
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #144

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The city of Bryre suffers under the magic of an evil wizard. Because of his curse, girls sicken and disappear without a trace, and Bryre’s inhabitants live in fear. No one is allowed outside after dark.

Yet night is the only time that Kymera can enter this dangerous city, for she must not be seen by humans. Her father says they would not understand her wings, the bolts in her neck, or her spiky tail—they would kill her. They would not understand that she was created for a purpose: to rescue the girls of Bryre.

Despite her caution, a boy named Ren sees Kym and begins to leave a perfect red rose for her every evening. As they become friends, Kym learns that Ren knows about the missing girls, the wizard, and the evil magic that haunts Bryre.

And what he knows will change Kym’s life.

Reminiscent of Frankenstein and the tales of the Brothers Grimm, this debut novel by MarcyKate Connolly stands out as a compelling, original story that has the feel of a classic.

Hardcover, 432 pages
Expected publication: February 10th 2015 by HarperCollins Children's Books
Pre-Order here.

I need February to get here soon. Because this book sounds awesome. I adore that cover. So gorgeous. And the book sounds awesome as well :D I just cannot wait to read Monstrous. <3 It just sounds beautiful. And heartbreaking. And evil. And so perfect. Fingers crossed for cute romance too, hih.
What are you waiting for on this monstrous wednesday?  


  1. This book sounds so damn good, and I can't wait to read it. Great pick! :)
    Here's my WoW

  2. New to me but sounds interesting and I hope you're able to read it soon. Happy hump day!

  3. This sounds AMAZING. I've had my eye on it for a while and that cover is stunning. February really does need to get here sooner! Lovely pick, Carina. :)

  4. Ok, I had seen the cover around but I had not read the summary, and it sounds fantastic!
    I'm adding it right away to my TBR list! Great pick sweetie!

  5. This one sounds fabulously creative! Nice WOW :)

  6. Ooh, yeah! I love the sound of this one! And I love how different the cover is! Can't wait to read it. Great pick Carina!

  7. Ooo, interesting, this one sounds cool! I hope you enjoy it when you read it, Carina :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. Such a great pick! This one will be close to the top of my wishlist for 2015 books! It looks so amazing!


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