
Friday, August 1, 2014

Cover Reveal: The Thickety: The Whispering Trees by J. A. White

SO excited about this cover reveal. And about this book. As I LOVED the first The Thickety book. It was such a fun and sad middle grade fantasy book. So good. And I just need this sequel. I need it right now. Because the ending of book one? Pretty cruel. I need to know what happens next to Kara and her brother. <3 And I need Lucas to come back to Kara. As I kind of really want that whole romance thing between them, hiih. And I just adored their friendship. So I'm hoping for more of Lucas and Kara. <3 But yess. Mostly excited about the amazing world J. A. White created. So fun. And a bit awful. And I cannot wait to read more about it. And more about the Thickety too. Such a creepy forest. I cannot wait for this book :D And this cover! Ack. It is stunning. I love it so much. So gorgeous. Now I'm just waiting for March 10th :D Or crossing my fingers that I might get an ARC. <3 What do you think of the cover?

The second book in J. A. White’s critically acclaimed middle grade fantasy series continues the fantastical story of Kara and her journey into the Thickety.

After Kara Westfall’s village turns on her for practicing witchcraft, she and her brother, Taff, flee to the one place they know they won’t be followed: the Thickety. Only this time the Forest Demon, Sordyr, is intent on keeping them there. Sordyr is not the Thickety’s only danger: unknown magic lurks behind every twist and shadow of the path. And then Kara and Taff discover Mary Kettle, an infamous witch with an unspeakable past—she is everything their village fears about magic.

When Mary shows them the path leading out of the Thickety guarded by Imogen, a creature more monster than human, Kara is hesitant to trust her. But then she offers to help Kara learn to cast magic without a grimoire…and this could be Kara and Taff's only chance to escape.

Or the first step down a dark and wicked path.


  1. It's even prettier than the first cover :D I really liked how dark the book was for a MG and the ending makes me excited for more.

  2. Those two covers look fantastic together! They are gorgeous and say fantasy so clearly!
    Thanks for sharing sweetie!!

  3. That's very pretty! I've not heard of this book prior to seeing this cover reveal. Thanks for sharing Carina!

  4. Those are beautiful and highly detailed covers! Thanks for sharing, Carina! :)

  5. It looks great! Especially the details.


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