
Saturday, May 31, 2014

In My Mailbox #135

I got accepted for Winterspell! Yesss. And I have read it. And I have reviewed it. And I have loved it. So damn much. That book was perfect. Sigh. I cannot wait for you all to read it in September. ANYWAY. I am now back home from my roadtrip with my sister :) It took us about.. 23 hours to drive home, I think. We spent two nights at hotels. And holy crap. Sweden and Finland is an AWFUL PLACE. I'm sorry. But there were only TREES the whole damn way. And it was so.. dead everywhere. Barely any houses. And then a few houses, then trees for AGES. I would never have been able to live in any of those places, lol. And there wasn't any good food. Not anywhere. Sobs. That was depressing. But. I got to buy myself all the Capri Sonne I wanted. And some Red Bull. And some candy. Cause those things were cheap in Sweden :D Which was the only good thing about our trip, lol. But it was nice driving with my sister. Her new car is pretty awesome. Anyway. I did get some awesome things in the mail this week. <3 But I'm waiting for MUCH MORE awesome. And I'm hoping some of it will arrive next week. Fingers crossed :D Oh. And Edelweiss? They are killing me. I downloaded a bunch of books again :p I need to make myself read them all, lol. Hopefully soonish. Oh! And I read She Is Not Invisible. Enjoyed it. And posted another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on This Shattered World :) And, of course, my Winterspell review. <3

May Bird trilogy. I pre-ordered these three books a while ago, as I think they look GORGEOUS :D
The Falconer. Finally bought myself the gorgeous UK paperback edition. <3 Ack, how it is pretty.
Witch Finder. Bought this one :D As I am getting an ARC of book two from publisher in the UK. <3
Mario Kart 8. Yess. Finally :D Have waited MANY MONTHS for this game. Starting it right away :D

Tangled & Brave. Bought these color books in Sweden. <3 Gorgeous stickers inside :D I love them.
Angry Birds. Oh, you gorgeous big plush. I love it. So cute. And the foam toy as well :D I love it.
Disney Infinity. Oh, fine. I bought two more of these powers ups, lol. I have yet to play the game. ACK!
How To Train Your Dragon. Two gorgeous small books. <3 Oh, how I want this movie right away.
Bukowski Plush. The best plush design ever. I need ALL of them :D But I cannot find them.. Sniffs.
Laban Ghost. Ack, this plush was just too cute for me not to buy. I had to own him. He is so adorable.

Winterspell. I waited so long for this book. And I loved it. It was very much worth the long wait. <3
The Perilous Sea. DYING. I'm so excited :D I just need to re-read The Burning Sky first. <3 Can't wait.
Deliverance. I.. have yet to read book two. But now I will get to read all three books :D Very excited.
The Jewel. I had to download this book, lol. I just had to. That cover? Gorgeous. Hope I will love it.
A Thousand Pieces of You. This cover is beyond gorgeous as well. Fingers crossed the book is too :D
Stitching Snow. I saw good reviews for this. So glad I got accepted via Netgalley. <3 Excited to read.
Falling into Place. I saw this cover. Then I read about it. And I very much like the summary. Can't wait.

Capri Sonne. Hih, my collection :D 36x10. <3 Oh, how good they are. See it on my instagram here.
And see the Red Bulls that I bought here. And! Picture of my new haircut here. Hih :)


  1. All these books... I'm looking forward to read The Jewel, Stitching Snow and A Thousand Pieces Of You when they are released. But the cover of The Perilous Sea is also very pretty. Great haul. Enjoy reading! :)

  2. Quite a mailbox! Hehehe... Capri Sonne looks very much like Capri Sun!

  3. I saw that you reviewed Winterspell, awesome! And I got those seven books as well :D Hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Witch finder and A Thousand Pieces of You sound like amazing books :) Love the covers, so beautiful both :) Winterspell is on my reading list, sound so fantastic :)

  5. Those books from Jodi Lynn Anderson; gorgeous! And ahh, you are so lucky they approved you for Winterspell after all :D

  6. Yay you got accepted for Stitching Snow! I can't wait to hear your thoughts! Some really good books in this post, so excited for you!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  7. I need Stitching Snow and A Thousand Pieces of You! AMAZING HAUL!

  8. Oooh Deliverance! I would like to finish that series. You got a great haul here, Carina! Enjoy your books. :)

  9. So many pretty books! I hope you'll enjoy them all! :)
    And I love Capri-Sonne as well! :D BTW, love your new haircut, I've been thinking about something similar for a while. :)

  10. Your excitement for Winterspell is infectious!! Now I can't wait to reach out my grabby hands for them brrrr

    Have a great week =)

    Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

  11. Stitching Snow is on Netgalley?! *runs to Netgalley*

    Winterspell and the Jewel look fabulous! Hope you enjoy everything :)

  12. Ooh, I'll be curious to see what you thought of Witch Finder! Harper's uploads are slightly overwhelming, but in the absolute best way possible. :) Have a great week Carina!


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