
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Review: A World Without Princes by Soman Chainani

This book was evil. So evil. And I loved it to pieces. So glad I decided to buy this book before I read the first one. As I wouldn't have been able to wait after reading book one, lol. But holy. How will I be able to wait for book three? It will be torture. Because this book was so good. And it ends so bad. Kind of.

I'm so glad I started reading these books. Because they are both amazing. And I adored them. Yet they also broke my heart so many times. Not fair, hih. I find the writing to be amazing in both books. Which makes me all kinds of happy. Good writing is always a plus. Especially when there is such a good story too.

There might be spoilers in this review. For book one, which should be pretty obvious, lol. I will try not to spoil this book, but there are a few things I need to talk about. But I will not share how anything ends, as it shocked me a little and I want it to shock you too :D Though it is a very evil ending. Big cliffhanger. Yet also the perfect ending, if that makes sense. But agh. It shouldn't have been the end. I need to know what happens next.

I love the characters in this book. Agatha. Tedros. Sophie. Hester. Dot. Everyone. I felt so sorry for Hort at first. But then. I'm starting to think that I shouldn't feel sorry for him. Hm. I'm not sure. I wonder if he will do something in book three. And I worry about Aric as well. I worry about a lot of the characters. I need to know what happens next. Sigh. I adored Agatha's friends. Especially Hester and Dot. They are witches yet they are so awesome and kind and fun. Mostly. I loved reading about them all, anyway :)

Agatha is still my favorite person in these books. She's just so good. And loving. And kind. I adore her. Sure, she has some dark thoughts. Well, she thinks so. But I don't. She just want her Prince. Her happy ending. But then there is Sophie. Who I still see as an evil witch. Agh. I wish I could love their friendship. But she lies so much. She don't want Agatha with Tedros. Sniffs. She still wants him for herself, I think. But I do love their friendship. Mostly. Just, can't Agatha have her Prince and friend?

A lot of this book is about Agatha and Sophie's friendship. How it is turning bad. Kind of. There is some doubt. Which I totally understood. Just wishing I could love their friendship. But sigh. I want Agatha to have a better friend. Though I also felt so sorry for Sophie at times. So I'm conflicted. I want them to be friends, without it ruining Agatha's chance at true love and happiness with Tedros. Because the romance is amazing. Though so little of it in this book. Heartbreak. But then near the end.. so much swoon. <3

There is just so much to love in this book. Though The School for Good and Evil is changed a lot in this book. Nine months have passed since Sophie and Agatha got sent home. But then a wish get them back. And everything has changed. I loved that the girls were being themselves. The Good and the Evil. And the boys too. But I hated that they weren't together. That there was sort of a war between them. So heartbreaking. Yet also kind of amazing. It was an awesome plot twist and I loved reading about it.

There are some awful scenes in this book. Like this torture thing. But I also loved it beyond reason, lol. There is just so many magical things in this book. So much to love. And dislike. And fear. I just really enjoyed this book. And Agatha. Sniffs. I love her so much. And I just want her to have her happy ending. With Tedros. Yeah. There better be more romance in book three, lol. But I also want her to be friends with Sophie. If she would stop being so.. Evil. Or, at least being a kind Evil. That is possible.

I'm not sure what to say about A World Without Princes. It is all kinds of exciting. It is heartbreaking. And I loved it to pieces. It was just the best. Sigh. But seriously. It made me so sad. People were so cruel to Tedros. I just wish Agatha was there with him. Sniffs. I ship them a lot, lol. Ack. I just need book three because that ending! I'm so excited for what will happen next. I need it. So bad. Sigh. Anyway. I really loved this book. And all of you will love it too. So if you read book one, go read this!

Goodreads - Buy it

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. It's an awesome feeling when you get to read a book and its sequel back to back!
    So glad to hear you loved it, and too bad there was an evil cliffhanger!!
    Great review, Carina!

  2. I love this cover! I have the first one in the series, but haven't read it yet. Maybe I should wait until the third one is out so I can read them together. :) They sound fabulous! Great review!

  3. I skimmed over a lot of this because I didn't want to spoil the first book, but I'm so glad you loved this one too after loving the first book! Isn't that just the best? :) I hope the wait for book three goes quickly!!

  4. I love when you start your reviews with "this book is so evil. but I love it" LOL!

  5. I just skimmed this, bc I haven't read the first one yet. But YAY for another book you loved. Though I'm worried about it's evilness! I shouldn't worry about triangles in here should I? I'll let you know when I read these.

    1. Well.. I'm not sure I can answer that, lol :D I didn't think there was one. But a little bit relationship drama ;p but it was fun as well.

  6. Looks like I seriously have to add this to my TBR! Glad you liked it!!

  7. I want to read this series so much!! This is the first i had heard about the bad stuff in the book though. Hope i am not too scared!

  8. Agatha sounds like a character that I would really enjoy as well

  9. This sounds so interesting and intriguing, the whole "turning bad" part!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  10. Happy to hear you're enjoying this series so much Carina :) I wanted to love these books but they just weren't for me. I hope you don't have to wait too long for book three!

  11. Wow, high praise! It's great to read you review because you are such an enthusiastic cheerleader for this series and it's making me want to read these books SO bad!! They sound right up my alley so I'm thinking I'll love them, too!

  12. I haven't yet read the first one, but I have a copy of it sitting on my shelf. I definitely want to read it sometime soon! The series sounds like such an exciting read. The main characters both seem pretty cool, too. Great review :)

  13. I love the you've reviewed the two books back to back and loved them both! I definitely need to try this series out! I need more fantastic MG in my life! :)


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