
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #126

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

In this timeless new trilogy about love and sacrifice, a princess must find her place in a reborn world.

In a society steeped in tradition, Princess Lia’s life follows a preordained course. As First Daughter, she is expected to have the revered gift of sight—but she doesn’t—and she knows her parents are perpetrating a sham when they arrange her marriage to secure an alliance with a neighboring kingdom—to a prince she has never met.

On the morning of her wedding, Lia flees to a distant village. She settles into a new life, hopeful when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive—and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assasin sent to kill her. Deception abounds, and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets—even as she finds herself falling in love.

Hardcover, 496 pages
Expected publication: July 15th 2014 by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Pre-Order here.

I'm very much in love with this book cover. It looks so pretty! Sigh. And the summary. I really think I would love this book. I really hope that I will love it. It just sounds so awesome and interesting and just like my kind of book. Excited about romance, hih, but worried about triangle. Hmm. But even so, I'm really excited for this book and I do think that I will love The Kiss of Deception. <3 It's just so pretty.
What are you waiting for?


  1. Such a pretty cover, Carina! I'm staying away from trilogies until they're all released but I hope you love this! :)

  2. The cover really is lovely! And it sounds quite interesting! Great pick Carina!

  3. Sounds good, Hope you get to read it soon.

  4. Looove the cover, sounds so amazing :)

  5. I so want this one as well. This was my WOW pick a few weeks ago. Sounds really awesome. I do like fantasy books.

    Books of Love

  6. What a beautiful cover! As soon as I saw that it was a trilogy and read the synopsis, I knew that it was going straight on my TBR list. Thanks for sharing this title :)

    My WOW:

  7. Such a lovely cover! I'm hoping this one will be an incredible story :)

  8. The mention of the love triangle is a bit worrisome! But I hope it's good. I actually got an ARC and eARC of this one somehow, and I'm excited to read it! It comes out around my birthday :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  9. I'm worried about the love triangle too. But I'm curious enough to let that slide. :)

    Great pick, Carina!

  10. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for this one! I've got an egalley of it now and I really just want to read it RIGHT now but I'm trying to wait for a little while at least. I'm so hoping there won't be a love triangle, but it doesn't look good, does it?

    Great pick Carina!
    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

    1. Me too :D Fingers crossed there won't be one. My print ARC arrived the same day as this post, hih. <3 I cannot wait to read it :D Pretty soon now, I think.


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