
Saturday, August 9, 2014

In My Mailbox #145

I got some pretty amazing books this week. <3 Which makes me all kinds of happy, hih. So excited about them all. But ack. I am still behind on commenting :( I'm sorry. But sooon. This Monday I'm back to the hospital, to get an x-ray of my stomach. Not looking forward to it, lol. So far in August I have only read two books. Ack! I must read more. Which I will. Planning on starting Mortal Danger today. <3 And an eARC on Monday. We'll see if I'll manage it, hih. Anyway. This week I shared the cover for The Body Electric. <3 And the cover for The Walls Around Us :D Both are gorgeous. I shared a Sybil/Cress teaser as Cress Tuesday. <3 I'm waiting on Gathering Darkness :) And I read the amazing Firebug. Romance disappointed me a little, but the book was great. And then I also read Mortal Heart :D Which was perfect. Sigh. Happy with all I got. <3 Despite missing much. Sobs. What did you get this week?

Don't forget to enter my INTERNATIONAL giveaway of If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch. <3 There will be FOUR winners. ALL books will be signed. And PERSONALIZED by Emily! Go enter the giveaway here. <3

Rae Carson. I won these three signed books from Rae :D Thank you so so much. I adore these books.
Horde. Gorgeous US paperback edition. <3 I loved this book. And this edition is so gorgeous. Sigh.
Mortal Heart. SO HAPPY. I won this from Once Upon a Twilight :D Already read and loved it. <3
Mortal Danger. Reading this next; and I'm so excited. So pretty. Fingers crossed I'll love it to pieces :)

Robert Pattinson. This gorgeous new magazine I just had to buy. Rob is still the most gorgeous man. <3
True Blood. Had to buy via ebay. So a bit damaged, I think :( But still gorgeous. Love love love them.
Tangled. Hiih, I just really wanted this new book. It is big and gorgeous. Lots of pretty pictures inside.
Oceanborn. I... have yet to read book one. But I wanted this one too. Because it is really pretty. Hih.
How To Train Your Dragon 2. These finally arrived today. <3 And they are so pretty. Ack. Must play.
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Exile. Gorgeous paperbacks :D One is damaged. Sobs. Still, I love this book.
Magnolia. I am curious and nervous about this book. I really want to love it. Reading it someday soon.

The signed Rae books. I couldn't not share this picture, hih. <3 I love love love them. Thank you Rae :D

Claire Legrand. Remember when I won that gorgeous Winterspell book jacket? Yeah. That was the best :D It arrived this week, and omg. It is stimply stunning. <3 And I love love love these postcards too :)

Shutter. A new Macmilllan book :D That I just had to download via Netgalley. <3 As that cover is super creepy. And I think the book sounds really interesting. I will make myself read it very soon and I'm very excited. I'm really hoping to love it. <3 Anyone read it yet? I'm curious about it :)

The cat has a photoshoot, lol :D I was only going to take pictures of my books for the Instagram contest, with items borrowed from Merida, but then the cat arrived. Because she LOVES those arrows, hih. So I took some pictures of her too :D And I love them all so much. Ack. She's adorable. Posted about it on Instagram too, a few close ups here, here and here. If blogger won't let the image become bigger, you can see a little bigger version here. The original photo is way too big for the internet, lol :) Cutest kitty.

Oh. And I updated my walls of swag picture. <3 Now including swag by Claire :D So much love.


  1. Magnolia sounds great, hope that you enjoy. Have a great weekend!

  2. You really cleaned up. Aren't signed books the best. It's always awesome when you get to meet the author in person. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

  3. Lucky :) You got a lot of awesome books this week. And although I didn't review Mortal Danger - I read it, and it's not all sorts of amazing. It's kind of a disappointment - so be wary. But who knows, hopefully you'll like it and it'll turn out I'm a bit wrong in the head. Oh yeah, I love your wall of swag!

  4. Magnolia sound like an sweet read, love the cover :)

  5. I'm having my fingers crossed for the signed copy of If you find me <3 I loved the book and I want to have it on my shelves. I'm a little jealous you won the giveaway from Rae Carson. Such beautiful editions and SIGNED. I loved Mortal Heart too. Happy reading and good luck with the X-ray.

  6. Look at all the goodies! Awesome! You have some wonderful additions to your shelves and walls (as well as amazing looking reading material). Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    Good luck at the doctor!

  7. YAY! What a haul. So happy you got Mortal Heart and Mortal Danger. So curious to see what you think of MD. I still haven't read my copy of MH and I'm honestly shocked I've not dropped my reading schedule for it yet. I keep staring at it but have yet to start reading. Enjoy them all Carina!

  8. I LOVED Mortal Danger and Magnolia! And I have Mortal Heart as well. Saw your review and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. Awesome haul! I've got Mortal Heart to read soon!
    Check out my STS

  10. Omg you read Mortal Heart! So so happy you loved it, I cannot wait to read it :D And omg your swag wall is so so pretty <3 <3 Enjoy all your books this week!

  11. Amazing week Carina! Congrats on the win, I've wanted to read Rae's book for so long, I really should buy the second and third book. And the same for Robin's book, I loved Grave Mercy! Enjoy!! X

  12. Beautiful books, Carina! You have the best of luck with contests!

    Have a lovely week, hun. :)


    Hope you enjoy everything :)

  14. Oh, those Rae books! I love that edition too! I think I need to reread all three ASAP. Agh, and a reminder I need to read Horde! Ooh, I saw Mortal Danger in the bookstore the other day and stood and petted it. It's so pretty! Oh my gosh, I hope you love Magnolia! I thought it was so, so cute. :) Have a great week Carina!!

  15. I'm so jealous of those Fire and Thorns books! They're gorgeous! That's definitely the set I hope to own one day. :D Happy reading and thanks for sharing, lady!

  16. Oh my goodness your swag wall and ceiling looks amazing, and those postcards from Claire are truly gorgeous!!
    Goodness I'm so envious of you getting Mortal Heart, congrats sweetie!

  17. Beautiful collection..and the swag wall is amazing.


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