
Saturday, August 30, 2014

In My Mailbox #148

This has been a good week. For reading. Sigh. So much love. <3 And I did get some pretty amazing books this week too :D So I'm happy about that. Much missing, though, as always. Which just sucks. Sigh. Anyway. There is a bunch of new blog posts on my blog this week :D First I read Fiendish last Sunday. <3 Then another new Cress Tuesday :D And I'm waiting on Blue Lily, Lily Blue. <3 Then there was the Summerfall by Claire Legrand teaser blast :D Where I share a teaser and host an amazing giveaway. <3 This Monday I decided to start re-reading His Dark Materials. Which I did. And which I loved. My heart adores these books. Though they still kill me with their sad. Sobs. So there are a lot of reviews coming. <3 Book Recommendation of The Golden Compass. Book Recommendation of The Subtle Knife. Book Recommendation of The Amber Spyglass. Review of Lyra's Oxford. Review of Once Upon a Time in the North. <3 And now I'm very excited to read them for a third time, hih. What did you get this week?

I'm giving away THREE hardcover copies of the Norwegian edition of Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. You must all enter this giveaway. It's even International. And it has a gorgeous cover. Enter here. <3 

Don't forget to enter to win a Winterspell swag pack from Claire Legrand. <3 International. Enter here.

The Revenge of Seven. I.. have only read book one. Hah. But I did love it. And I do own all the books :)
Chasing Before. I adore Lenore. <3 She is amazing. And I did enjoy book one. Hoping to read it soonish.
Deliverance. Very soon I will read this. I must re-read book one and then read book two first, hih. Soon.
All Our Yesterdays. I do like this new paperback cover. <3 Just so heartbroken over no sequel :( Sobs.
The Year of Shadows. Claire is amazing. I adore her. And I love love this book. Gorgeous paperback. <3
Death Marked. Signed copy that I won from Leah :D Thank you so so much. <3 And I adore the bookmarks as well. So pretty. But oh. I am so damn heartbroken. I have peeked. I am not pleased. Sob.

How To Train Your Dragon 2. A huuuge Toothless that was a bit expensive, but I love him so much. <3 So big and gorgeous, hih. And a small/regular sized Cloud Jumper :) So cute. And Snotlout and Eret is in there too. So adorable. And then there are a bunch of books too. <3 I love them all so very much.
Lark Rising. I'm a part of the blog tour in September :D Thank you so much to Jaime for the ARC. <3
Deception. You know, I need all the editions of the books. Hah. So this is the US paperback. <3 Pretty.
Shannon Messenger swag. I adore these so much. Since I pre-ordered Exile. <3 Thank you Shannon :)
Aragorn's Quest. This was on sale, though still a bit expensive, but I wanted it. Someday I will play it :)

My signed copy. <3 Thank you  Leah :)

I downloaded this awesome sampler from Edelweiss. <3 So excited. But also so heartbroken, hah, as it is only one third of the book. Sobs! I want the whole thing so bad. <3 Maybe one day. March is still forever away. How unfair, hah. Anyway. I love the sampler :)

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I love the picture of your cat. Orphan Queen looks amazing, but the reason I didn't get it was because it was only a third of the book, so many great looking books. I like the cover for Death Marked. Enjoy your long weekend.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I need to catch up with Deception. Death marked has such a pretty cover. The orphan queen sounds really good. Happy reading :D

  3. Your kitty is just the cutest, Carina!
    Just amazing books! Wow the cover of the AOY's paperback is so different! It's pretty but I still love the cover of the UK edition best!
    I do hope you'll get to read Deliverance soon and you'll love the whole trilogy!
    Happy reading sweetie!

  4. Deliverance is out alerady??? Huh, how didn't I notice? I really need to read Deception soon so I can finish this series. Really liked the first book. And I'm so sad that there won't be a sequel for All Our Yesterdays, too :( Awesome pile of books you got this week, Carina :)

  5. I LOVE ALL OUR YESTERDAYS! I really want to buy myself a copy! This is the first time I see this cover though! Really pretty! Hope you enjoy them all!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf

  6. Chasing Forever looks good, hope you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  7. Ooh, Death Marked! It's so pretty! And the swag! I've been meaning to reread Defiance and then Deception, since Deliverance is out now. Hopefully soon. :) I hope you have a wonderful week Carina!

  8. LOVED Death Sworn, so I'm excited about Death Marked! As you know I LOVED Lark Rising, and Deliverance. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. I am so curious about Death Marked. I really enjoyed the first book so I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one. Your cat is so beautiful!! Great haul this week.

  10. I just ordered Defiance - can't wait to read it! A triangle free series - yay! Hope you love all your books, C. :)


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