
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Review: The Glass Sentence by S. E. Grove

I'm glad I decided to buy this book. And glad I decided to read it now too. Because The Glass Sentence was a stunning book. Full of adventure and mysteries and heartbreak. I really loved it. For the most part. I had a few small issues, but nothing too big. Mostly I found this to be an amazing middle grade book. <3

First I want to mention the very gorgeous cover. First there is the book jacket, which is stunning, as you see in the picture. The jacket is very thin. And unique. I love it. And then below is the very gorgeous book. And a very different cover too. It is stunning. And creepy. It fits very well with the story. I love it.

I have so much to say about this book that I don't know where to start. And I'm not sure what I should say. So I will start with the rating. I'm giving this book a four star. Sometimes it was a five star. But I'm going with a four star, because while I loved it, I had a few issues with how it was written. I did love the writing. I felt connected to Sophia. But it is also a lot of details at times. And it made my mind wander and I couldn't focus all the time, hih. But I did love it at the same time. Hm. I would say most of the book is told from Sophia, but not always. We see other things too, which confused me a little, but I liked it. Just, not fully loved it.

I don't want to say too much about the plot. Just that it is pretty awesome. A lot of things happen, yet also not enough exciting things for me. I kind of wanted a bit more. But I also loved everything that I read. I loved reading about Sophia, who is thirteen. She's adorable. And I loved that she can't keep track of time. She was amazing. And I cannot wait to get to know her even more. And her uncle. Hm. I didn't fully love him, but I did like reading about him. He was mostly interesting. And not a bad man. I think.

There is many things happening in the beginning of the book, before the adventure starts. There is a lot taking place in their home. But I didn't mind that at all. Because it was interesting. And I loved reading about the world in this book. So unique and amazing. It was awesome to read about the different Ages. How the world was in this book. It was all kinds of cool. And I won't describe it more than that. Just that it was so good to read about and I'm so curious and I need to know even more. Next book now, please.

So much happens in The Glass Sentence. There are pirates. Trains. Ships. It is all very fun. But also very heartbreaking. A lot of awful things happen in this book. And I loved reading about it all. Like the Lachrima. My gosh. They were awful to read about. So heartbreaking and sad. Yet so awesome too. I loved it. And the Sandmen. Ack! I need to know what happens to them. I need more of them in the sequel. It was horrible. Shudders. Yet so amazing to read about. But I need to know more. I really do.

There are many characters in this book. And I loved reading about them all. But mostly I loved Sophia. And her new friend, Theo. Sigh. Sure, he lies a lot. But he also had a hard past. Not all that broken, but still. I adored him. He was fun and cute. A few years older than Sophia. And oh, how I want this romance, lol. I need it. And I need to know more about Theo. He was very interesting to read about. And I need more of the friendship between them. Just so cute. Ack. I just need book two now, hih.

What I loved the most about this book is the ending. It is amazing. And oh, how I need the sequel. Right away, please. I need to know what happens next. It is kind of a cliffhanger, but not a bad kind. It's good. And oh. How I want Sophia and Theo to be together, hih. <3 They are just too adorable to read about. And I ship them so much. Ack. I just wanted them to kiss, lol. So that I will hope for a lot in the sequel. Sigh. And so excited about the new adventure that I know is coming. Oh, how I truly need book two. <3

I think you should all read The Glass Sentence. Because it truly is a great book. And I really did love it. I just cannot wait for the next books. And I fear the wait will be long for me. But also worth it. I have such high hopes. Exciting to see them look for Sophia's parents. Excited to see more of the very small romance between Sophia and Theo. Just so adorable and I need it, hih. I just cannot wait. And I'm so glad I read this book. Because it was adorable and heartbreaking. So yes. You all need to read this book.

Goodreads - Buy it

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I'm really looking forward to getting started on this one! Hopefully soon. The world and the characters all sounds so fun and amazing. Glad to see you really enjoyed it!

  2. I've really been feeling like reading more MG as of late, so your review for this book couldn't have come at a better time Carina! Full of adventure and mysteries and a lot of world building? Sounds just down my alley! And a not horrible cliffhanger? Well, that's a warning I'm always glad to have! Thanks a lot for a great review, sweetie!

  3. I've been curious about this one for a while! I'm so glad you really liked it Carina! Sophia sounds great. :) And the cover is seriously gorgeous. Great review!!


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