
Saturday, June 14, 2014

In My Mailbox #137

I didn't get all that much this week. But I did get some amazing books, still. <3 And I cannot wait to read them all. So excited. Anyway. I did read some books this week. I re-read The Burning Sky. <3 And read The Perilous Sea. And I love those two books SO MUCH. I also read and loved The Witch's Boy. And posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on The Bane Chronicles :) I am also currently reading Crash. Which I am enjoying. Will probably review it tonight, if I find the time to read more :) And then I will read Bang and Gasp. <3 Fingers crossed I will love them all. Ohh! And I watched two movies at the cinema this week. First, Maleficent. Which I LOVED. It was so amazing. So heartbreaking. So beautiful. The ending was perfect. Oh, how I loved that movie. I need a sequel, lol. And then last night I watched The Fault in Our Stars. And I actually loved it too :D It was pretty amazing. I loved the book more, but I felt like this movie was done really well. Mostly :) Oh. And I know that I am behind on comments. Again. I'm so sorry. Just haven't had the time yet :( BUT SOON. I do still comment on a lot of blogs everyday, just haven't had the time to check my own comments, lol. Soon. Promise. What did you get this week?
ALSO! There is a new international giveaway up this week :D Go here to enter. <3 Which you must.

Sea of Shadows. Finally got the signed copy I won from Kelley back in April. <3 And it is gorgeous.
The Glass Sentence. Oh, this hardcover is so so pretty. I must read this middle grade book very soon.
Between the Lives + The Moment Collector. These two amazing books I got from the UK publisher, via Books With Bite :D Thank you so so much. <3 I cannot wait to read them both. Hopefully very soonish.
Rebel. Heh, I had to buy this gorgeous international paperback edition. <3 As I really loved the book.
On the Jellicoe Road. Finally got this Australian paperback edition from Fishpond. <3 Perfect book.
My Last Kiss. And I had to get this hardcover after I read my ARC of it :D Such a gorgeous book.
The Fault in Our Stars. Yeah. I had to get this CD as well, hih. It is just so beautiful, isn't it? Sigh.
Divergent. And this one too. Such a gorgeous CD. It needed to be mine. Getting the Score version too.
Frozen. And this. Sigh. I already own 2? Frozen CDs but not with this cover. And it is so very pretty.
My signed copy of Sea of Shadows. <3 Thank you Kelley.


  1. The hardcover of Sea of Shadows is truly gorgeous! And signed books are always the best!!
    Amazing week of bookish goodness girl! Hope you'll have time to read and love what you're reading!

  2. So excited to read My Last Kiss! I really want to read it! And I love the cover too! ^^

  3. You might want to have a packet of tissues nearby when you read Between the Lives, hon. You'll need them. .-.

    I hope you enjoy The Moment Collector! I am going to read the US version soon and am hoping I love it in spite of not hearing many positive things about it (although there aren't many negative things either so that's a good sign right?)

    That's a gorgeous version of On the Jellicoe Road! :') I LOVE IT (although I will still sell my soul to get the first aussie paperback edition).

    I really hope you enjoy Sea of Shadows, Carina! :) I didn't have much luck but I do hope you love it!

    Fantastic haul Carina and have a fabulous weekend! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  4. The glass sentence sounds great and I love the cover with that transparent jacket! I will read The moment collector/The vanishing season soon. Enjoy Carina!

  5. I'm very curious about the Glass Sentence. I'd not heard of it until a couple of weeks ago but have seen some good things. Can't wait to read your review of it. Great books this week...and SO happy you loved The Perilous Sea!

  6. The Glass Sentence has such a pretty cover. You got a nice assortment of books this week.

    Books of Love

  7. So want to read The Perilous Sea. And glad to know Maleificent. I really want to see it.

  8. such awesomeness as usual!!! yeay to that pretty copy of jellico road! I WANT BETWEEN THE LIVES SO BADLY!! ahhh! hope you enjoy them all!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. Wonderful haul, Carina. I still have yet to read my copy of Sea of Shadows, so curious about how you'll fare with it.

    Have a lovely week!

  10. Awesome haul, Carina! Very excited for Glass Sentence and Between the Lives---and what a gorgeous signed copy of Sea of Shadows!!

  11. I read Between the Lives last year and it was really good. I hope you enjoy it. Rebel was good as well but I think Reboot was better for reasons... Woot to the signed copy of Sea of Shadows very nice. I hope you enjoy all your books.

    Weekly Wrap Up

  12. I enjoyed Rebel and My last kiss and hope you do too

  13. I loved MALEFICENT, too! I'm excited to hear what you think of GLASS SENTENCE and the Jodi Lynn Anderson--now I have to see if that's the same book that we have under a different title.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  14. You're way ahead of me on comments, so no worries! I'm working on comments just over a week old, but I don't comment every day. :) I agree about The Fault in Our Stars! It was good, but the book was better. Definitely.

    Ooh, I really want to read Between the Lives! (Does it have a different US title? I feel like it does... Maybe I'm making that up...) Ah, and I love the TFiOS soundtrack! I listened to it driving up to school today. :D

  15. Great haul! Got the TFiOS & Divergent soundtrack as well.


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