
Friday, June 20, 2014

Cover Reveal: Island of Shipwrecks by Lisa McMann

Oh, how excited this middle grade series make me! I LOVED the first three books. And this is the cover for book FIVE! Ack. Book four, Island of Legends, is coming out this September, and then this fifth book, Island of Shipwrecks, comes out in February! Only a few months after :D I could not be happier. Sigh. I just cannot wait. Because this series is adorable and heartbreaking and evil and just all kinds of amazing. I cannot wait to read all the books. So excited! I do seem to remember that there will be seven books total. Which is so amazing. Sigh. I cannot wait. And I adore Lisa. <3 She's amazing. ANYWAY. This cover! It is perfect. And so damn gorgeous. Just like all the other covers for this series. Which you can see below as well. Ohh! And I have made this image of all the covers below, and if you do use it somewhere, it would be nice if you could link back to me, as I had to go hunting for the big size of the images, lol. Click on it for bigger. It's gorgeous. Sigh. How excited I am for these books to come out. You all need to read them! Have you read any of books? What do you think of this cover? <3


  1. Ooooh, all the covers in this series are gorgeous! I think it's a series I need to start! Some evil and epic MG is always something to look forward to!
    Thanks for sharing sweetie!

  2. I haven't heard of this series - though I am familiar with Lisa McMann! I love the covers, they are all epic! I think the middle on is my favorite. Or the second. Or the fourth. ALL OF THEM ARE GREAT :D

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. I think I remember mentioning this series a while back Carina, I'm glad to see that you're still a huge fan. This cover is pretty stunning, I love all the colours that were used on it. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. I haven't read any of these, but Lisa McMann's Wake trilogy, was really good! I might have to give this ones a read as well!



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