
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #136

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Ava is a firebug—she can start fires with her mind. Which would all be well and good if she weren’t caught in a deadly contract with the Coterie, a magical mafia. She’s one of their main hitmen . . . and she doesn’t like it one bit. Not least because her boss, Venus, killed Ava’s mother. When Venus asks Ava to kill a family friend, Ava rebels. She knows very well that you can’t say no to the Coterie and expect to get away with it, though, so she and her friends hit the road, trying desperately to think of a way out of the mess they find themselves in. Preferably keeping the murder to a minimum.

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: September 23rd 2014 
by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Pre-Order here.

I'm excited for this book. First, it is a book by Macmillan. Who is a publisher that I adore. Second, the cover is prety amazing. Third, I kind of love the summary. Despite it being pretty short. I love it. And I cannot wait to read Firebug. <3 I'm hoping it will be an amazing book. Hoping for romance too, hih :)
What are you waiting for on this lovely wednesday? 


  1. I never did get the chance to read this author's other books, but I heard they were really good. I'm looking forward to reading this one, too!

  2. This book definitely sounds different to a lot of the covers that I've seen around before, I really do like the sound of this one Carina! Brilliant pick! :)

  3. This sounds very intriguing! I think I'll be adding it to the wish list!
    Thanks for sharing Carina!

  4. Reminds me of Stephen King's "Firestarter" with a different background.

  5. Reminds me a lot of Firestarter but for a slightly younger demographic. Intriguing though nonetheless. Nice pick!

    Here's My WoW

  6. This is like Firestarter the movie mixed in with The Curseworkers series. Hope you get your hands on this soon, Carina! :)

  7. Ooo, I keep seeing a ton of people get this one, so I hope you get it as well! Here's hoping there is a great romance in there, just for you :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. I hope you'll enjoy, Carina!

  9. That cover is beautiful, i hadn't heard about this yet but I'm definitely looking it up :) great pick!
    Here's my pick

  10. Oh, new to me--with shiny cover! hope you get to read it soon, and have a happy hump day!

  11. This sounds SO good! I hope you love it!

    My WoW:

  12. oooh! I have a copy of this but have not read it yet, or heard much about it. I want to read it more now that you've got your eye on it. I hope you can read it soon!


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