
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Guest Post with Emily Murdoch + Giveaway

Today I'm sharing a guest post written by Emily Murdoch. <3 And oh, how I adore Emily. She is amazing! And I loved her first book; If You Find Me so so much. I cannot wait to read her newest YA which is coming out in 2015. I have read all the teasers she has posted on twitter, and it is making me so excited. <3 Emily is one of the kindest persons I know. And she's so adorable to talk to on twitter :) Thank you for being so awesome. <3 Anyway. She wrote this short guest post for me, and I love it. Thank you Emily. And huge thank you to Nina at Orion/Indigo Books for donating a copy of If You Find Me for giveaway. She is awesome! And I hope you will all enter. <3 International. Enjoy the post :)

UPDATE. Giveaway has been updated and I will now be giving away FOUR signed UK paperbacks :D

Dark and Deep by Emily Murdoch

The words are lovely, dark and deep, with pages to go before I sleep ...
Books. They can set our minds whirring and our hearts afire, steal buckets of our tears, raise our hackles and, if we’re lucky, raise our spirits, our expectations about our lives and the world, and sometimes, just sometimes, raise us.


When I was young, I fled to my beloved books whenever I felt alone, hurt, misunderstood, hopeless, confused, scared, or lost. Books were like transcendental wings, courage kindlers, light-bulb moments, instruction manuals, and, as a lifelong reader, I can say two of the most important lessons I’ve learned have come from books:

One, that no matter what we experience in life, no matter what we face, we are not alone.
Two, that it’s okay to embrace our personal truth. Where we come from. Who we are, now. Where we’re going. Where we want to go.

Because our hopes and dreams are their own truths, too.

I carry that torch of truth, today. I'm an author who writes dark and deep, with teens like I was, in mind; the kind who already know the world can be a dark place, and need those words, those pages, those books to remind them that bent doesn't have to mean broken, and broken doesn't have to mean forever.

That even at the bottom of the deepest rubble, hope can find a way.
“What seems like adult material for a lucky child has already happened in the life of an unlucky child, and they need the book more than ever.” --Unknown 

Deep down, we never stop yearning for the truth about ourselves and our worlds, no matter how dark. That books can play a part in lighting the way, rock us in their pages, set us bent-to-straight, or grace us with a new or healing perspective, is truly, to quote Carl Sagan, “proof that humans can do magic”.

There are some things you can’t leave behind… 

A broken-down camper hidden deep in a national forest is the only home fifteen year-old Carey can remember. The trees keep guard over her threadbare existence, with the one bright spot being Carey’s younger sister, Jenessa, who depends on Carey for her very survival. All they have is each other, as their mentally ill mother comes and goes with greater frequency. Until that one fateful day their mother disappears for good, and two strangers arrive. Suddenly, the girls are taken from the woods and thrust into a bright and perplexing new world of high school, clothes and boys.

Now, Carey must face the truth of why her mother abducted her ten years ago, while haunted by a past that won’t let her go… a dark past that hides many a secret, including the reason Jenessa hasn’t spoken a word in over a year. Carey knows she must keep her sister close, and her secrets even closer, or risk watching her new life come crashing down.

EMILY MURDOCH lives in the Arizona desert with her husband and adopted dogs, spending her days operating a sanctuary for slaughter-rescued horses and burros. At night, she writes furiously by candlelight, capturing the ideas inspired by the day. If You Find Me is Murdoch's first published novel.

If You Find Me: Amazon - B&N - The Book Depository
Indiebound - Orion Books - St. Martin's Griffin

Where to find Emily: Website - Blog - Twitter - Goodreads

I'm giving away a UK paperback edition of If You Find Me. <3
The giveaway is open internationally. You must respond to my email within 48 hours.
The book is being shipped from Nina via Orion/Indigo :D She is the best. Thank you Nina. <3

UPDATE: The giveaway is open for two more weeks. As there will now be TWO winners! A second winner will get a signed US edition from Emily. <3 It will ship from me, and I'll ship anywhere. Details here.

UPDATE AGAIN: The amazing Emily just told me she is sending me FOUR Signed UK Paperback editions of If You Find Me that I can send to four winners :D So the giveaway has been updated a bit. There will now be 4 winners. One signed book each. They will ship from me, when I get them. And it is still INTERNATIONAL :) And I'm changing the end date. You can enter until August 14th.


