
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Review: Monstrous by MarcyKate Connolly

I'm not sure how to put my thoughts into words about this book. Most of the time I loved it. Most of the time it broke my heart. A lot of the time it made me smile. But I had a few small issues in the beginning. But then it got better for me. And so good too. But then that ending happened. And my heart will not heal.

Yet I also loved it so much. I'm rating it with a four star. Though most of the time it was a five star read for me. Especially the last half of the book. Because oh. This book was really good. So dark. So creepy. So heartbreaking. Yet also sweet and the same time. I'm really glad I got to read Monstrous early. I loved it.

The reason for why I'm giving this book a four star is because I had a few small issues in the beginning of the book. I didn't like the writing. Okay, I just didn't like the way Kymera was thinking. But then it was also done well, as she was just made. Just woke up. And she wouldn't have been able to think the best way. But it bothered me a little bit. But then later on I got used to the writing, and it did not bother me at all. <3 And I didn't mind that much, as I adored Kymera. She was a bit innocent and a bit dumb at first. But she was also so sweet and honest and kind. I just loved her all the time. One thing that bothers me a little bit. I don't know how old she is. The cover makes me think middle grade. But the writing makes me think young adult. And I'm kind of guessing she's above fifteen. But I don't know. And it don't matter. I loved her.

I'm just not sure what I should include in my review. I want to talk about it all. Yet I don't want to spoil this book or give away the surprises. Because there are a lot of things happening in this book. So much. So many awful things. There are a lot of death in Monstrous. And I loved every moment. But it's awful. And heartbreaking. Yet so real. And I'm glad the author wrote it this way. As I do love a great awful and heartbreaking book, lol. And it was so good as well. I really enjoyed reading this book. It was perfect.

It is told from the point of view of Kymera. And like I said, I really loved her. She was amazing to read about. The thing about her it that she was made by her father. She was made with a tail and wings and claws. And I loved every part of her. It was so interesting to read about. Yet also a bit creepy. Especially when reading about her father. About how he made her. And slowly learning more about him as well. Ack. But I did love that he created Kymera. She was special. And I adored her so much. She's awesome.

I will not say that much about the plot in this book. There is a wizard. He is making girls sick and later he kills them. It is awful. And so heartbreaking. Yet done so well and I kind of loved reading about it. A lot of the book focus on Kymera going out to rescue the girls. It is a very interesting plot line. And I loved reading about all the surprises and mysteries. Some things I saw coming. Yet they still surprised me. And I loved reading about it all. Though yes. There are so many sad parts in this book. Sniffs.

While Kymera is rescuing the girls she meets a boy. Though her father has forbidden her to talk to anyone; forbidden her to let anyone see her. But she talks to Ren. She gets to know him. And I loved reading about them together. Sniffs. I do think there could have been a great romance if this book had been longer. And I wanted it so much. But I also loved reading their friendship. And the betrayals. I didn't like this one betrayal from Ren. Yet I also fully understood it. Still, it did hurt my heart a little bit.

There is just so much in this book. Talk of dragons. Sea creatures. I loved reading about that place over the mountains. I would have loved to read more about that too. And the creature in the sea. Shudders. So awful. So fascinating. I want more of that one, lol. There are many characters in this book too. Some I liked. Some I hated. They were all interesting to read about. But sigh. I do wish more people had loved Kymera. Despite her looking like a monster. I wanted them to love her. To be friends with her. Sniffs.

I won't say much more about Monstrous. Just that I really loved it. And I'm glad that I read it. Despite all the heartache it has given me, hih. This book also made me happy. And scared. And worried. I loved it. And I could not stop reading it. I didn't want to stop. And I want to share all the spoilers. To talk about all of it. But I will not :D Just saying how good it was. <3 And surprising. The ending is still surprising me. So sad. So good. I'm just really glad that I read Monstrous. Because I did adore it a whole lot.

I'm not sure I can deal with the ending for this book. My heart is breaking. SOBS. Yet it was also a fitting ending. It was right with the story. And I do think the book needed to end that way. But I didn't want it to, lol. I wanted a little bit more. As in, a little bit of romance as well, hiih. But I'll forgive it. Someday. When the pain isn't killing me a little. I also need to get better at peeking when I peek at book endings. I didn't see this coming. I should have. It broke me. But I also loved it. Which is a bit weird for me.

Monstrous doesn't come out until February next year. But I just could not wait to read it when I saw it on Edelweiss. I needed it right away. And I'm so glad that I did. Because Monstrous was a stunning book. Full of heartbreak and discovery and sweetness. It broke my heart into a million pieces. And I loved every moment of it. So yes. I really need you all to pre-order this book. Or buy it when it comes out. And then you all need to read it. Because it truly was a stunning book. And I think you'll all love it. Truly.

Huge thank you to HarperCollins Children's Books via Edelweiss for letting me read and review Monstrous early. <3 I'm so glad I had the chance to. And I just cannot wait to own it in hardcover. It will be such a stunning book. I mean, really, just look at that cover. Sigh. It is gorgeous. I love Kymera. And her tail. And oh. She's just so pretty. Yes. I cannot wait to finally own this book. I needs it. I will also re-read it someday, when my heart has healed from that ending, lol. When I forgive it as well :D Hopefully soon.


  1. With tail? Wings? Claws? She sounds beautiful! I'm glad you loved it, regardless of your conflicting feelings. :)

  2. I've not seen a lot about this one but I'm pretty curious about it. I'll most likely have to download it. I've been trying to resist e-arcs so we'll see. So happy that you enjoyed it :-)

  3. This one sounds so fantastic! I will totally be adding it to the TBR list!!
    Great review, sweetie!!

  4. This sounds like an emotional read! I might have to go download it from Edelweiss, you've made me curious.

    Great review :D

  5. I'm going to interview the author next year and you've got me totally excited to read this. Thanks!

  6. I've been waiting on this book for over a year...and we still have a ways to go before it's released. I NEEDS IT NOW!
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  7. This is a beautiful cover! And a book that makes you want to talk about it with everyone is a big winner. I love a strong boy/girl friendship, and can handle less romance in MG. Is this going to be a series? Or a standalone? I'm worried about that sad end!


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