
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Review: Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini

Loving a book gives you the best feeling in the world. Trial by Fire gave me that. Because oh, I loved this book so much. It was amazing. I was hoping I would like it, but I didn't imagine that I could love it this much. But I did. And I do. I love this book so extremely much. Sure, it broke my heart a few times. But most of the time it made my heart pound in a good way.

I'm not sure I can describe this book and make sense at the same time. So I won't try that hard, hih. But I will talk a little bit about it. First. The writing in this book is beautiful. Very much so. And oh, that made me happy. I crave amazing writing, lol. And the writing in this book made me feel all the things. It made me connect to the characters so much. Which was good.

There was just so much to love in this book. The point of views. Mostly it is just from the point of view of Lily. But we also see a little bit of a few different characters as well. Which I loved, as I felt like we needed those peeks into their heads. But. In those times I was also itching to get back into the mind of Lily, and read about her and Rowan, lol. I did love them all, though. Sigh. First I will talk a little of the plot. There is the world where Lily is from; our world. And oh. We learn so much about her. She is so sick and hurting and it broke my heart. It was so real. So heartbreaking. So damn perfect. We learn about her mom and her sister. And her best friend, Tristan. Grrr. He does something awful. Oh, I did not like him one bit. Sigh. But he was a great friend at first. He just sucked at any kind of romance. Hated that.

But we do not get to see much of Lily's life in this world. Because something awful happens and she wish herself away. Which I will not explain more of. But then Lily suddenly is in another Salem than her own. A much creepier version. With another version of herself; Lillian. She looks just like her. But she isn't the same. And oh, how it was creepy and awesome to read about. There is another of her sister, Juliet, too. And a different version of Tristan. Grrr. I didn't like this version any better, lol. Still. He's a great friend.

I can't say much more about the plot. I don't want to. Because I suck at explaining it, hih. Just know that it is amazing. I loved reading about this new world. About the awful things in it. Those who eat people. Shudders. But so awesome to read about. There are so many people too. I loved reading about all of it. Sigh. There are also witches in this book. And magic. Which takes a big part in the book. I loved it. It was different and interesting to read about. I enjoyed every moment. Cannot wait to know even more.

There is a boy in this book. Rowan. And oh. I can't begin to describe how much I loved him. Ack. He is perfect. And broken. Oh, so broken. It shattered my heart a million times. I just want him to be forever loved. By Lily. Yes. I want that. Lillian broke him. And I will never forgive her. Because Rowan. Sigh. He is amazing. So so amazing to read about. I need more of him, hih. Not enough romance, but still so perfect. Lily and Rowan are adorable. I feared a love triangle, but there wasn't any. Thankfully :D

Ack. Lillian. We don't see all that much of her. But I learned enough. And I can't decide if I hate her or not. I hate all the evil things she has done. All the people she has killed. But. I also kind of understand why, even though we haven't fully learned her reasons yet. And I need to know. I really do. Lillian and Rowan were a thing a year ago. And I didn't hate it. Which shocks me, lol. But now I need him with Lily. And there better not pop up a triangle thing in the next books, hih. But I have hope there won't be.

There is just so much to talk about when it comes to this book. I can't mention it all. But I want it. Trial of Fire is beautiful. It is exciting. It is heartbreaking. Mostly, it is perfect. I loved every moment of it. Sigh. What I loved the most? When Lily and Rowan shared memories. It killed me! It was just so perfect. Ack. I need more moments like that in the next book. Sigh. I'm so excited. I just need more and more, lol. Also, I did adore most of the characters. And I can't wait to see even more of them all. So excited.

The ending. I cannot get over the ending. It's a cliffhanger. And it's all kinds of evil. Yet so damn amazing. I need to know what happens next! How I will be able to wait longer than a year for the sequel I do not know. Because I want it right away, hih. I need more of Lily and Rowan. <3 Sigh. Just more of everything. And omg. The title for book two. Trail of Tears. It kills me. I have so many fears and hopes for the next book. And I cannot wait to read it. Sigh. Oh, how I enjoyed this book. It was amazing.

The biggest of thank you's to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for the print ARC copy of Trial by Fire. <3 I will treasure it always. Because holy. This book was amazing and ack. I cannot wait to own the hardcover as well. And be forever jealous of those that got the special packaging for it. Now I want it more than anything, lol. But anyway. Trial by Fire was such an amazing book. And you all need to read it when it comes out in September. Even the evil cliffhanger is worth it. All the heartbreak too. Just, so good.


  1. Awesome review Carina! I have an ARC copy of this from the UK pubs, I can't wait to read it! =)

  2. So excited to hear that you loved this book, Carina! I can't wait to read this and meet Rowan ;)

  3. Oh wow. Five stars! I'm a bit wary of this book because the author's first work didn't really do it for me. But I'm glad you loved it.

  4. GAH! This sounds great...from the romance to the character development to the writing and the use of the multiple POVs. Definitely going to have to give this a try! SOOO glad you enjoyed it so much Carina, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

  5. I'm glad to hear you loved this! Lauren (@ Love is Not a Triangle) did too, and I trust you all the most about triangle-y things haha. I maaaaay wait for the second book to start this series, but I'm not sure yet. :P

  6. What a great cover and the book sounds awesome. So glad that you loved it so much- even with the cliffhanger. I will be looking for this one in the fall. :)

  7. This sounds like such a good read with the characters and the twisty plot


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