
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Review: The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place by Julie Berry

Well. When I first heard about this book I knew I had to read it. But I did not imagine that I would love it like I did. And gosh, did I love it. This book was all kinds of perfect. I had some issues in the beginning, but that is all forgotten. This book was stunning. Mysterious. Funny. Sweet. A bit creepy. So perfect.

It is unfair, really, how amazing this book was. Because now I regret not reading it sooner. But I'm glad I decided to read it today. As I could not put it down. Not even for a moment. This book just had it all. I was unsure in the beginning, but then it only got better and better. It was so good I'm going with 5 stars.

There is so much I could say about this stunning book. But I do not want to give away all the secrets. So I will just say a few things. Which may turn out to be much. We'll see. First. I'm not sure how to decide which age group this book belongs. I would say young adult. But it could also be middle grade. So I'm saying it is in between. And that you all need to read it, no matter what you read. The youngest girl is twelve. But the others are older. It is never said how old, but I'm guessing late in their teens. And oh. There is so much to love in this book. It is told from many different point of views. I think its third person. But I have no idea how to tell these things, lol, so I'm not sure. I just know I got to know a lot from the different girls and I know that I loved the writing in this book. It took me a little while in the beginning to get to love it, but I got there. And I'm so glad I loved it all. The writing. The characters. The plot. The 1890 time setting.

This book begins with a murder. Well, with two murders. And it is the most awesome murders. I loved reading about it. It's a bit creepy yet it is also so much fun. And I couldn't help but love it. The seven girls are attending a small private school just for them. Their headmistress and her brother has just died in front of them. And oh, so much of this book focus on that. On what the girls do next. And it is all so wonderful. I loved every moment of it. Sure, it's a bit extreme what they do, but I loved it to pieces.

There are so many girls to love in this book. Sure, it might have taken me a while to remember them. As I'm not so good with this many characters. But I'm glad there were seven girls. Because they were all adorable and I loved reading about them all. Mary Jane was just so much fun and flirty and I adored her. Elinor was a bit creepy yet I loved her too. Louise was so young and innocent yet so clever too. Alice was so cute. Martha too. And Roberta as well. My favorite was Kitty, though. She was so perfect for me.

There is so much happening in this book. There are cute boys. And they all made me smile. This isn't a romance book, but the boys are there a little bit, and it's just so cute. My favorite was Julius for Kitty. Though Henry for Martha was cute too. Ack. Then there is the very old Admiral. He was a charmer. I loved reading about them all. Though some characters were a bit creepy. But most of the time I loved reading about all the different characters. Because they were all very exciting to get to know better.

Most of this book is a murder mystery. Who killed the headmistress. And a lot of the book is covering it up. The girls dressing up as her. And oh, it was all so fun. But a bit scary for them. And I just loved every moment of it. Sigh. I don't want to say much more. Just that it is very mysterious. And the murderer came as a surprise to me. Which was quite fun. This whole book was just fun and it has left me with a smile on my face. And I love this book for doing that. Yeah. I really enjoyed reading this book.

The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place was a fun book. It made me laugh. And then it almost made me cry as well. It is fun and sad and scary and mysterious. I never wanted this book to end. I loved the mystery. I loved the relationship between the seven girls. I even adored the dog. I could not have been happier about this book. Well, there was this one thing that I was not happy about. There is no sequel. And I want one so much. I want more about the girls. And Julius. Hih. I'm hoping for one.

Huge thank you to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for sending me this gorgeous print ARC. <3 I'm so glad I read it. And I cannot wait to get it in hardcover as well. Also, this cover? Isn't it just stunning? I adore it. All the girls look so adorable and ack. I cannot wait to see the finished version with the art of the girls inside as well. I know this will be a book that I can read again and again. And I will. You all need to read this book. Seriously. It is so good. And you must all read it when it comes out in September. <3


  1. Yay, great to hear that there are lots of girl characters to invest in and connect with

  2. YAY! So happy to hear you loved this one so much! I saw it on Netgalley and I was tempted to get it but not 100% sure but now I think I'd probably like it loads!
    Great review sweetie!

  3. Great review! Most of all I love books that make me both laugh and cry. I will surely check this out :)


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