
Monday, June 16, 2014

Cover Reveal: The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

Oh, how I am excited for this book. I think it sounds amazing! The title. The summary. And this cover. Sigh. It is gorgeous, isn't it? Ack. I just cannot wait to read this book. March 2015 is too far away, lol. I also adore Jodi; she's an awesome person. So I think I will love this book. Fingers crossed :D Jodi revealed the cover on her blog, and it is such an amazing post. She answers some awesome questions. So go check that out here. <3 What do you think of the cover? Isn't it just simply stunning? Oh, how I want to read this book right away. It sounds so exciting and fun and I just cannot wait to read it. <3

Wilhelmina has a hundred identities. 

She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne. 

She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone. 

She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others.
Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.


  1. Pretty! But I'm mostly in love with the sound of that blurb. This book sounds epic :D

  2. I'm totally dyyyying for this one!! I want to be able to preorder it alreadyyyy!! So gorgeous and it sounds so epic and amazing!!

  3. What very beautiful cover!!! <3 And the plot. Oh my, it just sounds delicious and decadent. I'm adding this to my wishlist!

    Precious @ Fragments of Life

  4. I do love that cover! Its seems so magical and gorgeous! I'll have to check out this book! Thanks for sharing, Carina! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  5. Wow, that is a fantastic cover and blurb--I hadn't seen either one before, so thank you, Carina! I really like what I've seen of the author online, too--she seems like a cool lady. Definitely have to check this one out. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  6. wow that COVER! WOW! ok i'm adding it to my tbr asap. thanks so much for putting it on my radar!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. I love it so, so much! I featured it yesterday in a post on mirrors, and GAH. Why is it not March yet!? *covets*

  8. Beautiful book by the amazing Jodi Meadows, COME TO ME. *grabby hands* PLEASEEE be released faster, I just can't wait! Thanks for sharing!

    My blog:

  9. I seriously cannot wait for this book! I LOVE the Incarnate series and this one also sounds amazing. That cover is beautiful too. It is so exciting when favorite authors write new things for us all to love. Thanks for sharing this!!


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