
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Review: (Don't You) Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn

This was an evil book. I wasn't sure about it when I got it in the mail, but then I was curious about the summary. And I found the cover to be so gorgeous. So I started it. And then I could not stop. I found the writing to be beautiful most of the time. I was creeped out by the plot. I was surprised by the mysteries. I was interested from the beginning to the end. I really loved this.

I'm so glad I picked up this book yesterday. Because yeah. It was amazing. But some things bothered me a little bit. But I didn't mind that much, which is why I'm sticking with a five star rating for this book. Because I really enjoyed it. And I didn't want it to end. And I want a sequel so so bad, but there does not need to be one. But yes. I want one. I want so much more of Foote :)

(Don't You) Forget About Me is told from the point of view of Skylar. Whom I did love a lot. Though in the beginning I did not like her very much, as she had been taking these purple pills for years; and they made her forget so many things. I didn't like it. I didn't like that she did that. But she stopped. She got better. And I can't truly say that I blamed her for taking the pills, after I found out the reason for why. Agh. The mystery in this book is so good and so many things I did not see coming. Which was very exciting to read about, lol. Anyway. I loved reading about Sky's family. I loved her little brother, Wills. He was adorable. I liked her mom. Sort of. And her grandma, GG, was pretty scary. But I loved her too.

The thing about this story is the town, Gardnerville. It is creepy. It is this place far away from other places, where you arrive on a train. Though only those deadly sick gets to get there. Because in Gardnerville you are never sick. All your illnesses gets taken away. Which sounds like paradise. But then there are the 4th years. Where teenagers go crazy and most often murder a bunch of others. It was so awful to read about. Yet so interesting. I loved that plot twist to pieces. It was amazing to read about.

Skylar and her family is from the family of the man who created Gardnerville. So they have some powers. And at first that confused me a little; how Sky could read people's secrets. But then I grew to love it, because it was different from everything else I have read. Though I hated her dad's power. He is dead, though. There aren't many people in this town with powers. Most are just regular. Which I also liked. There is just so much to get to know in this town. I hated some of the people. Like Elton. Agh.

Sky has a sister. Piper. Who caused the 4th year curse thingy four years ago. It was awful to read about what happened then. But yess. So interesting. Also. There is a lot of people dying in this book. Pretty awful. I loved it, lol. Anyway. Piper. I'm not sure how I felt about her. You see, a lot of the book is parts from the past. A few chapters in-between normal chapters. We get to know Sky and Piper before she went away. And I hated how she was with Sky. She was mean. Yet kind. And Sky loved her so much.

But I did not. I did not love Piper. I truly didn't like the way she behaved around Sky. She didn't seem to care much about her. But I know she loved her. But this one scene. Piper and Sky was ruining this statue, because Piper wanted it, but she let Sky take the fault. Their dad beat Sky bloody so she couldn't walk straight for weeks. That was just awful. So awful and heartbreaking. I don't get why Piper allowed that to happen. Agh. Anyway. I very much disliked their dad. He did not love Sky. I'm so glad he's dead.

But anyway. We learn a lot about Piper in this book. But from the past. As in the present, she is not there. And Sky has spent the last four years taking the pills to forget about it all. But then she stops. Because of some other amazing plot twists, hih. Loved reading about it all. Anyway. There is this awful place they send kids that do wrong things. The reformatory. It was awful to read about, yet we don't get to know too much about it. Just that no one is the same after coming out from there. Sniffs. It was bad.

Anyway. There is so much happening in this book yet I wanted even more. I wanted the book to be longer. I wanted it to never end. There is so much plot in this book. So many surprises. I loved all of them. And the romance. Swoon. There is not much of a romance, though. It is small. And it breaks my heart that it wasn't a bigger part, hih. Because Foote. He is adorable. I loved him so much. And holy crap. His powers. His story. Heartbreak. It was the best and the worst and I need more of Foote. <3

I think I have said too much about this book, and yet not enough, lol. I want to say all the secrets. But I won't. Because it was so fun for me to read it and not knowing anything. I knew the ending, as always, kind of. But I loved reading what happened before it. And I really want to know what happens after it. Sigh. This book was just amazing. I really, truly loved it. And I know that I will re-read it later some time. It was that good, yeah. Just so happy that I got it. <3 I know you will all love it. Go order it.

Huge thank you to Megan at HarperCollins International for the print ARC of this book. <3 I am so glad that I was able to read it. It was just so so good. And I know I will be pre-ordering a hardcover of this book as well. I need it. And agh. It was just so amazing. And I need you all to read this book when it comes out in June. Because it is so good. (Don't You) Forget About Me is a stunning book. Full of surprises and amazing characters. The little romance made me swoon. This book was just awesome.


  1. Great review. I've been curious about this book for a while now so its nice to see so many people enjoying the story.

  2. Thank you so much for your fantastic review, Carina! It makes me so happy that I have this one preordered!

  3. I didn't read your review because I'm right in the middle of this one, but it gives me lots of hope that you rated it so highly! I had SUCH a hard time with the first 100 pages and it's just starting to grab me, so I'll be back to comment again when I'm done!! :D

  4. Oohh I just grabbed this from Edelweiss after some thought, wasn't sure what to expect from it. I'm so glad you loved it though! Makes me a little more excited to read it, especially because of the characters.
    Great review, Carina :)

  5. I am so absolutely glad to see you loved this Carina! It's one of my favorite books from this year! I actually didn't have as much of a problem with Piper as we got to find out more about her but like you I was definitely bothered by a lot of her actions. In the end though, you could tell that she genuinely loved her sister so I stopped being annoyed of her. I never really came to love her though.

    Gosh it was such a beautifully creepy book though, right?? :)
    I cannot wait to see what else Kate puts out. I SHALL DEVOUR IT!

    Great review, Carina!! :)

    Rashika @ the Social Potato


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