
Saturday, June 7, 2014

In My Mailbox #136

We finally got some warm days this week. Which made me and the cat happy, hih. And I did get some amazing books. <3 Yet still waiting on so much. Ack. Hoping things will start arriving soon; as I don't like waiting :) I was planning on reading more this week too. But I just.. I didn't feel like it. Sigh. BUT. I read City of Heavenly Fire :D And oh, how I loved it. It was amazing. So good. I adore the books by Cassie Clare. Anyway. I also read Stitching Snow. Which I did not love. Sigh. And posted another Cress Tuesday post. <3 And I was waiting on Stitching Snow as well, hih. Just so sad I didn't love the book. Hm. Hoping the next book I read will be amazing. Though I do not know what I will read next; as I have so much to read yet none that I really, really wish to read at the moment :p What did you get this week?

City of Heavenly Fire. Two gorgeous hardcovers. <3 And one gorgeous UK paperback. Still waiting on my second copy, hih, and my signed B&N hardcover :D And ohh. How I loved this book. It was so perfect.
Percy Jackson x3. You all probably know how much I love Percy Jackson. Which is A LOT. I own the US paperback box set, and I needed the US hardcover set too. So now I have that :D And I needed the NEW US paperback box sets. And there were two. 5 books and 3 books. They are all GORGEOUS. <3
The Red Pyramid. I had to buy this series by Rick Riordan as well. Hoping to read them soon :D Excited.
The Cabinet of Curiosities. Finally got my gorgeous paperback edition. <3 Reading this book soonish :)
Kinslayer. This UK paperback edition is gorgeous. Sigh. And oh, how I love these books. Heartbreaking.

How To Train Your Dragon 2. A few more books, hih :D I love them all so much. Sigh. I need the movie.
True Blood. Needed a few of them on blu-ray :D Still need to get season 3 on blu-ray, though. And I will be re-watching the six seasons pretty soon, I think. I am SO excited for the final season this month :D
Gasp. I have yet to start this series, but now I own them all. And I am so excited to start reading them.
The Cabinet of Curiosities. Finally got my gorgeous hardcover :D I'm so excited to read this book. <3
Seraphina. First one was damaged. So I got a new one :D And this is gorgeous. Oh, how I love this book.
Kitten torturing me at nights.


  1. OMG. When did Gasp come out?! I adore that series! I adore Lisa McMann. *grabby hands* I must remember to pick that up!

    Anyway, epic haul, C. Love, love your multiple copies of CoHF! <3

  2. That cat looks so pretty. I'm sure he/she wants attention. Love the cover for COHF.


  3. Your kitten certainly looks like she's plotting some kind of doom. :) She's so preeeetty though.

    And look at all the pretties! Augh, I need to catch up on True Blood before the final season!

  4. Love the cover of COHF so much. The book was amazing :) I read the whole series on my kindle, but intend to buy the book series in book form soon :)

  5. That an awesome pile. I still have to read the Percy Jackson books and wow 3 CoHF! Love you cat, so regal looking :)


  6. Fantastic haul! I still need to read COHF, but I'm hoping to dedicate time to it next weekend since I have it off work!! Time to reeeeaaad!!
    Such amazing books, Carina!
    Enjoy and happy reading!

  7. Wow, CoHF is gigantic! I'm not interested in the series anymore, but I hope you enjoy it a lot! Seraphina is an AWESOME book - love the dragons aspect :D

    Have an awesome weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

  8. Yay! Lots of beautiful books this week. Seraphina *sigh* love that one. How is Kitten torturing you at night?

  9. EEP so much love for the COHF copies! I still need to read that one.. need to re-read the previous books first, though, since I don't remember anything :P
    Ahh and I'm so excited for How to Train Your Dragon 2 as well!
    Lovely haul, Carina <3

    My IMM

  10. Awesome week Carina! I love seeing your mailbox because it's always so full! Enjoy!

  11. LOVE your book haul!!! Finally, someone else who gets having more than one copy of CoHF. lol Enjoy your goodies!!

  12. KITTEEH. I love your cat. TOO CUTE!

    Yay for Gasp!! :D I absolutely adored the first two books in the series and cannot wait to read Gasp!! :)

    Your haul is so prettttyyy like all those books! *strokes covers virtually*

    Have a fantastic week, Carina! and HAPPY READING!

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    ooh and Gasp! I didn't know the third book came out already! I own the first one and really excited to read it. Awesome books Carina. Too bad you didn't like Stitching Snow :(

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  14. Cute kitty and can't wait to get and read clare's newest as well

  15. It's a shame you didn't like Stitching snow :( I'm still curious about it though. The cabinet of curiosities has such a stunning cover! And I liked the sneak peek, so I need to take a look at a finished copy too. A lot of Rick Riordan books this month. Happy reading :D

  16. So you are going to have 5 copies of CoHF?! I love this about you. I also love Percy Jackson and your cat is beautiful. Happy book collecting. Sad to hear about Stitching Snow, but I'm going to try it out anyway.

  17. I can't wait to see what you think about GASP and the rest of the series! It's so good, Carina! I loved all three books (4 stars for each one). No love triangle and the romance is really sweet. :)


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