
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Review: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

This was a fast read. Yet so much happened. And not nearly enough. I need to know everything. And I cannot wait to read the rest of the books. Sigh. Percy Jackson has my heart. He's awesome. And this world is amazing as well. Sigh. I just loved everything about this book. Though ending was a bit cruel.

This won't be such a long review either, because I can't talk about all the spoilery things. And I don't know what to say. I just feel like saying that I loved it. I love Percy so much. And Annabeth. And Grover. And the new guy, Tyson. He was pretty amazing. Though some scenes made me so sad. But so good.

The Sea of Monsters continues where The Lightning Thief ended. Sort of. A school year has passed for Percy; where he didn't get kicked out once. Except for that last day. Which I kind of loved. But I do not like bullies. At all. But I do admit to love reading about them in these books, as I think they make it a bit more interesting. And makes me a bit angry and sad, hih.

We get to meet Tyson early on in this book. At first I wasn't sure what to think of him, as he seemed a bit weird and very sensitive. But then the book moved along and we got to know him more and he saved Percy so many times and I just ended up adoring him. I hope we see more of him soon. I liked him. And ah. Annabeth. There isn't any romance in this book, since they are pretty young, probably, but I'm pretty sure it is coming. And I'm so so excited. As I adore Annabeth. She and Percy are adorable together.

We learn more about the gods in this book and I really liked getting to meet Hermes. I think I like that god. Probably. Anyway. There is a lot of characters in this book. Like that huge monster on the cover. Creepy. Yet I loved reading about it so much. And I liked reading about Chiron. I did not like Clarisse. She is pretty awesome, though. But. A bully. And I do not approve of that. Sigh. And Luke. Aghh. I don't think I will ever like him. But I did love reading about him. For the most part. I think. He's evil.

I'm not going to say more about this book. Just that the writing is amazing and I loved all the characters so much. Well, you know. I really adore Percy. Sigh. And I'm so excited to read the next books. And just so happy that I finally started reading them all. Anyway. I think you would all love these books. Because they are amazing. They are exciting and smart and pretty sweet as well. I could not stop reading and I hope I will continue to love the rest of the books as well. Though I don't really have any doubt about it.


  1. +JMJ+

    I was interested in this series for years but only read through it last year. It was great! I'm glad you're enjoying it. =)

  2. So glad you're enjoying this series! The Titans Curse was my least favorite, but I still loved it! The books get better after that and Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series is just pure amazingness!

  3. I'm not into middle grade reads but it's nice to see you are enjoying this series, Carina. I know this one is quite a hit for most readers! Great review. :)

  4. Oh, I've just reread the whole series this week!

    I've read it before but I've had a really horrible few days, so I decided it was the perfect escapism series. I'm not normally into YA but I really, really love this series. They're just so perfect.

  5. I am determined to start this series properly this year. Can hardly wait! I've heard endless good things about Rick Riordan's writing, and it's good to see that you're so invested. I hope you enjoy the rest of the books, Carina. :)

  6. Sheesh. You're on a bender, aren't you? Lol. :) As long as you're enjoying them all.

  7. So happy to hear you're enjoying these books so much Carina! I love them too!
    Tyson was so adorable!


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