Not ever. It was the worst.

Hana and Yoshi. Sigh. They are the most adorable siblings. And their life is pretty awful, to be honest. Yet I adored them to pieces. I loved reading about them. I loved their cat. And that broke me the most. Damn you, Jay! So evil of you. Sooobs. Anyway. Yoshi and Jurou. They were just so adorable together. And damn Jay for ruining that. I cannot stand the amount of pain in this book. It's awful. Yet so damn good to read about. Sigh. This book is just all kinds of amazing. And I love it so much. It's the best.

Then there is Michi. How I also grew to love. Though.. what she did. I'm not sure I can ever forgive that either. Sigh. She could have been so happy. And oh. This just broke my heart. It was cruel. So cruel. Yet it made sense too. But still. I do not approve. Sniffs. Also, I hated Kaori. Just saying. Didn't love Daichi either. He could have done more to help Kin. Hmph. And Ayane. Ugh. I did love her. I did. I just do not want her anywhere near Kin. I want Kin and Yukiko together. <3 More than anything. I just, I need it.

I will not say much more about this book. Just that it is full of surprises and dark things. So much happens. So much with Yukiko and Buruu. So much with Kin. And just everything. It was a stunning book. But oh, how I need Endsinger. I need it this instant. I must know how it all ends. I must know what happens next. I need it more than anything. <3 Sigh. I'm worried about the Earthcrusher. Shudders. Yet so excited too. I think the final book will be amazing. Yet even more horrible, I'm sure. Damn it.

Oh, how I have feelings for Kinslayer. I didn't share all of it, because I'm not ready to talk about it all. But I hope the things I did share made you want to read this book. Right away. Because you should. Especially if you have read Stormdancer. Because Kinslayer is an amazing sequel. It is full of pain and death and betrayals and hurt and oh. Some sweet moments. But not enough. Sobs. Yet it is beyond amazing. So good. Sharing one of my favorite quotes below, which is Buruu speaking. <3 My love.


The Book Depository. New post about Stormdancer. Review of Kinslayer.

(Also, a tiny note. This is my post nr 1000. <3)


  1. How awesome that you read this one again and enjoyed it just as much. That says a lot about the writing.

    Congrats on your 1000 post! YEAHHHHHHHH!

  2. I still need to read this one cause I was scared of the possible cliffhanger and I didn't want to be heartbroken for a full year, so I will be reading it very very soon, since Endsinger will be coming out soon!
    And CONGRATS on you 1000th post, Carina!! To many more! *hugs*

  3. You are SO mean. Now... I NEED to read it! I'm glad because of your excitement! It is obvious that you have enjoyed so much!

    CONGRATS on you 1000th post, Carina! ♥

  4. Dang, you're really pushing this book. That's great though :D

    And OMG congrats! I'm at 990 posts! So you'll be seeing my 1000th post next week or something.

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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