
Thursday, June 19, 2014

News: Fairest by Marissa Meyer

As you all know by now, I'm a HUGE fan of Marissa. Hih. She is just adorable. So kind and sweet and amazing. And she writes the best books! The Lunar Chronicles will always be a favorite of mine. Cinder, Scarlet & Cress have all been perfect. And I loved her short stories too. Sigh. So THIS! Fairest. Dies. It will be perfect. I just know it. And I cannot wait for January 27th to come, so that I can read it. <3

What is Fairest, you ask. Well. It is a new book from Marissa. Which is a part of The Lunar Chronicles. But happens many years before. Fairest is the story of Queen Levana. And it sounds amazing! And it is killing me. Because I need this book right away. I cannot wait to get to read it. <3 January must arrive fast, hih. And there is a summary! And there is a cover! And everything is so perfect. Truly. This cover is gorgeous. One of my favorites of all the covers. Sigh. I adore it so much. Oh, how I want this book.

Below this gorgeous cover I will post the links to all my The Lunar Chronicles blog posts. Which might be very many. I will not post all my Cress Tuesday links, as there are way too many, lol. But I love doing those. So I will post a link to the page where you can find them all, if you haven't seen them yet. Sigh. I am so excited for Fairest. I just know that it will be perfect. And I'm dying for Winter as well, the fourth and final book in this series. It isn't out until November next year, though. So the wait will be very painful. But I can do it. Most likely :D Now. Are you going to read it? What do you think of the cover? :D

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?

Fans of the Lunar Chronicles know Queen Levana as a ruler who uses her “glamour” to gain power. But long before she crossed paths with Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress, Levana lived a very different story—a story that has never been told … until now.

Marissa Meyer spins yet another unforgettable tale about love and war, deceit and death. This extraordinary book includes full-color art and an excerpt from WINTER, the next book in the Lunar Chronicles series.


  1. I seriously didn't know she had a new book coming out named Fairest! O_O Was this already known on the blogosphere? I only knew about it when the cover was revealed! In any case I'm super excited for this especially since Cress will be out late next year The Social Potato Reviews

  2. I was so excited when they told me the news, cause I missed the announcement (I was at work)!!
    So awesome, I love the cover and everything really!!

  3. I wasn't sure about this cover when I first caught it on my Twitter feed, but now seeing it clearly, I really like it! A lot of people are excited about this book, it seems. I'm probably the only person left on the planet that hasn't continued with the series since Cinder. :P I definitely plan to though! Hopefully. ;)

  4. I LOVE when an author manages to surprise us with a secret book project. I cannot wait for this. We've gotten hints of a human side of Levana behind the monster, and I'm excited to explore more of that. That cover is GORGEOUS. Like just incredible. You need to recap the Fairest chat too, because I missed that. Was anything important said there?

  5. I love the animated book cover! It's so lovely. Sadly, I stopped reading this series after Cinder - maybe one day I'll re-read Cinder and finish the series!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. I had no idea she was already publishing another book! I read Cinder, and purchased the other two, but haven't gotten the chance to read them! I loved Cinder, and everyone seems to be raving about this series, so I'm dying to complete it! This cover just looks AMAZING!


  7. Are you going to read it? NO NEED TO ASK ME THAT. OF COURSE :D So flipping exited!

  8. I love this! I was so excited when I heard the news! Ofcourse, I'm going to read it!! :D I think the cover is cool. It makes Levana looks so creepy and that's how I picture her in my head. A creepy woman with too much time on her hands. lol! I guess this book will make me feel bad for her a little, from what I've heard she has a pretty depressing story.


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