
Saturday, July 5, 2014

In My Mailbox #140

I am so behind on everything. And I should have been commenting on a bunch of blogs. But I haven't. And I'm sorry. I love reading all your comments. <3 And I will get back to you soonish. It's just hard. I have no time. Okay, I do, but I have such pain in my arms these days that I cannot type on my laptop for long. Which is killing me. Sigh. But I did get more medicine this week, so hoping I will feel better very soon. Pfff. I doubt it. As I never seem to feel better, despite getting medicine once a month. Just wanting to feel better. Being sick for life is the worst. Sigh. ANYWAY. I didn't get all that much this week. But I still got some awesome books and things. <3 So happy about it all. Though.. soon.. there is no more room. SOBS. I will not deal with that, lol. I also blogged a little this week. I read and reviewed Mortal Gods. <3 Which I ADORED. So much heartbreak. Loved it. Then I read Little Knife. Stunning short story. Then another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on The Glass Arrow. And then I posted a gorgeous Guest Post with Emily Murdoch. <3 PLUS International giveaway of If You Find Me! So go enter :) Then I shared the amazing cover for Summerfall by Claire Legrand. <3 So beautiful. And then.. Sigh. I read The Queen of the Tearling. Which took me many days. Finally finished it last night. My review is written, but will probably not post for another week. We'll see what publisher say about the blog tour. As I hated the book. A one star for me. Which breaks my heart a little. Sigh. Anyway. What did you get this week? <3

Sinner. I have yet to read the Shiver books, but dying to. Will hopefully read them all this month :D
The Girl With All the Gifts. Planning to start this one next :D Very excited. And worried. So happy.
On the Jellicoe Road. This book is just so perfect that I had to own this gorgeous audio version. <3
Eleanor & Park. This special edition is beyond gorgeous. But damn it, B&N. It is a bit damaged :\
Ruin and Rising. Oh, how I love this special edition! GORGEOUS. But damn B&N. Also damaged :(
City of Heavenly Fire. This is pissing me off! Such a perfect book. I pre-ordered two copies of this UK paperback via the book depository. I only got one. And weeks went by. So they shipped me a new one. But this is NOT a first edition, so it does not have the bonus content in the back :'( And I needed two copies of the book with that. I'm so unhappy about it. And it's making me so sad. Will be emailing again.

How To Train Your Dragon 2. Two gorgeous puzzles. <3 They are so so pretty. Sigh. And gorgeous books as well :D Love them all so so much. And special edition of the first movie. Such a pretty cover. And my final copies of the tv-show. <3 Sigh. I just.. I'm still waiting to see the movie :( It arrived here in my town yesterday. But it is only showing in Norwegian. At least until July 10th. SOBS. I don't know if they will get it in English after that. But I will hope. And I will wait. And it will be worth it, I know. <3


  1. The Girl with all the Gifts sounds really interesting, think I'll wait for your review before deciding whether or not to read it. :)

  2. It's okay to be behind, sometimes we need a break! I love your new copies of Ruin and Rising and City of Heavenly Fire, they are gorgeous! Enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Oigh! What a bummer the B&N books were damaged!! =/ I'm now worried for mine...
    And I still haven't got my copy of "The Girl With All the Gifts"... TBD is being very slow as of late! =(
    I hope you can get a solution from them about the Cassie Clare book!
    Hope you will be feeling better soon sweetie! Happy reading!

  4. Great to read your posts again. Looks like a grand amount of reading and activities. Unfortunate to hear you are sick, but I hope you feel better soon! :(

  5. Aw, such fun HTTYD2 stuff!! We're finally seeing this movie tomorrow and I can't wait! Enjoy all your new goodies, Carina!

  6. THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS looks wonderful. And yay for RUIN & RISING! I need to read my copy sooooon. Lovely haul, Carina. Happy reading :)

  7. I hope the medicine work Carina :) I'm reading The girl with all the gifts now and I'm loving it! Your Ruin and Rising collector edition is gorgeous. I hope I can read the short story somewhere on the internet (legal) someday. Happy reading :D


  8. I hope you'll get well soon, Carina <3 :(

    Also I am so sorry about B&N :( International Shipping is always a little tricky and it sucks so much that your books arrived damaged :( THEY BOTH STILL LOOK GORGEOUS THOUGH! The B&N collectors edition for R&R has me drooling *wipes drool*

    Also that's pretty sucky of Book Depository. And I am really annoyed at them for you. -.- *shakes fist at amazon*. Hopefully though, they'll be able to do something.

    Happy Reading, Carina! :) and I hope you have a fabulous week (AND GET BETTER)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  9. hope you feel better, and hang in there... Just do what you can and try not to feel guilty.

  10. Love your things. City of heavenly fire is a amazing book :)

  11. I'm sorry you're in pain! That's the worst, but I hope your medicine helps. People understand that you can't always get to comments as quickly as you'd like! Your health is more important.

    I'm sorry your books from Barnes & Noble are damaged! Shipping is stupid, but at least in the US if my book is damaged I can just take it to the store and they replace it. :( I hope you get everything replaced with no problems. I seriously love that copy of Eleanor & Park, though.

  12. PRETTY BOOKS! i think you should contact B&N about the damaged book since you paid so much for shipping!! let them send you two new ones with proper wrapping! and YEAY FOR SINNER <3 I need my own finished copy of that book *cries* so pretty

  13. Sorry to hear you're dealing with pain, that's frustrating! Hope you start feeling better!

    I got the Ruin and Rising B&N edition too! It's stunning! Sorry your's arrived damaged, I hate it when that happens.

    Hope you enjoy everything :)


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