
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Review: Firebug by Lish McBride

I'm really glad that I read Firebug. Because I ended up loving it. But I'm also feeling conflicted, because the ending left me feeling heartbroken. And that doesn't make me happy at all. Okay, the ending will probably make most people happy. It isn't bad. But it broke my heart and I'm not okay with it. Sniffs.

I have so many feelings about this book. At first I wasn't sure that I would like it. I didn't like this whole Ryan thing. Not at all. But then there was more about the plot. Which I loved so much. I found it to be different and awesome. And then, sigh, there was Lock and Ezra. Whom I loved to pieces. Just, so amazing.

Firebug is told from the point of view of Ava. Who can start fires with her mind. Which was pretty cool, to be honest. I loved reading about the things she could do. But ohh. She isn't the only one who can do things. There is a lot of different people in this book. Boy turning into a fox. Boy talking to trees. Woman as a creepy vampire. But also, it is set in our time. I think. So this is a secret. And I liked that too. At first, I thought there was just a little bit too much information from Ava, and not enough things happening in real time. But that didn't last very long, and to be honest, I'm glad for all the info. I needed to know it all. And I did end up enjoying it. I enjoyed getting to see into her past a little as well. Mostly, I just loved reading about Ava. I thought she was awesome. But I did feel sorry for her too. As she lost her mom.

But omg. Ava has these two amazing friends. Sigh. Lock and Ezra. At first I was sure it would be a love triangle, when I heard of them, but there wasn't. Well, sure, Ezra wants to do everyone. But him and Ava are just best friends. And I loved that. They are adorable together as friends. And I love their team of three. Sigh. And Lock. I adored him the most. I loved the sexual tension between him and Ava. Because that is what it was. Though, yeah, just friends. Pfff. I wanted more between them. So much more.

One thing that really bothered me in this book. Which is the reason for why it is a four star, and not a five star, read for me. This boy named Ryan. NO ONE told me she had a boyfriend in the beginning of the book. Whom she had been dating for two months. I must be weird, but damn it. I didn't want her to be with him, as in, you know, more than kissing. But I'm sure they did more, and it just upsets me a little. Sorry. But anyway. I didn't like Ryan. I didn't like him at all. He didn't seem kind or loving. Sigh.

I will not talk much about the plot in this book. Or share what happens. But yeah. I really loved the plot in Firebug. It was different to me. And I adored it. It was very exciting to read about everything that happened and I was not able to stop reading this book. I just needed to know what would happen next. And also, this book was creepy. I loved that too. I found Firebug to be a stunning first book. It was full of excitement, mystery, suspense and fun moments. I cannot wait to read more about these characters.

We get to read about a lot of characters in this book. And I loved that. I just wish there had been only Ava, Lock and Ezra. Hih. As I adored reading about the three of them together. Such good friends and I loved how fun they were with each other. And how close. ACK. Yeah. This book was awesome. But I also liked reading about Ava's guardian. He was cool. But I also felt like the book ended too soon. I didn't want it to end. I need to know what happens next. <3 I'm not sharing that much more about this :)

Small spoilers. I'm a bit upset at those who told me this wasn't a love triangle. Okay, fine, it isn't really one. But in the beginning Ava is together with Ryan. Whom I really truly hated. And it seems so obvious to me that Lock loves her. And then the ending. Things could have worked out for Lock and Ava. But she's a coward. And there is another girl, Bianca. And what the. I'm just pissed off and so heartbroken because if there is anything happening with Lock and Bianca in book two I will be so upset and angry.

It just breaks my heart. Because I want Lock and Ava to be a thing. And I don't want a damn love triangle. Please. My heart cannot handle it. Which should be obvious, as I'm heartbroken already and nothing has happened yet. But I fear it will. And I can't take it. There mustn't be a love triangle in the sequel. Please. I just don't want it. Sobs. I just want Ava and Lock to be happy together. <3 With Ezra there too, lol, as the gorgeous best friend. Sigh. I just adored these three people so much. Loved them.

Huge thank you to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for sending me this gorgeous print ARC. <3 I'm so glad that I was able to read and review it early. Though it did take me some weeks to start it, hih, but I'm glad I did. Because this book was worth it. And I cannot wait to own the hardcover as well. <3 But yes. I'm still upset about the ending. And I think I will be for months. Sobs. But also. I need you all to read Firebug when it comes out in September. Because it was an amazing book and I'm sure you will all love it. <3


  1. YAY! I am glad to see you enjoyed this Carina even if you wish some things could be different. Hopefully it'll all work out in the sequel though! Especially the situation with Lock because I get the feeling I am going to feel the same way you did..... I don't like love triangles but there are times.... times when someone else is way better for the main character.

    Lovely review, Carina!! <3

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  2. Great review! Cool you love it :) Never read it, but sound interesting :)

  3. This sounds awesome, the three characters you mentioned kind of remind me of Roar, Aria, and Perry. :) Let's hope that Ezra just remains a friend.

    I think I'll wait for book 2 to come out before deciding if I want to read it - need to make sure there's no love triangle, lol.

  4. Oh dear! I don't know if I'm going to be able to read this now. At least until the sequel comes out. There sounds like too much romantic drama for my tastes. I didn't know Ava has a boyfriend in the beginning either - that's not my favorite set-up, but I can handle it if it goes away. What I'm most worried about is that it seems like Ava doesn't end up with Lock in the end and you're suggesting a possible triangle in the future. NO THANK YOU. I'll have to put this on hold until later. But I'm glad you loved the plot of this - beyond the romance.

  5. I love that your concerns are the exact same as mine. Even if it's not really a love triangle, I hate that she has a boyfriend at the start of this too; I hope she dumps him pretty quickly! And with the way this one ends, I think I'll wait for the second book comes out before I commit to this series. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and possibly sparing me. :P Otherwise, I think I will love the dynamic between the three friends - and I hope the other boy finds a girl too. :) Great review, lady!

  6. So happy to hear you loved this one, sweetie! =D
    I do hope there won't be any real love triangle in either this book or the next! I love that the friends are super important in this books!

  7. A LITTLE SPOILERY, so please don't read if you haven't read the book.

    I liked this too, but I was kind of surprised the book ended relationship-wise how it did. The fact that things were a little unresolved didn't bother me so much as the fact that a. I don't know if a sequel has really been announced yet? has it? and if so, it's kind of a terrible place to leave us hanging and b. I think it could have been handled better. I was a little upset by that, too.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  8. I actually like it when the book has a romance from the start, because it skips all that drama and insta-love most books go for :p but it's a shame you didn't like him!

  9. Aww, I'm sorry Ryan spoiled things for you Carina, but I'm glad you loved this otherwise! I was kind of doubtful, but still got an eARC from Netgalley. I really hope the sequel works out for you!


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