
Monday, June 23, 2014

Preview Review: All Four Stars by Tara Dairman

This will not be my full review. Only a few small notes to let you know that I enjoyed this book and that my review will be posted on July 7th, as a part of the official blog tour hosted by Wendy. <3 I'm so excited to be a part of this tour, hih. And I'm so glad that I got a chance to read this book. Because it was adorable.

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed All Four Stars a whole lot. It is a cute and funny story about eleven year old Gladys. She was adorable to read about. And the whole book was pretty much amazing. Also, it made me very hungry. You should come back in July to read my full review and enter the blog tour giveaway. <3


  1. I'm so gonna be keeping an eye on this one for sure! I cannot wait for the blog tour and to read your full review!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book, Carina. :) Looking forward to your review.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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