
Saturday, May 24, 2014

In My Mailbox #134

Well. This was a good week. And a bad week. I am HEARTBROKEN over the fact that I got declined to read Winterspell via Edelweiss :( Do they not know how much I want it? Ack. So unfair, lol. But I requested again. Sigh. Fingers crossed. ANYWAY. The rest of the week was pretty amazing. I got some AWESOME things in the mail. <3 A few amazing things that I have won. Sigh. So happy. And I got my sister and nephew back home, hih. So I am even more exhausted these days, lol. And I cut my hair yesterday. It feels SO SHORT. I told her I wanted just above the shoulder. This is not just above the shoulder. It is so so much shorter. I might share pictures on Instagram someday. Maybe. We'll see ;p ANYWAY. I am ALSO going on a roadtrip with my sister on Monday :D She is buying a car. So we are first flying two hours to Oslo, then driving home through Sweden. Which will be 23 hours in a car. But we will stop many places. And sleep for at least two nights. So I am very excited, hih. I cannot wait. Sigh. Anyway. I was supposed to read a lot this week. But I still don't really feel like reading anything. Sniffs. But. I did read my preview of The Cabinet of Curiosities. <3 And I re-read The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. It is so good. Another awesome Cress Tuesday. <3 And I'm waiting on Firebug this week. Oh, and I posted my Rebel blog tour post :) Also, US GIVEAWAY! On the Rebel blog tour post. Still a day left to enter :) You should do that. Anyway. So happy with what I got this week. <3 What did you get this week?

Book package won from Stefan Bachmann. Huge thank you to Stefan :D I am SO EXCITED about these books. <3 Have read the preview of Cabinet already, and loved it so much. <3 And Cavendish is a favorite of mine. Sigh. But have yet to read the other three books :D And I cannot wait to read them all. They look awesome. And also! The Peculiar is signed :D Thank you so much Stefan. I love it. <3 You can see the very awesome signature by Stefan on my instagram, here. Love this package so much. <3

Raging Star. I.. have not yet decided if I want to read this and book 2. Will figure it out soonish, I think.
The Lovely and the Lost. I am excited to start reading this series. But also worried about triangle. Ack.
Rebel. Oh, I really loved this book. <3 Such a good story. And it is so pretty and unique as well. I love it.
Dorothy Must Die. I had to buy this. As I have seen people loving it. And it is gorgeous. Reading it soon.
Gustav Gloom. Omg. These two are finally in paperback. And ack! They are gorgeous! I love them.
Victories. Got from Tor Teen. <3 Thank you so much. You must read about my thoughts on it here.

Astrid! Hiccup! Toothless! Oh, my loves. I love these figures so damn much. They are GORGEOUS. I love them beyond words. Ack. And oh, how I need to watch the movie. But sobs. Not here in my town until July 4th :'( Heartbreak. So unfair, lol. Anyway. Also two other gorgeous items that I got :D Love it.

How To Train Your Dragon 2. The Art of. <3 I love it! So gorgeous. Ack. I need this movie right now.
On the Day You Were Born. I won this very gorgeous book from HMH Kids. <3 Thank you so much :D
Lego: The Hobbit. Ack! This game looks AWESOME. I need to start playing it soonish, hih. Most likely.
Thor: The Dark World. Ohh. I had to finally buy this, hih. As I loved the movie. And it is in 3D too :) Dragon. Another for my dragon collection, hih :D I love them all. And I am still missing a bunch, hih.

The Queen of the Tearling. I got invited by Megan at HarperCollins International to be a part of this blog tour :D And I am so excited. I also got an eGalley of the book. <3 I must read it soonish. Hopefully. I cannot wait. Though I am a bit worried. Hm. But I think it sounds awesome.

All Four Stars. I'm a part of the amazing blog tour hosted by Wendy :D And I am so excited. I think this sounds like a great book. And I really hope I will love it. It do look pretty cute, hih. Hoping to read it pretty soon, I think.


  1. Great huge haul this week! So many books and goodies. I'm curious to hear what you think of Dorothy. I've been mixed on if I want to read it myself. Enjoy the books and your road trip!

  2. I've been thinking about getting Dust Lands, but I am just not sure yet. The cover is so intriguing, though!

  3. Such a wonderful looking haul, Carina. I'm so sorry, too that you got declined on Edelweiss. It sucks, yes. But keep on trying!

    Enjoy, hun!

  4. Nice haul of books this week. I hope you love em all. The Cover for the Lovely and the Lost is beautiful. Come check out my stack too.

    Books of Love

  5. Great haul of books you have! Flights and Chimes and Mysterious Times, sound like an amazing book :) Love the cover!

  6. Can't wait to see what you think of Dorothy Must Die and The Lovely & the Lost. Enjoyed the first book. Enjoy your reads, Carina! :)

  7. Wooot!! Awesome book haul, Carina!
    I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for you to get approved finally on Edelweiss for Winterspell! I was also declined, but I really really hope you'll get approved!! *crosses fingers & toes*

  8. I seriously need to get back on the Dustlands Series, I hope you enjoy them. Also, I'm curious about The Queen of the Tearling. Great IMM and have a nice Saturday!


  9. YAY for The Lovely and the Lost - I loved that book! And I also have The Queen of the Tearling, can't wait to read it :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Carina! Have a fabulous weekend - and good luck with Winterspell!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. The beautiful and the cursed is an amazing series and it doesn't really have a love triangle. I've read both this month and loved them!! Enjoy your roadtrip!!!

  11. The Cavendish Home For Boys and Girls sounds amazing! I love the cover and the writing seems beautiful. I really enjoyed The Beautiful and The Cursed, so I'm excited to read the sequel, too. I hope you enjoy all of your books :)

  12. I quite enjoyed The Queen of the Tearling. My main issue though was with the mc. At times the things she did and thought were maddening.

  13. Yes, I want to see your new haircut! I hope I get my egalley soon, so I can be part of the tour too :D I can't wait to get The hobbit Lego, I'm in love with these games. You won an awesome package of books by the way. Happy reading!

  14. This is an awesome haul Carina! I've heard great things about Dorothy Must Die, so can't wait to see how you find it. I also loved Thor: The Dark World too! Happy reading and have fun on your road trip!

  15. Yay, so many amazing things! I LOVE the How to Train Your Dragon POP figures, so so cute!! The art book for the second movie is amazing, isn't it?? I got that recently, too. OH, I never showed that on my book haul post! Thanks for reminding me lol.
    I'm reading Flights and Chimes right now and it's a good one! I've so excited for Cabinet of Curiosities!
    I hope you get approved for Winterspell the second time around, Carina!!

  16. Dustlands sounds great, and hope that you enjoy.

  17. So many goodies for the week! The figurines are so adorable!! Have fun on your road trip!

  18. Ooh, wow! You had a great week Carina!! Yay for that package of Stefan Bachmann! It looks gorgeous. And I can't wait to see what you think of Dorothy Must Die! I'm so curious, but I've heard such good things about it!

    I got declined for Winterspell too. :( I'm thinking I will request it again because I want it so badlyyyyy. Have a great week Carina! :D

  19. Wow that is a lot of goodies! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on some of these!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination


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