
Saturday, July 26, 2014

In My Mailbox #143

Didn't get that many books this week :) But still happy with what I got. <3 And still waiting on so much, lol. But oh. This week. I had a great week. And a most awful week. I'm not sure. I have been feeling so bad lately, and it has been worse this week. Being sick is just the worst thing in the world. Just hoping to feel better soon. But then the good part. I got The Cure for Dreaming :D And I read and loved it. <3 And omg. I won three signed books by Rae Carson! Dies. They will hopefully arrive soonish. <3 I cannot wait. As I love her trilogy so much. Sigh. So yes. This has been a good week. And a bad one. Sigh. Anyway. I did read a little this week. I read Midnight Thief. Which I enjoyed. Then I read The Cure for Dreaming. Which I loved. And then I read The Vault of Dreamers. Which I hated. Sigh. Will try to start an eARC today. <3 As I have so many that needs to be read. Ack! This week I'm waiting on The Young Elites. <3 And I posted an awesome Kai teaser as my Cress Tuesday, hih. I also shared the cover for Unchanged. <3 So pretty. And posted a giveaway update :D It is also the last few days to enter the US/Canada tour giveaway to win All Four Stars. <3 Enter that here. Awesome book. Also! Did you see my ceiling of swag last week? Eeek! So much love. I love all my swag so much. What did you get this week?

Don't forget to enter my INTERNATIONAL giveaway of If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch. <3 There will be two winners. One book will be signed. Go enter the giveaway here. This book is very amazing. <3

The Book of Life. Okay, I have yet to read this series. But I will read it soon :D Now I own them all.
Strange and Ever After. I am unsure about this series :( The ending? Not okay. Not at all. But soonish.
Four. A few more gorgeous copies of this book. <3 I will read it soon. I think. I'm not sure yet, sigh.
Movies. These were on sale. <3 I don't like 1D, but got it anyway, lol. And oh. HTTYD. So pretty. <3
Eleanor & Park. Gorgeous new UK paperback. I just need all copies of this gorgeous book. So awesome.
The Cure for Dreaming. Omg. THANK YOU SO MUCH to UK publisher for this stunning book. <3 I could not have been happier. I adore Cat so much. And I have already read and reviewed this book. Because yeah. It was perfect. Just like I knew it would be. <3 And oh, it is so pretty too. You all need this book.

Clockwork Princess. Oh, this comic! My god. So damn beautiful. I did love this book. But so heartbreaking. SOBS. But also! I peeked! And holy. Remember that steamy cave scene? It looks pretty amazing in this book. So gorgeous. And hot. And perfect. <3 But.. no dragon tattoo. Hmph. lol :)
Disney Infinity. This was on sale, still a bit expensive, but I really wanted it, hih. And so pretty inside.
Games. All of these were on a big sale. So I just had to get them, hiih. <3 Someday I will play. I hope.

Aaaand. Kitten :D More pictures on my Instagram this week. <3


  1. I also got The cure for dreaming in the mail today :D I really can't wait to get started! I love the Zelda games :D Happy reading!

  2. Your cat is so pretty. She is just tired after a long week. The Cure for Dreaming looks amazing.

  3. Dudeeee, I hope you at least feel better this week! And you got plenty! I didn't like Strange and Ever After, but I hope you do. Congrats on the Fire & Thorns win!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic week!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. OMG! I dream about The Infernal Devices comic! Unfortunately, I haven't opportunity to get it. Happy reading :D

  5. I think you have amazing luck when it comes to winning giveaways :P CONGRATS on winning those signed copies! :D

    I heard about the ending to that series (Strange Ever After) and decided I needed to give it a pass no matter how interesting it sounded.

    The Eleanor and Park UK paperback looks GORGEOUS and I am glad your other copies of Four arrived safely :)

    And Yay for The Cure of Dreaming, I've heard great things about the author and plan on trying one of her books one of these days!

    Lovely haul, Carina and I hope you have a fabulous week! :D

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  6. Aw, girl I am so sorry to hear that you still are feeling so bad!
    Cure for dreaming looks like it will be a great read though. Hope you love it and have a great week--and feel so much better!

  7. I'm sorry you're still sick! :( I hope you start to feel better this week.

    I'm glad to hear you're still planning on read the Something Strange and Deadly books, even knowing the ending. I really, really hope you like them! At least you won't be shocked like the rest of us. :) Eeeeee, The Cure for Dreaming! I was so excited to see you loved it! I absolutely cannot wait to read it.

    I hope you have a great week, Carina!

  8. I really hope you'll get well soon :( I'm sure that new books made you a bit better though.

    As always you've got some amazing books and I really want to read The Cure of Dreaming, so I cannot wait to see what you think of it. Great haul, Carina! :)

  9. Wooohoooo on wining the signed Rae Carson books sweetie!! So happy you got them to cheer you up on your bad week!
    Strange & Ever After IS a gorgeous book, even if the ending is evil!!
    So happy you loved The Cure for Dreaming!!
    Happy reading sweetie!

  10. I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well! Hope you start feeling better.

    Congrats on the Rae Carson books win! Love her books! Ooh, so jealous of The Cure for Dreaming. I adored the author's first novel.

    Hope you enjoy everything :D


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