
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Review: City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

I have waited so long for City of Heavenly Fire. And it was well worth the wait. It truly was. I didn't re-read the first five books before I started this one, despite it being two years since I read them all. I just didn't want to wait any longer, lol. But I will re-read the entire series pretty soon, I think. I'm excited.

I love the writing in this book. It is amazing and so well done. And the world. I love reading about the Shadowhunters. They will always be a favorite of mine. I love everything about this series. Because it is amazing. Sure, the early books had some things I disliked, but this book? This book gave me all the love.

I don't know how to begin this review of mine. There is so much to talk about. And I will talk about some of it, but I will not share everything. First, this book is told from so many different point of views. I can't even mention them all, lol. But I loved it. Because it needed to be told like that. And I was never confused about who I was reading of. I think my favorite point of view was Emma. She was just so adorable and broken and I loved how she saw things. I cannot wait for Lady Midnight. Sigh. The wait will be long. But worth it. Anyway. I didn't want to let the characters in this book go. So reading the ending was a bit hard for me. But the ending was so good. And that just makes me so happy. This book also made me cry a little bit very often. Which I also loved. I cannot describe all the feelings I had while reading it. Just, it was perfect.

There is so much happening in City of Heavenly Fire. So many people die. A lot of it was heartbreaking. So many awful things happen. But there are also happy moments. Which made my heart smile. Though I do wish there had been more romantic scenes. Hmph. But it didn't bother me that much. As I loved everything about this book. But yes. More romance I would have loved, lol. But oh. There is so much in this book. So much. So much war and heartbreak and pain and happiness. This book was amazing.

Jace and Clary will always be one of my favorite couples. And my favorite characters in these books. I just love them both so much. Clary has grown so much. As has Jace. Though I do think I will always love Jace just a little bit more, lol. Just because he is so amazing. So handsome. So kind and loving. And strong and brave. He is a truly amazing person. And I love that about him. Clary is amazing as well. I really liked her in this book. And the romance. Swoon. It is perfect. They are perfect together.

For a moment he just looked at her in astonishment, his lips parted slightly; 
Clary felt her cheeks flush. He was looking at her like she was he first star 
that had ever come out in the sky, a miracle painted across the face of the world 
that he could barely believe in. "Let me--" he said, and broke off. "Can I kiss you?"

Then there are all the other characters. Simon and Isabelle. I adore them together. And Isabelle. Sobs. I hate how sad and heartbroken she is. She has lost so much. And it isn't fair. I miss Max too. Sniffs. I also liked Simon more in this book. Which was good, to be honest. Then there is Alec and Magnus. Sigh. I love them both so much. So much heartbreak and love. I love seeing them together. They are the perfect pair. Magnus is just awesome. We learn a little more about him in this book, which I loved.

Of course, Sebastian is in this book a lot. And I still hate him so much. I just can't help it. He does so many awful things. He hurt and kill so many people. It's horrible. Yet I also love reading about him. He is interesting and different. A great villain. His obsession with Clary is creepy, though. Just saying. Then there is Jocelyn and Luke. I still don't really love them. But I like them a lot. Then.. Maia and Jordan. I must admit, I don't like them much. Sniffs. But I did like reading about them. A little bit, at least :)

I will not say a lot about the plot in City of Heavenly Fire. Just that it is amazing. And that I loved reading this book. It is full of action and adventure and romance and heartbreak. Just the perfect amount of everything. It is a great book. But oh, there is so much destruction. Like what Sebastian did to some Shadowhunters. It was evil. And cruel. And it broke my heart. Sniffs. Yet it was done so well. I really loved reading about everything in this book. And I loved how everything ended. I truly did.

There is a little bit of Tessa in this book. Not much, but enough for me. Though it is heartbreaking for me, since I know the ending of Clockwork Princess. Sniffs. But. You should know that this book does not spoil The Infernal Devices for you. At least I don't think so. Well, you don't know which boy she ends up with. Because no names are mentioned in this book. Which is good. But oh. I wanted Jace to get to know about Will. I wanted it so much. Sniffs. Maybe in five years? Oh, I hope. Anyway. I adore Tessa.

