
Monday, July 7, 2014

All Four Stars Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway

I'm so excited to be a part of the All Four Stars blog tour! Thank you Wendy for letting me be a part of it. <3 I'm also so glad that I enjoyed this book. And I want all of you to know about it too. Because you need to buy this book in a few days when it comes out on July 10th. It is a book worth reading. Promise. Which you can see why below in my review. I read this amazing book two weeks ago in just a few hours. And I'm so glad I did. There is also a giveaway of the book; open to US and Canada. <3 Best of luck with that :D As you all need to read this book, because it was so cute and awesome. See more about this amazing tour over at The Midnight Garden. <3 I have loved seeing all the different blog tour posts :)

My Review of All Four Stars.

First I want to thank Wendy for letting me know about this book. Without her, I wouldn't have known about it. And I'm so glad she liked it. Because it made me want to read it too. So I asked to be a part of the blog tour. Which I got accepted for, hih. So happy about that. Because I ended up really enjoying All Four Stars. I found it to be a sweet middle grade read. And it made me all kinds of hungry as well. First there is the writing. And oh, also, I really enjoyed how this book was written. It was done really well.

I'm giving this adorable book a four stars because I really liked it. Despite it being about food. While I don't really cook at all, lol. But I do love eating. And there is so much good food in this book. Which made it a bad idea for me to start reading it while hungry. But I also think it made me like the book more as well. There is just so many things to love in All Four Stars. There is Gladys, the main character. She is adorable. I loved how she had been cooking in secret for years. Though, it was dangerous.

This is where the book starts. With Gladys cooking in her kitchen, with her parents at work. And she sets the curtains on fire. Which was kind of awesome to read about. And this starts the story. Gladys is punished; no more cooking for six months. And I'm not going to say much more about the plot, as I don't want to share everything. I found this book to be a little exciting a little sweet and a little fun. It is a great read and I think you should all read it. It is fun to read about Gladys's life. As she's awesome.

There are many characters in this book. Like her parents. I wasn't sure what to think of them. I thought they were great; very protective. But I did not like that they didn't cook. That they always bought fast food for dinner. Sounds a bit depressing to eat each day. But I did like them as her parents. Then there is her neighbor, Sandy. Who is a year younger than Gladys. He is also a boy. And I loved reading about them becoming great friends. So cute. I loved his rabbits. I loved his mom too. They were adorable.

I loved reading about Gladys. About how she tried to make more friends, after her parents told her to. She and Sandy were adorable. But at different schools. So we also meet some other amazing characters. Like Parm. Such a great friend and character. Reading about her family and the food they made was all kinds of awesome. Sigh. Getting hungry again, lol. Then there was Charissa. I kind of really loved and adored her. She's the mean girl. But she gets better with food. And she was awesome to read about.

There are so many things happening in All Four Stars. And I don't want to spoil anything. Just know that is is very exciting and surprising. And there is food tasting. And making. And oh. Wishing I could make all that amazing food. Or at least eat it all, lol. I don't usually read books that aren't fantasy related, like this book, but I'm glad I decided to read it. Because it was fun. And sweet. And it means much to me. Gladys was just such an adorable girl. And oh, I really do want to read another book about her. <3

Thank you Wendy for the chance to read this book. <3 I got to read it via NetGalley. So thank you for that. I have also pre-ordered All Four Stars, because I do need to own my own hardcover of it because that cover is pretty gorgeous. And I always need to own books that I love, hih. Though I didn't fully love this book, I did enjoy it very much. And I'm glad I read it. Now all of you need to read it too. Because it is worth it. I know I didn't say too much, but that's because I can't think of anything good enough.

Meet Gladys Gatsby: New York’s toughest restaurant critic. (Just don’t tell anyone that she’s in sixth grade.)

Gladys Gatsby has been cooking gourmet dishes since the age of seven, only her fast-food-loving parents have no idea! Now she’s eleven, and after a crème brûlée accident (just a small fire), Gladys is cut off from the kitchen (and her allowance). She’s devastated but soon finds just the right opportunity to pay her parents back when she’s mistakenly contacted to write a restaurant review for one of the largest newspapers in the world.

But in order to meet her deadline and keep her dream job, Gladys must cook her way into the heart of her sixth-grade archenemy and sneak into New York City—all while keeping her identity a secret! Easy as pie, right?

Tara Dairman is a novelist, playwright, and survivor of the world's
longest honeymoon (2 years, 74 countries!) Her first middle-grade
novel, All Four Stars, will be published on July 10, 2014 by Putnam/Penguin. Tara grew up in New York and earned a B.A. in Creative Writing from Dartmouth College; she currently lives in Colorado, where she teaches writing to students aged 6-13.

Keep up with all of Tara's latest news on her website, Twitter, GoodReads, and Facebook.

Buy All Four Stars: Amazon - B&N - The Book Depository - Indiebound

a Rafflecopter giveaway
All Four Stars Tour Schedule

Tuesday, July 1st              The Midnight Garden
Wednesday, July 2nd        The Reading Date
Thursday, July 3rd            For What It’s Worth
Friday, July 4th                 The Spirit of Children’s Literature
                                         A Baked Creation
Monday, July 7th              Xpresso Reads
Tuesday, July 8th             For the Love of Words
Wednesday, July 9th        Finding Bliss in Books
Thursday, July 10th          Candace’s Book Blog


  1. LOL, you got me at FOOD!! :D

    It's been so long since I've last read a middle grade book, and there's something special about them that will always make me happy reading them, even when they are sad books. Probably because my middle grade years are so long behind me and my memories are so faded that every little thing that reminds me of how I was probably like then makes me smile. Gladys sounds like someone whom I'd love to be friends with, definitely want to read this book! :))

    Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

  2. FOOOOOD!! I really need to read this one and then go eat all the foooood!! Thanks for the fantastic review, sweetie!!

  3. I love that this book is about food! I mean who doesn't love food! I judge people who don't! :P
    This looks like it's such an adorable read, Carina. I don't read many MG books but the main character just sounds so lovely. I might need to give this a shot some time and buy a copy for my little niece who is just starting to enjoy listening to stories. :)
    Lovely review and I'm glad you liked this!

  4. I don't read much MG but this one does sound cute and like it would make me hungry

  5. Oh this book looks adorable! Is it middle grade or younger? I cook because I have to feed my family, but I prefer eating much more. YUM. This post is making me hungry.


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