
Friday, August 29, 2014

Book Recommendation: The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman

Oh. You beautiful trilogy. I cannot deal with how perfect these books are. And I'm so happy that I decided to re-read them at this moment. My heart is full. Though, of course, after this ending, it is also shattered into a million pieces. But I have hope. I have hope because I think I catched some hidden meanings in the ending. I hope. Yes. I'm going to hope. Otherwise this is just the saddest love story in all the world. But I don't think it is. I think The Book of Dust will heal me. Crossing all my fingers. <3

I could talk forever about The Amber Spyglass. Because there are about a thousand things happening at all times. And I loved reading about them all. I confess, I mostly wanted to read about Will and Lyra at all times. But I also confess to loving reading about the other characters. I loved getting to know them better and getting to see what they were doing. Though the scene with Iorek in the beginning was kind of heartbreaking. Sniffs. But it also made sense so it was kind of really beautiful at the same time.

There are a lot of different plot points in this book. And I loved reading about them all. I adored reading about the bears. The witches. I even liked the angels. And the little people. Sigh. They were kind of cute. But they all died so fast. Sniffs. Then there were the creatures Mary found, and I adored those too. It was so interesting to read about. Different. Yet all kinds of awesome. And I adored Mary as well. I enjoyed reading about her very much. And the things she did with her new friends. Yeah. I loved it all.

A lot of the plot is also about the Church. And the evil things they are doing in the worlds. And my god. I hated it. So much. As I do not believe in god, and I'm not a church person, so I kind of really liked reading about it all. Well. For the most part. It was interesting and it broke my heart all the evil things they all did. A bunch of different men, and they were all pretty awful. And then. Lord Asriel. I cannot with him. I hate so many things that he did. How many he hurt. But I also liked what he did in this book.

And Mrs. Coulter. I couldn't hate her. I tried to. Well, I hated her a little bit. She had done so many awful things. Hurt so many people. But she grew to love Lyra. And I couldn't hate her for that. And  did like some of the things she did in this book. So yeah. I did love reading about her and Asriel. They were interesting characters. Truly. I'm wishing we had seen a bit more about Serafina, though. But I did like reading about her at the end. Though that ending I will never forgive. Or forget. Sigh. So much sadness.

There are a lot of worlds in The Amber Spyglass. And I loved getting to see them all. Sigh. I loved watching Will with the knife. He's just awesome. Anyway. I loved when Will and Lyra went to the world of the dead. That was creepy. Yet also all kinds of amazing. I loved that plot twist. So good. But also so heartbreaking, when they were on the boat. Sniffs. And when Lyra fell. Sobs. But that was also beautiful to read about, hih, as the small romance between Will and Lyra killed me in this book. So good.

We see so much of Lyra and Will in this book. And I loved that. I loved that so much. But there is also not that much about them, as we get so many other point of views as well. Hmph. But I did love what I did get to read about them. They are just the most adorable characters. They are both so strong and brave and broken and loving and perfect. I couldn't love them more. They are so young. Yet so fierce and amazing. And they have the best friendship. Which turns into a bit more. And my heart. So beautiful.

The romance. Sigh. I wouldn't say that there is a lot of it. And it happens so late. And it's breaking my heart. But it is also the best romance of all time. Because Lyra and Will are so intense and they love each other so much and it's so beautiful and so heartbreaking and I loved it to pieces. It is written so well. But yesss. I do wish there had been a bit more. Sobs. And that ending. I will never forgive the ending to this book. It broke me. But it is also beautiful. And makes sense. But also so sad and awful.

One of the things I loved the most to read about in these books were the dæmons. They are beautiful and so perfect and my gosh. I want my own dæmon. Sobs. So much. I loved the relationship between Pan and Lyra. It is stunning. And I loved how person and dæmon can't be that far away from each other without dying. I loved how their bond works. How they understand and love each other. And ack. I just cannot. Philip Pullman did a beautiful job with these books. And I will forever and always love them.

There is so much I could say about this book. Because this book has everything. There is an epic adventure. Full of mystery and heartbreak. It if fun and sweet and sad. There is fighting. And death. And everything was beautiful to read about. I loved The Amber Spyglass to pieces. <3 So glad that I re-read it. You need to read this book. You truly do. Now I will be reading the short stories. <3 And wait forever for more news about The Book of Dust. I must know more. I must know it now. So excited. <3

My review of Northern Lights. My review of The Subtle Knife. My review of The Amber Spyglass.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh well. You know me. I'm not much of a fantasy reader. :)


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