There are so many new characters in this book. And I loved reading about all of them. Especially Julian and Emma. Who are twelve in this book. And will be seventeen in the new series. I cannot wait. Because holy crap. There is so much heartbreak in this book. We learn so much about them. And I wanted to know more. I wanted to read about them all the time. And oh. They are becoming Parabatai. And my heart is breaking. They are the best of friends. But yeah. I'm already wishing they will be more, lol.

I also loved reading about Julian's family. His brothers and sisters. It broke my heart that they have all lost their parents. That Emma lost her parents too. It is heartbreaking. Yet so amazing to read about. Emma is fierce. And I cannot wait to get to know her more. And Julian. Julian is adorable and I love him already. Anyway. His family. So many of them. Will only mention a few. Like the twins, Livvy and Ty. Ty is special. Different. Oh, how I am curious about him. I liked him. Curious about Mark too, but worried.

City of Heavenly Fire is a long book. Just over 700 pages. Yet when I read it, it wasn't long enough. I wanted more and more all the time. But at the same time it was also perfect. It is a good ending. Heartbreaking in so many places. But also good. It was perfect. But I am not ready to say goodbye. So now I will go hunting through my files of The Dark Artifices, which book one will come out in Fall 2015. And it will be set five years after this book. I cannot wait. I'm already in love with Julian and Emma.

Julian reached a hand up and took the Sword. As his fingers closed around the hilt, he shuddered, a ripple of pain that was quickly forced down. The blond girl behind him started forward, and Clary caught a glimpse of the look on her face--pure fury--before Helen caught at her and pulled her back.

I'm a big fan of Cassandra Clare. I love her books. So much. And I think she's an awesome person. And I am dying to read her next books. All of them. Because her writing is stunning and I just know that I will love everything that she writes. Which makes me very happy, hih. But oh. The wait for all the books are going to kill me. I have no patience. But it also makes it worth it, when I know the books will be amazing. Well, probably. I still don't want to wait, lol. But yess. I will. And I couldn't be happier. <3

I'm so glad I read City of Heavenly Fire. I was worried before I read it that I would have forgotten some things, but then I started and I seem to remember just about all of it. Which I loved. Anyway. I am so glad I read this book. Because it was perfect. The perfect ending to an amazing series that I will always love. If you have yet to read these books, then I suggest that you start right away. I don't think you will regret it. Despite all the heartbreak in the first books, lol. You just must read City of Heavenly Fire.


  1. I just scanned this since I've not read my copy yet and I want to go into it with no knowledge of it but I'm so happy to see you loved it! It is really a brick of a book isn't it! I can't wait to have time to read it myself.

  2. I kind of fell out of love with this series .-. I was obsessed until two years ago but then as time passed my love for it faded away.... especially after the ending to CP let me down. With that said, there was one thing I just HAD to know which is why I spoiled some stuff for myself ;)

    I am so happy to see you loved it though, Carina! I am glad that the final book didn't let you down! :)

    Lovely review! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  3. I am so weary to pick this up, because I didn't LOVE the ending to clockwork series. The very very ending, yes, the build up to it, not so much

  4. I'm so behind on this sounds like I need to catch up!

    Great review :)

  5. I know you are usually awesome at keeping your reviews spoiler free but still I've skimmed reading it a bit, cause I want to go into the book knowing as little as possible! But I'm glad to hear we read a bit about Emma and Tessa! Fantastic review, sweetie!
    I cannot wait till I can pick up my copy of COHF this Thursday!!

  6. Hello!,
    I loved this book too! I am glad to hear that you enjoyed this book as much as I did. This book really captured my attention, and I loved reading different points of views as well! I am sad to see this series end, too. But, like you said, it was a great ending to a great series! I love your blog and reviews, keep posting!


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