
Monday, March 10, 2014

Review: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

Oh, how I am loving these books by Rick Riordan. They are all just so amazing. But they mess with my heart, which I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. No matter, though. Because I love reading these books. And I really loved The Lost Hero. Probably as much as I loved the first five books. Sigh. So good.

There is no Percy in this book. Which broke my heart a bit. But I'm okay with it, because there are a bunch of new characters and I loved them all so much. And, there will be Percy in the next one. There better be. But oh. I loved the writing. And I keep forgetting to mention: these books make me laugh a lot.

There are a few of the old characters in this book as well. We see a bit of Annabeth, whom I still adore. But not enough, sigh. We see a bit of Chiron. And Thalia. And we learn something about Percy. That he is missing. And gah. There isn't too much focus on that part in this book, which made me a little sad. But I also really loved the plot and story in this one. It's very good.

The new characters are Jason, Piper and Leo. And the book is written from all three point of views. Which I loved. As all three characters are amazing. Though I wanted to get to know Jason a bit more, as he has lost his memory in this book. So I don't get to know that much about him. But I did like him. A lot. And Piper. Sigh. She's adorable. I really loved her! And Leo. Ah. He's maybe the best. I really loved reading about him and the things he could do. He was pretty amazing. Sigh. I just loved all three.

There is a big plot in this book. And I won't talk about a lot of the things that happen. Just that it is all so damn exciting. And despite the book being 557 pages long, I was never bored. And I just wanted more and more, like always, lol. But anyway. There is so much in this book. There is so much to love. And a lot of heartbreak, like always. But I loved it. I loved all of it so much. I loved getting to know the new characters and see what they could do. And I loved reading about the new monsters. Sigh.

There is also a new villain in this book. Far worse than Kronos. Which was all kinds of awesome, to be honest. I cannot wait to read more of that. Think it will be awesome. Sigh. Though, yeah, I fear a lot of heartbreak. But anyway. I really loved The Lost Hero. It is exciting and fun and cute as well. I think you would all love it. Though, yeah, do read the Percy Jackson books first, as you need to know what happened first :D Sigh. I just have a lot of love for these books and I cannot wait to read the rest.


  1. I agree that it was a bit confusing not having Percy in this book but once I got over that I really enjoyed reading about Jason, Piper and Leo! It's great how they're now mixing mythologies, and yes, rest assured there's Percy in the next book!! ;)

  2. Great to hear the new characters added to the story and the new villian was there.


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