  1. The book looks amazing!! thanks for the chance :)

  2. Christina R. in the rafflecopter

    LOVE Emily Murdoch! She writes beautifully, cares deeply and saves horses!

    This is a lovely post :)

    Thank you :)

  3. This book sounds different than anything I ever read before ! I would definitely love to read it so I am keeping my fingers crossed :D

  4. Emily is such a sweet person :) I absolutely loved If you find me and I'm not a huge contemporary reader. I got this one as e-book, but I would love to get a physical copy <3

  5. Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much! ♥

  6. I knew that Emily is amazing but she is so sweet! :) Thank you so much for sharing this and for the giveaway :)

  7. What a wonderful guest post! Books have always been my therapy, my refuge and my best friends in case of need.
    Thank you so much Carina and Emily for the giveaway, since I've been very keen on reading this book for quite a while!

  8. This book sounds great and I am excited for the new book coming out in 2015.

  9. Oh what a gorgeous post, Carina. Thank you so much for sharing it. I just love the beauty with which the author wrote this guest post. It's such a beautiful way to describe books.
    This was my favorite line : " Books were like transcendental wings, courage kindlers, light-bulb moments, instruction manuals" YES to this! Books have played such an important role in my childhood when I simply needed to disappear a bit.
    I'm ashamed to say that I haven't read anything by Emily Murdoch yet, but I will change that for sure. I have her book somewhere on my reader.
    Thanks for sharing, Carina! :)

  10. I've been hearing really great things about this book; everyone seems to be loving it! Thanks for the guest post and the giveaway. :)

  11. For some reason, I never picked up If You Find Me...even though it sounds right up my alley with the mystery and beautiful writing! Thanks for sharing Carina! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

  12. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, carina. I've heard amazing things about this story

  13. Hi! This book is quite intriguing. I'd love to be able to read it. I hope you're having a lovely day. :)

  14. Thank you so much for the giveaway :)
    (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

  15. I really want to read this book. Everyone who's read it has nothing bad to say about it.

  16. I love Emily´s way to write!

  17. Oh please please, I want to read this! :D

  18. Wow...this seems like one of those books that really hit you in the gut! Want to read!

  19. I have been wanting to read this one for a while now! Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Thanks for an awesome giveaway, dying to read this one like forever! :) Great post!

  21. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  22. Thanks for the wonderful post and great giveaway :)

  23. "Leave any kind of comment :)" I am having a toothache :/

  24. Emily is one of the sweetest people ever!!! I adore her :)

  25. Now that I'm done blushing from all your lovely comments, winks ...


    Since there are so many entries, and since my US publisher just sent me *ten* extra UK copies, I'll be sending you FOUR signed UK paperbacks, and a little surprise in there for you, too.

    Hooray! : )!

    I just ask that you give away or donate the unsigned copy to a teen, a library, shelter or pediatric hospital wing.

    Let's spread the goodness around! ��

  26. (This is Darith L.)

    Lovely cover, and the premise sounds interesting! Thanks for the chance! :D

  27. Absolutely beautiful words that remind me of why I love reading, and why I love writing. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  28. I love giveaways for international covers! Thanks so much! :D

  29. Thank you for the amazing giveaway! :)

  30. "Books. They can set our minds whirring and our hearts afire, steal buckets of our tears, raise our hackles and, if we’re lucky, raise our spirits, our expectations about our lives and the world, and sometimes, just sometimes, raise us"

    --- SO true. Books are truly magical sometimes.

    Fabulous guest post! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  31. I've been wanting to read this book forever!! thanks for the giveaway :)

  32. Thank you so much! I absolutely love the yellow & black edition of the cover :)

  33. The book looks amazing!! thanks for the giveaway! ad for making it international!

  34. I've been hearing a lot of good reviews about If You Find Me but I haven't had the chance to read it yet.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this. :)

  35. This post is so true, books and words are really magical and so inportant <3

    If you find me looks so good, thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)

  36. So excited!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  37. Looks like an amazing book! :)

  38. Looks like a fantatic book and I really like that cover. I love the yellow! =D

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. I'm so excited for this book! I've always wanted to read it and those covers are just gorgeous. ^-^ Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I've been searching for this book everywhere.

  41. I absolutely loved If You Find Me and I would be delighted to win a copy. Thanks so much for the opportunity! :D

  42. I love how the book sounds and I would be delighted to read/review Emily*s work.


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