
Saturday, May 3, 2014

In My Mailbox #131

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Finally turned 21, hih. <3 And ohh. I got a lot of books this week. And a lot of ebooks too, lol. I cannot wait to read them all. Also. I read a lot of ARCs this week. Reviews: Hungry. (Don't You) Forget About Me. The Truth About Alice. The Thickety: A Path Begins. My Last Kiss. Cress Tuesday this week made me a bit sad. Sniffs. Such a good book. This week I'm waiting on Winterkill. <3 Cannot wait to read it. Also, I know that I'm a bit behind on comments. And I'm sorry. But hoping to do that in a few days :D Still waiting on a bunch of books and things, though ;p What did you all get this week? <3

Package from HarperCollins International. <3 Thank you thank you thank you so much :D I love all of these books so much. <3 Only read (Don't You) Forget About Me so far, but I loved it to pieces. Hoping to read the rest soon :D A little bit sad that The Cabinet of Curiosities was only a teaser.. but thankfully that book is out soon :D Will read this sampler soon, and then share a preview review. <3

The Forever Song. Finally got my gorgeous pre-orders. <3 Loved this book. Love both covers; US & UK.
The School for Good and Evil 2. This looks so awesome. Hoping to read book one soon :D Can't wait.
Dead Silence. I have this need to own all the books. Agh. But it is really pretty. <3 Have yet to read.
Warm Bodies. Sucker Punch. Wolfman. These were on sale so I just had to buy them. <3 Only seen WB.
3DS Games. These were on sale too :D So now I don't only have Mario, lol ;p Excited to try them all.

Prisoner of Night and Fog.
Despite giving this only a three star, I needed my own copy. SO pretty!
The Treatment. Heard bad things about this. Sniffs. Have yet to read book one (A) but now I have both.
Raging Star. I have peeked. Still don't know if I wish to read book two and this. Still pissed at bk 2 :\
The Wizard's Promise. Yeah, yeah, I have yet to read the other two books (A) but this isn't the same ;p
Calendars. These were pretty cheap, so I just had to buy them, lol. And I think they all look adorable.

Snow Like Ashes. Stray. Beware the Wild. Blackbird. Forbidden. These four books I got via HarperCollins on Edelweiss. <3 Yesss for auto-approval, hih :D I cannot wait to read them all. Think they sound all kinds of awesome. Not sure which to start first, though. But figuring that out soonish, I think ;p
The Summoning. Welcome to the Dark House. These two I got via Disney on Netgalley :D Just had to request them, as I liked the summary for both books. I will read them. Hopefully. Soonish, I think.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I'm looking forward to reading Forbidden, it sounds awesome! Ahh, The Hobbit. <3 I quite enjoyed Warm Bodies, the main character is a cutie, even as a zombie. ;)

    YAY for an awesome book haul this week finally! So glad to hear you loved (Don't You) Forget About Me!
    And those hardcovers of The Forever Song are so so pretty!
    Happy reading & I hope you'll have an amazing birthday weekend!

  3. Wow, what a haul! The Forever song was amazing, I really didnt like Tease and the others are all on my TBR list. Especially Prisoner of night and fog. Happy reading :)

  4. Wowee Happy Birthday to you! It's mine in ten days, and I'll also be 21! I just requested Stray and Snow Like Ashes from Edelweiss so fingers crossed!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  5. Happy Birthday, lovely! I hope that you had a great day :) You received so many amazing books! I've been waiting for The Cabinet of Curiosities for the longest time, it sounds so magical :) I hope that you enjoy your new books! xx

  6. Such awesome goods the week. I should rewatch Warm Bodies, I haven't seen it since the theater!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  7. Happy Birthday!!! glad you got a lot of books

  8. That's a great book haul, hun! Prisoner of Night and Fog is AMAZING. I can't wait to see what you think of it! <3

    1. Oh! And Forbidden is one I'm hoping to get approved on EW. It looks sooo good!

  9. Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy all of your new books! And yeahhhh, I binged on the Harper downloads as well. Good/bad thing :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Happy Birthday, Carina! As always, it's a delight to follow your blog and it is only getting better! Looks like a wide selection you have yourself!

  11. I hope you had a great birthday Carina! :) You have some awesome books there. Of course your HC package, but also Without princes <3 I got some of those Edelweiss books too. Happy reading!


  12. Wow Carina receiving amazing books is always the best birthday gift ever! I hope you had great day! I really can't wait to read The Treatment and Prisoner of Night and Fog! I hope you enjoy all your pretties! :)

  13. Happy birthday :) Hope you had a great day :)

  14. Happy Birthday! xx
    I always love to see what you got every week. So many lovely books, movies, and games! :)
    Hope you'll enjoy them all! :)

  15. Happy birthday , carina . I love to hear your thoughts on prisoner of night and fog

    Happy reading

  16. Happy birthday. Forbidden sounds great and hope you enjoy. Happy Reading and Weekend!

  17. Oh wow, so many amazing looking books, though I haven't heard too much about any of them! The covers are truly beautiful, especially Don't you Forget about me and the Curiosities one. They look so interesting and I absolutely am going to look them up right now! I'm all excited about books after reading your post! xx

  18. Happy birthday, Carina :) The School for Good and Evil 2 sounds great and I love that cover. I'm glad that you enjoyed The Forever Song, too, as I'm hoping to read that and The Eternity Cure sometime soon. I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  19. Lots of great books again this week, Carina!! I am so excited for Stray and Beware the Wild!

  20. Happy, happy Birthday, Carina. <3

  21. fantastic haul and i'm so happy you enjoyed don't (you) forget about me! I'm reading it soon. happy birthday Carina!! :)

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it was awesome Carina! :D

    And you got a lot of books to celebrate! Yay for HarperCollins and their awesomeness, right? I'm excited to read Sleep No More, and I'm curious to see what you think of Tease and Exile! Have a great week Carina!

  23. I just saw a review for Don't You Forget About Me and it sounded wonderful! Hope you enjoy it as well! Happy reading, Carina! :)

  24. Good lord, what a huge haul there is this week! This will definitely keep you busy for awhile. Happy belated birthday, Carina! Hope it was fun! xoxox

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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